Computer Skill Test Question Paper with Answer

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Computer Skill Test Question Paper with Answer for Students

The ………. shows all the Web sites and pages that you have visited over a period of time.

1. status bar

2. taskbar

3. history list

4. toolbar

5. None of these

Option 3 - history list

A hard copy of a document is

1. printed on the printer

2. stored on a floppy

3. stored on a CD

4. stored in the hard disk

5. None of these

Option 1 - printed on the printer

Where is the disk put in a computer?

1. In the modem

2. In the hard drive

3. Into the CPU

4. In the disk drive

5. None of these

Option 4 - In the disk drive

The basic goal of the computer process is to convert data into

1. files

2. tables

3. information

4. graphs

5. None of these

Option 3 - information

The secret code that restricts entry to some programs is

1. password

2. passport

3. entry-code

4. access-code

5. None of these

Option 4 - access-code

Which of the following are computers that can be carried around easily?

1. Minicomputers

2. Supercomputers

3. PCs

4. Laptops

5. None of these

Option 4 - Laptops

A(n) ………. is a device that electronically processes - es data, converting it to information.

1. algorithm

2. computer

3. software

4. program

5. None of these

Option 2 - computer

The name of the computer's brain is

1. monitor

2. hardware

3. CPU

4. byte

5. None of these

Option 3 - CPU

This can be another word for program

1. software

2. disk

3. floppy

4. hardware

5. None of these

Option 1 - software

………. is a set of keywords, symbols, and a system of rules for constructing statements by which humans can communicate the instructions to be executed by a computer.

1. A computer program

2. A programming language

3. An assemble

4. Syntax

5. None of these

Option 1 - A computer program

A printer is this kind of device

1. input

2. word processing

3. processing

4. output

5. None of these

Option 4 - output

Which of the following are known as Universal gates?

a. Nand & Nor

b. And & OR

c. XOR & OR

d. And

Option a - Nand & Nor

The binary equivalent of decimal number 98 is ........

a. 1110001

b. 1110100

c. 1100010

d. 1111001

Option c - 1100010

The decimal equivalent of (IIII)2 is

a. 11

b. 10

c. 1

d. 15

Option d - 15

The conversion of decimal number (61)10 to its binary number equivalent is

a. (110011)₂

b. (11001110)₂

c. (111101)₂

d. (11111)₂

Option c - (111101)₂

A hekadigit can be represented by

a. three binary (consecutive) bits

b. four binary (consecutive) bits

c. eight binary (consecutive) bits

d. sixteen binary (consecutive) bits

Option d - sixteen binary (consecutive) bits

ASCII stands for

a. American special computer for information Interaction.

b. American standard computer for Information Interchange.

c. American special code for Information Interchange.

d. American standard code for Information Interchange.

Option d - American standard code for Information Interchange

Which of the following character sets supports Japanese & Chinese fonts?



c. BC


Option d - UNICODE

If ******* represents 'I' and represents 0. What will be the one's complement of 0………00…..?

a. 011001

b. 100110

c. 101010

d. 000000

Option b - 100110

If you receive an e-mail from someone you don't know, what should you do?

1. Forward it to the police immediately

2. Delete it without opening it

3. Open it and respond to them saying you don't know them

4. Reply and ask them for their personal information

5. Reply and tell them you want to keep in touch with them

Option 2 - Delete it without opening it

How many options does a binary choice offer?

1. None

2. One

3. Two

4. It depends on the amount of memory in the computer

5. It depends on the speed of the computer's processor

Option 3 - Two

A collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes information is called

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1. operating system

2. computer

3. office

4. compiler

5. interpreter

Option 1 - operating system

How are data organized in a spreadsheet?

1. Lines and spaces

2. Layers and planes

3. Height and width

4. Rows and columns

5. None of these

Option 4 - Rows and columns

When cutting and pasting, the item cut is temporarily stored in

1. ROM

2. Hard drive

3. Diskette

4. Dashboard

5. Clipboard

Option 5 - Clipboard

When you are working on a document on a PC, where is the document temporarily stored?

