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12 Which of the following can be used as learning resources for visually challenged in a mathematics classroom? 1. taylor's abacus, fraction kit, number chart 2. number chart, computer, geo board 3. taylor's abacus, computer, geo board 4. computer, number chart, geo board

11 If a learner is having problem with numbers and claculations she/he may be having disability known as 1. dysgraphia 2. dyscalculia 3. visual-spatial organisation disability 4. dyslexia

07 A child of primary class is not able to differentiate between number, operation symbols, coins and clock hands. This indicates that the child has problem regarding 1. auditory memory 2. working memory 3. visual processing 4. language processing

03 The purpose of a diagnostic test in mathematics is 1. to fill the progress report 2. to plan the question paper for the end-term examination 3. to know the gaps in children's understanding 4. to give feedback to the parents