Chemical Control and Coordination MCQ Questions

Apical dominance means : 1. terminal bud growing nonstop 2. terminal bud suppressing growth of lateral buds 3. removal of the apex of the stem 4. terminal and lateral branches grow equally

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If a terminal bud of a plant is removed : 1. plants grow to normal height 2. lateral branches grow 3. plant increases in height 4. roots do not develop

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Auxins in plants are synthesized at : 1. nodes 2. petiole 3. meristems 4. internodes

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The growing region of root is : 1. tip 2. below the tip 3. in between nodes 4. lower part of stem

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Cranial nerve that controls heart beat : 1. Precaval 2. Post caval 3. aorta 4. vagus

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In diseases like polio, the cells that get destroyed by virus are : 1. monocytes 2. erythrocytes 3. motor neurons 4. sensory neurons

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Nerves that carry impulses from sense organs to brain or spinal cord are : 1. dendrites 2. motor nerves 3. efferent nerves 4. afferent nerves

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Nerves that carry impulses from brain or spinal cord to effector organs are : 1. sensory nerves 2. afferent nerves 3. dendrites 4. efferent nerves

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The structures of neuron that are arranged in the form of a tree with branches : 1. axon 2. cyton 3. dendrites 4. myelin sheath

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