MOH Exam Syllabus for Pharmacist. We covered all the Moh exam syllabus, and study material for pharmacist in Kuwait pdf free download the file in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.
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MOH Exam Syllabus for Pharmacist Students
Pharmacology (35%):
- General principles: Pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion) and pharmacodynamics (drug action on the body)
- Major drug classes: This will likely cover a broad range, but focus on commonly used medications in various therapeutic areas:
- Cardiovascular system (e.g., antihypertensives, antianginals, antiarrhythmics)
- Central nervous system (e.g., antidepressants, antipsychotics, analgesics, antiepileptics)
- Respiratory system (e.g., bronchodilators, corticosteroids for asthma)
- Gastrointestinal system (e.g., antiulcer ants, laxatives, antiemetics)
- Endocrine system (e.g., antidiabetics, thyroid hormones)
- Anti-infectives (e.g., antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals)
- Focus on these aspects for each drug class:
- Mechanism of action
- Therapeutic uses (indications)
- Contraindications (when not to use)
- Adverse effects (side effects)
- Drug interactions: How medications can affect each other’s effectiveness or safety
Pharmaceutics (including dosage forms, routes of administration, and pharmacokinetics):
- Dosage forms: Tablets, capsules, liquids, injections, inhalers, etc., and their advantages/disadvantages
- Routes of administration: Oral, sublingual, buccal, intravenous, intramuscular, etc., and factors affecting drug selection
- Pharmacokinetics: In-depth understanding of how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted from the body
Pharmacy Law and Ethics (UAE regulations and professional conduct):
- UAE Federal Law No. 4 of 1983 concerning the Regulation of the Practice of Pharmacy
- MOH regulations and guidelines for pharmacy practice
- Code of ethics for pharmacists in the UAE
- Responsibilities of pharmacists regarding dispensing, labeling, and record-keeping
Clinical Pharmacy (including patient counseling, medication reconciliation, and disease management):
- Communication skills for effective patient counseling on medications (medication adherence, side effects)
- Medication reconciliation process to identify and prevent medication errors
- Basic understanding of common diseases and their management relevant to pharmacy practice (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, asthma)
Communication Skills (written and spoken English):
- Ability to understand and interpret medication prescriptions and instructions
- Clear and concise communication with patients regarding their medications
MOH Exam Syllabus for Pharmacist in Kuwait PDF Free Download for Students
Drugs that increase respiratory tract fluid are called.
a) Expectorant
b) Linctus
c) Laxatives
d) Syrups
Option a – Expectorant
An example of a cholinomimetic alkaloid is.
a) Pilocarpine
b) Methacholine
c) Neostigmine
d) Carbachol
Option a – Pilocarpine
Beta-blocker with membrane stabilizing activity.
a) Propranolol
b) Timolol
c) Atenolol
d) Esmolol
Option a – Propranolol
Repeated administration of drugs results in cell receptor blockage This is known as.
a) Tachyphylaxis
b) Tolerance
c) Idiosyncrasy
d) Synergism
Option a – Tachyphylaxis
Which of the following is NOT lipid-derived autacoids?
a) Histamine
b) Prostaglandins
c) Leukotrienes
d) Platelet-activating factor
Option a – Histamine
The route of administration of the Human monovalent live vaccine (RV) for Rotavirus is
a) Intra-dermal
b) Intramuscular
c) Oral
d) Subcutaneous
Option c – Oral
What is the fatal dose of Antihistamines?
a) 10 to 15mg/kg
b) 5 to 10mg/kg
c) 25 to 50 mg/kg
d) 1 to 5mg/kg
Option c – 25 to 50 mg/kg
Which of the following is a POTASSIUM SPARING DIURETIC?
a) Mannitol
b) Isosorbide
c) Spironolactone
d) Glycerol
Option c – Spironolactone
Which of the following is a Cholinergic Blocking agent?
a) Atropine
b) Carbachol
c) Acetylcholine
d) Pilocarpine
Option a – Atropine
Which is the dose of the Hepatitis B Vaccine for children below 10 years?
a) 01 ml
b) 02 ml
c) 0.5 ml
d) 1.5 ml
Option c – 0.5 ml
Which of the following CNS (central Nervous system) depressant Barbiturates is long-action?
a) Barbitone
b) Pentothal sodium
c) Cyclobarbital
d) Thiamylal sodium
Option a – Barbitone
Which of the following symptoms is NOT specific to DRUG HABITUATION?
a) No tendency to increase the drug dose
b) None or mild drug withdrawal symptoms
c) Has the desire for the drug but no compulsions
d) Tendency to increase the drug dose
Option d – Tendency to increase the drug dose
Which of the following is not among the ORPHAN DRUGS?
a) Fomepizole
b) Ketoconazole
c) Sodium nitrite
d) Liposomal amphotericin B
Option b – Ketoconazole
For the management of Asthmatic cough, which of the following is the right treatment approach?
