cbse ctet

17 Which of the given traits is not associated with the pre-operational stage according to piaget's theory of cognitive development? 1. memory and imagination 2. stars understanding symbols 3. non-logical and irreversible thinking 4. no egocentric thinking

16 According to piaget's theory of childhood development, sensorimotor stage is 1. birth to 2 years 2. birth to 4 years 3. 3 to 7 years 4. 7 to 11 years

15 See the matched pair below and pick the correct matching 1. deductive though : pre-operational child 2. inference and logic : infancy 3. conservation and classification : concrete operational stage 4. imitation and imagination : formal operational stage

14 Consider the statements given below and choose which one is correct 1. birth to 2 years is the period of infancy 2. 2 to 7 years is pre-operational state 3. piaget gave the theory of cognitive development 4. all of the above