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12 Following is a problem from textbook of class III. " Which mathematical operation will be used to solve the following problem? A milkman sold 1410 L of milk in 10 days. How many litres of milk did he sell in a day?" Which competence of Bloom's cognitive domain is referred in the above question? 1. synthesis 2. knowledge 3. comprehension 4. analysis

09 Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) based questions demand the ( Evaluation MCQ CTET ) 1. knowledge of facts, rules, formulae 2. knowledge of algorithm 3. knowledge of symbols and diagrams 4. knowledge and some degree of cognitive

08 Most appropriate formative task to assess the students' understanding of data analysis is ( Evaluation MCQ CTET ) 1. quiz 2. role play 3. crossword 4. survey based project

06 Piaget believed that learning results from social instruction and a Mathematics teacher believing in Piaget's theory shall use 1. lots of manipulatives and lab activities in the class 2. group project and group discussion 3. differentiated instruction 4. chalk and talk method