1. RAM

2. ROM

3. The CPU

4. Flash memory

5. The CD-ROM

Option 1 - RAM

One megabyte equals approximately

1. 1,000 bits

2. 1,000 bytes.

3. 1 million bytes

4. 1 million bits

5. 2,000 bytes

Option 3 - 1 million bytes

Which of the following refers to a small, single site network?

1. LAN

2. DSL

3. RAM

4. USB

5. CPU

Option 1 - LAN

A set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called

1. mentor

2. instructor

3. compiler

4. program

5. debugger

Option 4 - program

Data going into the computer is called?

1. output

2. algorithm

3. input

4. calculations

5. flowchart

Option 3 - input

A name or number used to identify storage location devices?

A) A byte

B) A record

C) An address

D) All of the above

Option c - An address

Which of the following is not a computer language?

A) High-level language

B) Medium-level language

C) Low-level language

D) All of the above

Option b - Medium-level language

Reading data is performed in a magnetic disk by

A) Read/write leads

B) Sectors

C) Track

D) Lower surface

Option a - Read/write leads

IBM 7000 digital computer

A) Belongs to the second generation

B) Uses VLSI

C) Employs semiconductor memory

D) Has modular constructions

Option d - Has modular constructions

Which of the following is not an electro-mechanical computer?

A) Mark I


C) Zuse


Option d - UNIVAC

The term 'computer' is derived from-

A) Greek language

B) Sanskrit language

C) Latin language

D) German language

Option c - Latin language

Which statement is valid about magnetic tape?

A) It is a plastic ribbon

B) It is coated on both sides with iron oxide

C) It can be erased and reused

D) All of the above

Option d - All of the above

Which of the following is a first-generation computer?


B) IBM 1401

C) CDC 1604

D) ICL 2950

Option a - EDSAC

A hard copy would be prepared on a

A) Line printer

B) Dot matrix Printer

C) Typewriter terminal

D) All of the above

Option d - All of the above

The term GIGO is related to which characteristics of computers?

A) Speed

B) Automatic

C) Accuracy

D) Reliability

Option c - Accuracy

Which of the following programming languages was used in first-generation computers?

A) Machine language

B) Assembly language

C) Both of the above

D) None of the above

Option a - Machine language

Which unit holds data temporarily?

A) Input unit

B) Secondary storage unit

C) Output Unit

D) Primary Memory Unit

Option d - Primary Memory Unit

The computer size was very large in

A) First Generation

B) Second Generation

C) Third Generation

D) Fourth Generation

Option a - First Generation

To access the properties of an object, the mouse technique is

A. right-clicking

B. dropping

C. None of these

D. shift-clicking

Option a - right-clicking

Which of the following controls the manner of interaction between the user & the operating system?

A. user interface

B. language translator

C. platform

D. None of these

Option a - user interface

IBM stands for

A. International Business Machine

B. Interconnected Business Machine

C. None of these

D. Internal Business Machine

Option a - International Business Machine

Fourth-generation PCs contain

A. Information

B. Data

C. Microprocessor

D. Transistor

Option c - Microprocessor

Which of the following is not a component of an e-wallet?

A. User profile manager

B. Digital cash

C. Communication manager

D. None of these

Option b - Digital cash

A scanner scans

A. Both Pictures and Text

B. None of these

C. Neither Pictures nor Text

D. Text

Option d - Text

The ......... also called the Web, contains billions of documents.

A. None of these

B. World Wide Web

C. Domain

D. Web Portal

Option d - Web Portal

A ......... is a microprocessor-based computing device.

A. Personal computer

B. Server

C. Mainframe

D. None of these

Option a - Personal computer

Keyboard and ........ are examples of input devices.

A. Printer

B. Mouse


D. Modem

Option c - CPU

Which of the following are properties of USB?

