ICSE Class 10 Biology MCQ

ICSE Class 10 Biology MCQ. We covered all the ICSE Class 10 Biology MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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ICSE Class 10 Biology Objective MCQ for Students

The study of properties and methods of biological systems found in nature and the use of this knowledge in the mechanical world is known as

A) Bionics

B) Bionomics

C) Bionomy

D) Biometry

Option a – Bionics

Under Palaeobotany, one studies

A) Fossils of animals

B) Algae

C) Fungi

D) None of the above

Option d – None of the above

Rearing silkworms are known as

A) Apiculture

B) Horticulture

C) Sericulture

D) Floriculture

Option c – Sericulture

Honeybees are used in

A) Sericulture

B) Tissue culture

C) Apiculture

D) Pisciculture

Option c – Apiculture

The scientific study of insects is known as

A) Ichthyology

B) Entomology

C) Parasitology

D) Malacology

Option b – Entomology

Which of the following subjects of the data set is associated with the study concerning population and humanity?

A) Ecology

B) Genetics

C) Demography

D) Virology

Option c – Demography

Study of Zoology deals with

A) Living animals only

B) Living plants only

C) Both living and dead animals

D) Both living and dead plants

Option c – Both living and dead animals

The study of the flower is known as

A) Phrenology

B) Anthology

C) Agrostology

D) Palynology

Option b – Anthology

The comparative study of different cultures and the scientific explanation is known as

A) Ethnology

B) Ethnography

C) Ethology

D) Ethics

Option a – Ethnology

Which one of the following is a hereditary disease?

(a) Cataract

(b) Hemophilia

(c) Pellagra

(d) Osteoporosis

Option b – Hemophilia

Which one of the following genetic diseases is sex-linked?

(a) Royal hemophilia

(b) Tay-Sachs disease

(c) Cystic fibrosis

(d) Hypertension

Option a – Royal hemophilia

A normal woman whose father was colorblind is married to a normal colorblind man. The sons would be

(a) 75% colorblind

(b) 50% colorblind

(c) All normal

(d) All colorblind

Option b – 50% colorblind

Functional genomics deals with the

(a) sequencing of the genome.

(b) study of the functioning of genes and metabolic pathways.

(c) determination of the complete sequence of genomes.

(d) construction of high-resolution genetic and physical maps.

Option b – study of the functioning of genes and metabolic pathways

The phenomenon in which one gene controls two or more different characters simultaneously is called

(a) apomixis

(b) pleiotropy

(c) polyploidy

(d) polyteny

Option b – pleiotropy

Trisomy stands for

(a) 2n-1

(b) 2n+2

(c) 2n+3

(d) 2n+1

Option d – 2n+1

Failure of segregation of chromatids during the cell division cycle results in the gain or loss of a chromosome, which is called

(a) aneuploidy

(b) hypo polyploidy

(c) hyper polyploidy

(d) polyploidy

Option a – aneuploidy

Which among these is the CORRECT combination of aquatic mammals?

(A) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks

(B) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon

(C) Whales, Dolphins, seals

(D) Trygon, Whales, Seals

Option c – Whales, Dolphins, seals

Choose the correctly matched pair :

(A) Tendon – Specialized connective tissue

(B) Adipose tissue – Dense connective tissue

(C) Areolar tissue – Loose connective tissue

(D) Cartilage – Loose connective tissue

Option c – Areolar tissue – Loose connective tissue

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

(A) Glycine is an example of a lipid.

(B) Lecithin contains a phosphorus atom in its structure.

(C) Tyrosine possesses an aromatic ring in its structure.

(D) Sulphur is an integral part of cysteine.

Option a – Glycine is an example of a lipid.

In mammals, milk is digested by the action of

(A) rennin

(B) amylase

(C) intestinal bacteria

(D) invertase

Option a – rennin

Globulins contained in human blood plasma are primarily involved in

(A) osmotic balance of body fluids

(B) oxygen transport in the blood

(C) clotting of blood

(D) defense mechanisms of the body

Option d – defense mechanisms of the body

Read the following statements. i. Bands are dark bands and contain myosin. ii. I bands are light bands and contain actin. iii. During muscle contraction, the A band contracts. iv. The part between the two Z lines – is called a sarcomere. V. The central part of the thin filament, not overlapped by the thick filament is called the H zone. Of the above statements

(A) i, ii, and iii are correct, while iv and v are incorrect.

(B) i, iii, v are correct, while ii, iv are incorrect.

(C) i and ii are correct, while iii, iv, and v are incorrect

(D) i, ii, and iv are correct, while iii and v are incorrect.

Option d – i, ii, and iv are correct, while iii and v are incorrect.

The Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendril of Cucurbita are examples of

(A) vestigial organs

(B) retrogressive evolution

(C) analogous organs

(D) homologous organs

Option d – homologous organs

Genetic engineering is possible, because

(A) we can cut DNA at specific sites by endonucleases like DNase I.

(B) restriction endonucleases purified from bacteria can be used in vitro.

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(C) the phenomenon of transduction in bacteria is well underwood.

(D) we can see DNA in the electron microscope.

Option b – restriction endonucleases purified from bacteria can be used in vitro.

A person is injected with globulins against hepatitis. It is

(A) Naturally acquired active immunity

(B) Naturally acquired passive immunity

(C) Artificially acquired active immunity

(D) Artificially acquired passive immunity

Option d – Artificially acquired passive immunity

Which one of the following living organisms completely lacks a cell wall?

(A) Cyanobacteria

(B) Sea-fan (Gorgonia)

(C) Saccharomyces

(D) Blue-green algae

Option b – Sea-fan (Gorgonia)

Which of these is NOT an advantage of genetically modified crops?

(A) Increases efficiency of mineral usage in plants.

(B) Reduces the reliance on chemical pesticides.

(C) Enhances the nutritional value of food.

(D) Increase the post-harvest losses

Option d – Increase the post-harvest losses

ZIFT stands for

(A) Zygote Intra uterine transfer

(B) Zygote inter uterine transfer

(C) Zygote inter-fallopian transfer

(D) Zygote intra-fallopian transfer

Option d – Zygote intra-fallopian transfer

Which one of the following organism’s plasmid was used successfully for the first time as a vector by Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer?

(A) Salmonella typhimurium

(B) Streptococcus pneumoniae

(C) Staphylococcus aureus

(D) Rhizobium leguminosarum

Option a – Salmonella typhimurium

Which of the following CAN NOT be detected in a developing foetus by amniocentesis?

(A) Klinefelter’s syndrome

(B) Sex of the foetus

(C) Down’s syndrome

(D) Jaundice

Option d – Jaundice

The following factors indicate improved reproductive health in society. Choose the correct option. i. Better detection and cure of disease ii. Better post-natal care iii. Medically assisted deliveries iv. Increased MMR Select the code for the correct answer from the options given below.

(A) ii, iii and iv only

(B) i, ii and iii only

(C) i, iii and iv only

(D) i, ii and iv only

Option b – i, ii and iii only

The term ‘active immunity’ means ( Biology Class 9 Chapter 1 MCQs )

(A) resistance developed after the disease

(B) resistance developed before the disease

(C) resistance rate of heartbeat

(D) an increasing quantity of blood

Option a – resistance developed after the disease

The difference between spermiogenesis and spermiation is

(A) in spermiogenesis spermatozoa from Sertoli cells are released into the cavity of seminiferous tubules, while in spermiation spermatozoa are formed.

(B) in spermiogenesis spermatozoa are formed, while in spermiation spermatids are formed.

(C) in spermiogenesis spermatids are formed, while in spermiation spermatozoa are formed.

(D) in spermiogenesis spermatozoa are formed, while in spermiation spermatozoa are released from Sertoli cells into the cavity of seminiferous tubules.

Option d – in spermiogenesis spermatozoa are formed, while in spermiation spermatozoa are released from Sertoli cells into the cavity of seminiferous tubules.

Haemozoin is an

(A) precursor of hemoglobin.

(B) the toxin released from Streptococcus-infected cells.

(C) the toxin released from Plasmodium-infected cells.

(D) the toxin released from Haemophilus-infected cells.

Option c – the toxin released from Plasmodium-infected cells

Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between

(A) Pisces and amphibians

(B) amphibians and reptiles

(C) reptiles and birds

(D) birds and mammals

Option c – reptiles and birds

Which of the following statement is CORRECT in relation to the endocrine system?

(A) Adenohypophysis is under direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus.

(B) Organs in the body like the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney, and liver do not produce any hormones.

(C) Non-nutrient chemicals produced by the body in trace amounts that act as an intercellular messenger are known as hormones.

(D) Releasing and inhibitory hormones are produced by the pituitary gland.

Option c – Non-nutrient chemicals produced by the body in trace amounts that act as an intercellular messenger are known as hormones.

Which one of the following statements is CORRECT?

(A) Fertilization in humans takes place in the womb.

(B) Zygote contains a haploid number of chromosomes.

(C) Fertilization membrane avoids polyspermy.

(D) Primary oocyte inhibits the process of oogenesis.

Option c – Fertilization membrane avoids polyspermy.

