Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching CTET MCQ

21 Which one of the following bird's species moves its neck back and forth with a jerk 1. Owl 2. Crow 3. Barbet 4. Mynah

20 Consider the following list : Tortoise, Crocodile, Crow, Duck, Fish In this list which one of the following is different from the others? 1. Fish 2. Crow 3. Crocodile 4. Tortoise

17 Which of the following is not a tool for Formative Assessment of learning in EVS? 1. Portfolio 2. Rating scale 3. Anecdotal records 4. Annual achievement test

16 Which of the following principle of learning is followed in EVS? ( CTET EVS MCQ ) 1. Global to local 2. Abstract to concrete 3. Unknown to known 4. Known to unknown