ctet online mock test in hindi

09 Which of the skills do you consider most essential for a teacher? 1. encourage children to search for knowledge 2. have all the information for the children 3. ability to make children memorise materials 4. enable children to do well in tests

08 The devices which are used to make teaching methods more effective are known as 1. objectives of teaching 2. principles of teaching 3. techniques of teaching 4. all of the above

07 Which of the following cannot be considered as a reason for fear and failure in mathematics? 1. classroom experiences 2. symbolic notations 3. structure of mathematics 4. gender differences

05 Possible indicator pertaining to visual memory barrier hampering with learner's mathematical performance is 1. difficulty in retaining mathematical facts and difficulty in telling time 2. difficulty in using a number line 3. difficulty to count on within a sequence 4. difficulty in handling small manipulations