sarkari result ctet 2021

20 From the unit of 'Shapes' the teacher asked the students to "make/draw any picture by using shapes". The objective that can be achieved through this activity is 1. application 2. knowledge 3. comprehension 4. creating

18 A child who is able to perform all number operations and is able to explain the concept of fraction is at ( Evaluation MCQ CTET ) 1. partition phase 2. operational phase 3. emergent phase 4. quantifying phase

17 Children at primary stage are able to classify the given shapes based on their appeareance. According to Van Hiele levels to geometry, they are at 1. viasualisation stage 2. analytic stage 3. informal deduction stage 4. formal deduction stage

16 From the unit of 'fraction', teacher asked the students to list any five fractions. This question refers to ( Evaluation MCQ CTET ) 1. higher level of thinking 2. analytical thinking 3. spatial thinking 4. lower level of thinking