local government class 11 mcq

The Chairman of Zilla Parishat is elected 1. directly by voters 2. by the elected Members of Zilla Parishat 3. by the Presidents of Mandal Parishats 4. by the Sarpanches in the Village

The constitutency for electing the members of Zilla Parishat is 1. separate constituencies are formed 2. every Mandal is a constituency 3. every taluq is a constituency 4. every block is a constituency

The President of a Mandal Parishat is elected at present 1. directly by voters 2. by the members of Mandal Parishat 3. by the elected of Mandal Parishat 4. by Sarpanches of the Mandal

Who among the following has the right to participate in the meetings of Mandal Parishat, but cannot vote? 1. Members directly elected 2. Co-opted members 3. Member of Rajya Sabha who belongs to that Mandal 4. Grama Panchayat Sarpanches of that Mandal