The drugs which are commonly abused are

(A) opioids

(B) coca alkaloids

(C) cannabinoids

(D) all of these

Option d – all of these

The middle piece of the sperm contains

(A) proteins

(B) mitochondria

(C) centriole

(D) nucleus

Option b – mitochondria

Which one of the following is an example of a vestigial organ in man?

(a) Jaw apparatus

(b) Ear muscles

(c) Canine teeth

(d) Humerus

Option b – Ear muscles

In terms of the evolution of organisms, which one among the following is the most advanced?

(a) Bat – Mammal

(b) Pigeon – Aves

(c) Shark – Pisces

(d) Vulture – Aves

Option a – Bat – Mammal

Archaeopteryx is

(a) the most ancient bird of the Jurassic age.

(b) a reptile of the Jurassic period.

(c) a reptile of the Triassic period.

(d) a reptile of both the Triassic and Jurassic periods.

Option a – the most ancient bird of the Jurassic age

‘Archaeopteryx’ is a connecting link between which of the following classes of animals?

(a) Amphibia and Aves

(b) Reptilia and Aves

(c) Reptilia and Mammalia

(d) Aves and Mammalia

Option b – Reptilia and Aves

Which of the following will form a new species?

(a) Interbreeding

(b) Random mating

(c) Connecting links

(d) Variations

Option d – Variations

A true species in Mauritius failed to reproduce because of the extinction of a fruit-eating bird. Which one of the following was that bird?

(a) Dove

(b) Dodo

(c) Condor

(d) Skua

Option a – Dove

With reference to the evolution of living organisms, which one of the following sequences is correct?

(a) Octopus – Dolphin – Shark

(b) Pangolin – Tortoise – Hawk

(c) Salamander – Python – Kangaroo

(d) Frog – Crab – Prawn

Option c – Salamander – Python – Kangaroo

To study the evolutionary traces, which one of the following will be very useful?

(a) Fossils

(b) Missing links

(c) Connecting links

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

In which of the following periods did the flowering plant, i.e., angiosperm, appear for the first time?

(a) Carboniferous

(b) Triassic

(c) Jurassic

(d) Cretaceous

Option d – Cretaceous

From the evolutionary point of view, which one among the following is the most primitive animal?

(a) Dolphin

(b) Otter

(c) Turtle

(d) Walrus

Option c – Turtle

Darwin’s theory of natural selection is based on

(a) Overproduction for existence and variation

(b) Struggle

(c) Survival of the fittest

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

The book ‘The Origin of Species was written by

(a) Linnaeus

(b) Lamarck

(c) Mendel

(d) Darwin

Option d – Darwin

In the context of organic evolution, the loss of limbs in snakes is explained by the phenomenon of

(a) use and disuse of organs.

(b) adaptation to living in burrows.

(c) natural selection.

(d) inheritance of acquired characters.

Option a – use and disuse of organs

Which of the following is the correct pair?

(a) Darwin – Use and disuse of organs

(b) de Vries – Mutation theory

(c) Lamarck – Origin of life

(d) Haldane – Law of heredity

Option b – de Vries – Mutation theory

The diversity of living organisms is due to

(a) instant changes

(b) polyploidy

(c) long-term evolutionary changes

(d) short-term evolutionary changes

Option c – long-term evolutionary changes

Fitness according to Darwin refers to

(a) reproductive fitness

(b) physiological fitness

(c) spiritual fitness

(d) None of the above

Option a – reproductive fitness

The theory of natural selection was given by

(a) Lamarck

(b) Darwin

(c) Alfred Wallace

(d) JBS Haldane

Option b – Darwin

The phrase ‘Survival of the fittest as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection was coined by

(a) Louis Pasteur

(b) Charles Babbage

(c) Herbert Spencer

(d) Marie Curie

Option c – Herbert Spencer

The present giraffe has a long neck as compared to its ancestors. Lamarck believed it could be due to

(a) natural selection

(b) isolation

(c) inheritance of acquired characters

(d) speciation

Option c – inheritance of acquired characters

Darwin believed that certain parts of the body get larger through generations because

(a) they are used more extensively than other parts.

(b) they contribute to greater reproductive success.

(c) they are predetermined to do so.

(d) they are most similar to God’s performance.

Option b – they contribute to greater reproductive success

Among living organisms, which one of the following is the most responsible factor for bringing about the origin of a new species?

(a) Isolation

(b) Mutation

(c) Natural selection

(d) Sexual reproduction

Option b – Mutation

The mutation theory of evolution was enunciated by

(a) Huxley

(b) Darwin

(c) Lamarck

(d) Hugo de Vries

Option d – Hugo de Vries

The reason for the large-scale diversity among organisms is

(a) Adaptation

(b) Cooperation

(c) Mutation

(d) Polyploidy

Option a – Adaptation

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