HSST Chemistry Previous Question Papers

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HSST Chemistry Previous Question Papers Objective for Students

In zinc blende structure, the coordination number of the cations is

(A) 4

(B) 6

(C) 8

(D) 12

Option a – 4

Cu crystallizes with FCC structure lattice. It has a co-ordination number that is

(A) 4

(B) 1

(C) 12

(D) 2

Option c – 12

The ratio of close-packed atoms to tetrahedral holes in cubic packing is

(A) 1 : 1

(B) 1 : 2

(C) 2 : 1

(D) 1 : 3

Option b – 1 : 2

The ratio of close-packed atoms to octahedral holes in cubic packing is

(A) 1 : 1

(B) 1 : 2

(C) 2 : 1

(D) 1 : 3

Option a – 1 : 1

Solid with high electrical and thermal conductivity from the following is

(A) Si

(B) Li

(C) NaCl

(D) Ice

Option b – Li

Most crystals have good cleavage because their atoms, ions, or molecules are

(A) Weakly bound together

(B) Strongly bound together

(C) Spherically symmetrical

(D) Arranged in planes

Option d – Arranged in planes

The limiting radius for tetrahedral geometry is

(A) 0 – 0.154

(B) 0.225 – 0.414

(C) 0.154 – 0.225

(D) 0.414 – 0.732

Option b – 0.225 – 0.414

When certain crystals produce electric signals by applying pressure. It is called

(A) Pyroelectricity

(B) Ferroelectricity

(C) Piezoelectricity

(D) Ferrielectricity

Option c – Piezoelectricity

In a crystal state iodine molecules are held together by

(A) Coulombic force

(B) Dispersion force

(C) Dipole-dipole force

(D) Ion dipole force

Option b – Dispersion force

The Schottky defect is observed when

(A) an Unequal number of cations and anions are mixing from the lattice.

(B) An equal number of cations and anions are mixed from the lattice.

(C) Ions leave lattice sites and occupy interstitial sites.

(D) The density of the crystal increases.

Option b – An equal number of cations and anions are mixed from the lattice

When NaCl is added to water

(A) the Freezing point is raised

(B) the Boiling point is depressed

(C) F.P. does not changes

(D) B.P. is raised

Option d – B.P. is raised

When the partial pressure of the solvent in a solution of non-volatile solute is plotted against its mole fraction, the nature of the graph is

(A) A straight line passing through the origin

(B) a Straight line parallel to the mole fraction of solvent

(C) a Straight line parallel to V.P. of solvent

(D) Straight line intersecting V.P. axis

Option a – A straight line passing through the origin

Lowering in V.P. of solution

(A) Is a property of solute

(B) Is a property of the solvent

(C) Is a colligative property.

(D) Is a property of solute and solvent.

Option c – Is a colligative property

The vapor pressure of a solution of a nonvolatile solute is always

(A) Equal to V.P. of solvent

(B) Higher than V.P. of solvent

(C) Lower than V.P. of solvent

(D) Constant

Option c – Lower than V.P. of solvent

The solution which gives the highest elevation in B.P. is

(A) 1 M AIPO4

(B) 0.05 M NaCl

(C) 0.1 M MgSO4

(D) 0.1 M KCI

Option a – 1 M AlPO4

Relative lowering in vapor pressure depends on

(A) the Nature of the solvent

(B) the Nature of the Solute

(C) the Mole fraction of the solute

(D) the Mole fraction of solvent

Option c – the Mole fraction of the solute

Azeotropic mixtures are

(A) Constant temperature boiling mixtures

(B) These solutions boil at different temperatures.

(C) A mixture of two solids

(D) None of these

Option d – None of these

Relative lowering in vapor pressure of 6 g urea in 108 g of water would be

(A) 0.164

(B) 0.18

(C) 0.33

(D) 0.0164

Option d – 0.0164

Two isotonic solutions with the same solvent will have

(A) the Same B.P. but a different F.P.

(B) the Same F.P. but a different B.P.

(C) Different B.P. and F.P.

(D) the Same B.P. and F.P.

Option d – the Same B.P. and F.P.

When a substance is dissolved into a solvent the vapor pressure of the solvent decreases. This results in

(A) an increase in the B.P. of the solution

(B) a Decrease in the B.P. of the solution

(C) the Solution having a higher F.P. than the pure solvent.

(D) The solution has a lower F.P. than the pure solvent.

