human reproduction mcq
The information about smell is sent to brain by
1. auditory nerve
2. sensory nerve
3. olfactory nerve
4. optic nerve
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The receptors for smell are present in
1. nose
2. ear
3. mouth
4. none
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The number of different odoors detected by man is
1. 7,000
3. 8,000
4. 10,000
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Fishes and invertebrates have no
1. skin
2. tongue
3. irritability
4. reproduction
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Pheromones are the chemical substances released by female
1. insects
2. fishes
3. frogs
4. invertebrates
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In Nasal and buccal cavities, smell and taste chemicals dissolve in
1. alcohol
2. moisture
3. blood
4. enzymes
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Chemoreceptors sense
1. touch
2. light
3. sound
4. chemicals
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Olfactory receptors are
1. chemoreceptors
2. photoreceptors
3. bororeceptors
4. mechanoreceptors
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We can hear sound waves in the frequency range of
1. 10-10,000
2. 16-40,000
3. 120-20,000
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Auditory meatus is covered by
1. aquatic membrane
2. tympunum
3. tympanic membrane
4. none
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