maths mcq class 10

30 How many packets of 1/16 kg sugar can be made from 3 1/4 kg of sugar? 1. 64 2. 52 3. 48 4. 12

28 Which one of the following represents the number ' eleven thousand eleven hundred eleven '? 1. XIXIXI 2. 111111 3. 12111 4. 11000110011

24 To teach the Pythagoras theorem, a teacher has distributed a sheet on which four right-angled triangles were drawn and asks the child to find the relationship between the sides of a triangle. In the above situation, the teacher used 1. laboratory method 2. inductive method 3. deductive method 4. lecture method

23 Which one of the following statements is true with respect to mathematical learning? ( Maths CTET MCQ ) 1. Mathematics can only be learnt by rigorous practice 2. Mathematics is a difficult subject to learn 3. Generally girls are weaker in mathematics 4. Everybody can learn mathematics