Option a – an increase in the B.P. of the solution

The solution which shows positive or negative deviation from Raoult’s law is

(A) Ideal solution

(B) Real solution

(C) Nonideal solution

(D) True solution

Option c – Nonideal solution

The enthalpies of the formation of compound

(A) are Always Negative

(B) Always positive

(C) may be positive or negative

(D) Never negatives

Option c – may be positive or negative

Enthalpy of sublimation of a substance is equal to

(A) Enthalpy of fusion + enthalpy of vaporization

(B) Enthalpy of fusion

(C) Enthalpy of vaporization

(D) Twice of enthalpy of vaporization

Option a – Enthalpy of fusion + enthalpy of vaporization

When water is added to quick lime the reaction is

(A) Explosive

(B) Endothermic

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(C) Exothermic

(D) Photochemical

Option c – Exothermic

Heat exchanged in a chemical reaction at constant temperature and pressure is called

(A) Internal energy

(B) Enthalpy

(C) Entropy

(D) Free energy

Option b – Enthalpy

The enthalpy of the combustion of sucrose is 1350 kcal. How much heat is evolved when 17.1 g of sucrose is burnt?

(A) 67.5 Kcal

(B) 13.5 Kcal

(C) 40.5 Kcal

(D) 25.5 K cal

Option a – 67.5 Kcal

An exothermic reaction is spontaneous at

(A) Low temperature

(B) High temperature

(C) at 0°C

(D) greater than 100°C

Option a – Low temperature

The Enthalpy of a compound is equal to its

(A) Heat of formation

(B) Heat of combustion

(C) Heat of formation with opposite sign

(D) the heat of combustion with opposite sign

Option a – Heat of formation

The same weights of the gases are allowed to expand isothermal and reversibly from 10 dm³ to 25 dm³ differently. The work done is maximum under the same condition for

(A) N₂

(B) 02

(C) CO2

(D) C3H8

Option a – N₂

Through the reaction of benzene and chlorine in the presence of catalyst say iron, which of the following would be obtained?

(a) Benzene hexachloride

(b) Benzylchloride

(c) Chloro benzene

(d) Benzoyl chloride

Option c – Chloro benzene

The gas produced through the pouring water on the calcium carbide is

(a) methane

(b) ethane

(c) ethylene

(d) acetylene

Option d – acetylene

Which one among the following fuels is used in gas welding?

(a) LPG

(b) Ethylene

(c) Methane

(d) Acetylene

Option d – acetylene

Which one of the following is burned in oxygen, producing a very hot flame, used for welding and cutting metals?

(a) Butane

(b) Methane

(c) Ethylene

(d) Acetylene

Option d – acetylene

Acetylene is used as an anaesthetic under the name of

(a) narcylene

(b) pyrene

(c) neopyrene

(d) pyroline

Option a – narcylene

The Teflon plastic is prepared by the polymerization of

(a) ethylene

(b) acetylene

(c) benzene

(d) tetrafluoro ethylene

Option d – tetrafluoro ethylene

To weld metals together, high temperature required such a high temperature is obtained by burning

(a) acetylene in oxygen.

(b) LPG in oxygen.

(c) methane in oxygen.

(d) acetylene in nitrogen.

Option a – acetylene in oxygen

The pure form of amorphous carbon is

(a) Diamond

(b) graphite

(c) charcoal

(d) fullerene

Option c – charcoal

Ethanol containing 5% water is known as

(a) rectified spirit

(b) absolute alcohol

(c) dilute alcohol

(d) power alcohol

Option a – rectified spirit

The antiseptic action of the dettol is due to the presence of

(a) chlorobenzol

(b) chloroxylenol

(c) chloroquine

(d) chloroamphenicol

Option b – chloroxylenol

An organic compound is used in making picric acid (explosive), phenolphthalein (an indicator), bakelite, salol, aspirin, salicylic acid, etc. The organic compound is

(a) benzene

(b) phenol

(c) nitrobenzene

(d) aniline

Option b – phenol

Which of the following the gas causes the explosion in coal mines?

(a) Carbon dioxide

(b) Nitrogen

(c) Butane

(d) Methane

Option d – Methane

Which of the following ore is concentrated by the froth floatation process?

(a) Haematite

(b) Carnalite

(c) Sphalerite

(d) Calamine

Option c – Sphalerite

The froth floatation process for the concentration of ores is an illustration of the practical application of

(a) absorption

(b) adsorption

(c) sedimentation

(d) coagulation

Option b – adsorption

If the ore is soluble in some suitable solvent but impurities are not, then the most suitable method of concentration of ore is

(a) leaching

(b) froth floatation method

(c) hydraulic washing

(d) None of the above

Option a – leaching

The concentrated ore is generally converted into oxides because

(a) oxides are generally unstable.

(b) oxides generally have high melting points.

(c) oxides are easier to reduce.

