neet ug phase 2 registration

According to binomial nomenclature, the scientific name of potato is printed as (A) Solanum tuberosum (B) Solanum tuberosum (C) Solanum Tuberosum (D) Solanum tuberosum

Consciousness is a defining property of living organisms. Which of the following statements best explains this fact? (A) All organisms are aware of themselves and are self-conscious. (B) All organisms respond to environmental cues. (C) We are unsure if brain-dead organisms are living or not. (D) This feature can be demonstrated in vitro in cell-free systems.

Identify the odd one out. (A) Homo sapiens - Primata (B) Musca domestica - Diptera (C) Mangifera indica - Anacardiaceae (D) Triticum aestivum - Poales

Housefly belongs to the family (A) Muscidae (B) Hominidae (C) Convolvulaceae (D) Felidae