A. Platform dependent

B. Software dependent

C. Source dependent

D. Platform independent

Option d - Platform independent

To move to the bottom of a document, press

A. Shift key

B. Home key

C. Insert key

D. Ctrl + End

Option d - Ctrl + End

A flat metallic disk that contains a large amount of permanently stored information read optically is called a


B. None of these



Option d - CD-ROM

DBMS stands for

A. Data Basic Management System

B. Database Management System

C. Developer Management System

D. Database Manager System

Option b - Database Management System

The part of a computer that coordinates all its functions is called its

A. Arithmetic logic unit

B. System board

C. None of these

D. Control unit

Option d - Control unit

While browsing the internet, what do we call the area of storage that compensates for the different speeds of data flow or timings of events by temporarily holding a block of data that is waiting to be processed?

A. Cache

B. Buffer

C. Flash

D. Trash

Option b - Buffer

Which among the following is a high-level language used to develop software applications in compact, efficient code that can be run on different types of computers with minimal change?


B. C



Option c - COBOL

What do we call an input/output device on a computer, reserved for communication between the computer operator or maintenance engineer & the computer?

A. EDP Device

B. Console

C. Jokey

D. Link Device

Option b - Console

Which among the following is NOT a search engine?

A. Google

B. Baidu

C. Wolfram Alpha

D. Yahoo

Option c - Wolfram Alpha

Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in which year?

A. 1977

B. 1985

C. 1988

D. None of these

Option b - 1985

32-bit operations were introduced for the first time by Microsoft in?

A. Windows 95

B. Windows 3.0

C. Windows 3.11

D. None of these

Option c - Windows 3.11

A GUID is a 128-bit (16 byte) number used by software programs to uniquely identify the location of a data object. What is the correct full form?

A. Graphical User Identifier

B. Globally Unique Identifier

C. Globally Unique Internet

D. None of these

Option b - Globally Unique Identifier

Which among the following has been standardized in the IEEE 802.3 specification?

A. Bluetooth

B. Ethernet


D. All of them

Option b - Ethernet

The instruction to copy the contents of the MBR to the main memory is

1. Store

2. Load

3. Move

4. Copy

Option 1 - Store

The …….. is responsible for the mathematical and logical operations of a computer

1. CU

2. MMU

3. ALU

4. MBR

Option 3 - ALU

A port is the same as

1. Computer

2. Controller

3. CPU

4. Disk

Option 2 - Controller

KIPS stands for

1. Kilo instructions per second

2. Kilo instructions per unit

3. Kilo information per second

4. None of these

Option 1 - Kilo instructions per second

Which of the following is a measurement of MIPS

1. Computer speed

2. Storing capacity

3. Both 1 and 2

4. None of these

Option 1 - Computer speed

1 Byte = ?

1. 8 bits

2.2 bits

3.4 bits

4.9 bits

Option 1 - 8 bits

1024 Bits = ?

1.2 Kilobytes

2. 1-kilo byte

3.1 Giga bytes

4. None of these

Option 2 - 1-kilo byte

We can imagine the various arithmetic and logical operations that can be performed by

1. Software

2. Hardware

3. Application software

4. Micro Software

Option 2 - Hardware

C.U stands for

1. Common unit

2. Control union

3. The control unit

4. All of the above

Option 3 - The control unit

An assembly language programmer is allowed to write instructions such as

1. Add

2. Sub

3. Both 1 and 2

4. None of these

Option 3 - Both 1 and 2

IR stands for

1. Instruction remembers

2. Instruction registers

3. Information register

4. All of the above

Option 2 - Instruction registers

The accumulator is almost all

1. Load Instructions

2. Store Instruction

3. Both 1 and 2

4. None of these

Option 3 - Both 1 and 2

The thick surface containing the device in the computer is called a

1. Plastic board

2. CPU

3. Motherboard

4. Jacket

Option 3 - Motherboard

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