(d) All of the above

Option c – oxides are easier to reduce

The true statement about the roasting process is

(a) impurities are removed as their volatile oxide.

(b) ore is converted into its oxide.

(c) processes like oxidation, chlorination, etc, take place.

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

Sulfide ores are common for the metals

(a) Ag, Cu and Pb

(b) Ag, Cu and Sn

(c) Ag, Mg and Pb

(d) Al, Cu and Pb

Option a – Ag, Cu and Pb

Which of the following is a true statement regarding calcination?

(a) The ore is heated strongly in the absence of any blast of air.

(b) The ore is heated with calcium.

(c) The ore is heated with carbon.

(d) The mineral is melted with limestone.

Option a – The ore is heated strongly in the absence of any blast of air

The chemical process in the production of steel from haematite ore involves

(a) oxidation

(b) reduction

(c) oxidation followed by reduction

(d) reduction followed by oxidation

Option c – oxidation followed by reduction

Chemical leaching is useful in the concentration of

(a) copper pyrites

(b) bauxite

(c) galena

(d) cassiterite

Option b – bauxite

The manufacturing of iron from iron ore involves the process of

(a) oxidation

(b) reduction

(c) electrolysis

(d) fractional distillation

Option b – reduction

When metal is obtained in the molten state from its ore, the process may be called

(a) rusting

(b) smelting

(c) calcination

(d) thermal dissociation

Option b – smelting

Which of the following is not used for refining metals?

(a) Liquation

(b) Chromatographic methods

(c) Distillation

(d) Leaching

Option d – Leaching

Which one of the following elements forms the maximum number of compounds?

(a) Hydrogen

(b) Carbon

(c) Nitrogen

(d) Oxygen

Option b – Carbon

Buckminster fullerene is an allotrope of

(a) Boron

(b) Iron

(c) Phosphorus

(d) Carbon

Option d – Carbon

Which one of the following is not an allotrope of carbon?

(a) Soot

(b) Graphite

(c) Diamond

(d) Carborundum

Option d – Carborundum

Diamond is a

(a) good conductor and soft

(b) non-conductor and soft

(c) non-conductor and hard

(d) good conductor and hard

Option c – non-conductor and hard

Which one of the following is not true for diamonds?

(a) Each carbon atom is linked to four other carbon atoms.

(b) Three-dimensional network structure of carbon atoms is formed.

(c) It is used as an abrasive for sharpening hard tools.

(d) It can be used as a lubricant.

Option d – It can be used as a lubricant

Which among the following is an element?

(a) Alumina

(b) Brass

(c) Graphite

(d) Silica

Option c – Graphite

Which of the following is also used as a lubricant?

(a) Cuprite

(b) Graphite

(c) Haematite

(d) Cryolite

Option b – Graphite

Graphite is used in atomic piles

(a) as a lubricant.

(b) as a fuel.

(c) as an insulator.

(d) as a moderator.

Option d – as a moderator

Water softener is

(a) borax

(b) zeolite

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Option c – Both (a) and (b)

Which one of the following is used for writing on glass?

(a) Silicon

(b) Graphite

(c) Hydrogen fluoride

(d) Hydrogen iodide

Option c – Hydrogen fluoride

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

(a) Oxides of non-metals are basic.

(b) Oxides of non-metals are acidic.

(c) Oxides of metals are acidic.

(d) All options are correct.

Option b – Oxides of non-metals are acidic

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas. The antidote used for this poisoning is

(a) pure oxygen.

(b) carbonic acid.

(c) carborundum.

(d) carbogen.

Option d – carbogen

Which one of the following is water gas?

(a) Mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

(b) Mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen.

(c) Mixture of carbon dioxide and water vapor.

(d) Mixture of carbon monoxide and water vapor.

Option a – Mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen

Water gas is produced by

(a) passing steam over red-hot coke.

(b) passing steam and air over red-hot coke.

(c) burning coke in excess of air.

(d) burning coke in a limited supply of air.

Option a – passing steam over red-hot coke

Dihydrogen can be prepared on a commercial scale by the action of steam on hydrocarbons when a mixture of CO and H₂ gas is formed. It is known as

(a) water gas.

(b) producer gas.

(c) industrial gas.

(d) fuel gas.

Option a – water gas

Synthetic gas is a mixture of

(a) steam and carbon monoxide.

(b) carbon monoxide and nitrogen.

(c) hydrogen and methane.

(d) hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

Option d – hydrogen and carbon monoxide

Which one of the following gases dissolves in water to give an acidic solution?

(a) Carbon dioxide.

(b) Oxygen.

(c) Nitrogen.

(d) Hydrogen.

Option a – Carbon dioxide

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