a) Antibiotics
b) Proton pump Inhibitor
c) Inhaled B₂ agonists
d) H₂ Blocker
Option c – Inhaled B₂ agonists
Among the following antidepressant Psychotropic drugs, one belongs to the classification of “Monoamine oxidase inhibitors”.
a) Fluoxetine
b) Caffeine
c) Amphetamines
d) Tranylcypromine
Option d – Tranylcypromine
Among the peripherally acting muscle relaxants. Which of the following is a DEPOLARIZING BLOCKER?
a) Atracurium
b) Pancuronium
c) Suxamethonium
d) Pipercuronium
Option c – Suxamethonium
Benzoic acid, salicylic acid, and Nystatin are agents used for the preparation of:
a) Emollients
b) Antifungal ointments
c) Anti-eczematous ointments
d) Antibiotic ointments
Option b – Antifungal ointments
Choose the drug which is used in the treatment of Hodgkin’s disease and leukemia in children.
a) Vinca
b) Ginger
c) Linseed
d) Digitalis
Option a – Vinca
Which one of the following is NOT used in the treatment of diabetes insipidus?
a) Amiloride
b) Ketoconazole
c) Indomethacin
d) Vasopressin
Option b – Ketoconazole
Which one of the following is a beta blocker?
a) Benzopyrene
b) Clonidine
c) Atenolol
d) Amlodipine
Option c – Atenolol
The drug which is indicated for patients at risk of Reye’s syndrome is.
a) Ibuprofen
b) Acetaminophen
c) Indomethacin
d) Aspirin
Option b – Acetaminophen
Stimulation of the nicotinic receptor causes.
a) Increased secretion of saliva and gastric acid
b) Bradycardia
c) Bladder muscle contraction
d) Muscle contraction and twitching
Option d – Muscle contraction and twitching
The first tranquilizer of the phenothiazine group of compounds is.
a) Prochlorperazine
b) Thioxene
c) Haloperidol
d) Chlorpromazine
Option d – Chlorpromazine
A drug used in the treatment of leprosy is.
a) Sulfaguanidine
b) Sulphamethoxypyridazine
c) Dapsone
d) Cotrimoxazole
Option c – Dapsone
Nesfield tablet contains.
a) Iodine, sodium iodide, and citric acid
b) Bromine, iodine, and sodium iodide
c) Iodine, sodium bromide, and sodium iodide
d) Bromine, iodine, and sodium chloride
Option a – Iodine, sodium iodide, and citric acid
Which of the following when taken by pregnant women, is found to be the cause of deformed children?
a) Glycerol
b) Xylidine
c) Thalidomide
d) None of these
Option c – Thalidomide
Saline purgative.
a) Isabgol
b) Phenolphthalein
c) Castor oil
d) Magnesium sulfate
Option d – Magnesium sulfate
Penicillinase-resistant penicillin is.
a) Amoxycillin
b) Ampicillin
c) Penicillin V
d) Methicillin
Option d – Methicillin
Effect of injecting hypotonic saline intravenously.
a) Damage to venous walls
b) Raise in the blood pressure
c) Hemolysis
d) Dieresis
Option c – Hemolysis
Scratching eases itching because.
a) It kills germs
b) It suppresses the production of enzymes that cause itching
c) It removes the outer dust in the skin
d) It stimulates certain nerves which direct the brain to increase the production of antihistaminic chemical
Option d – It stimulates certain nerves which direct the brain to increase the production of antihistaminic chemical
The gland, which in relation to body size is largest at birth and then gradually shrinks after puberty is?
a) Thyroid
b) Pituitary
c) Thymus
d) Adrenal
Option c – Thymus
Is the hormone responsible for the secretion of milk in mothers?
b) Prolactin
c) Adrenaline
d) Lactogenic hormone
Option b – Prolactin
The first tranquilizer of the phenothiazine group of compounds is.
a) Prochlorperazine
b) Thiothixene
c) Haloperidol
d) Chlorpromazine
Option d – Chlorpromazine
What is the main function of insulin in the human body?
a) To maintain blood pressure
b) To help in the digestion of food
c) To control the level of sugar in the body
d) To check the level of iodine in the body
Option c – To control the level of sugar in the body
When iron is put in copper sulfate solution the color of the solution turns green. This is because.
a) Iron sulfate is formed
b) Copper is deposited
c) Impurities are present in iron
d) Iron is formed
Option a – Iron sulfate is formed
If the pH of a soil sample is 4, which of the following substance can be to help the growth of plants?
a) Calcium chloride
b) Calcium oxide
c) Urea
Option b – Calcium oxide
The finger-like projection called villi present in the small intestine, help in the process of ………
a) Egestion
b) Digestion
c) Absorption
d) Assimilation
Option c – Absorption
Pick the INCORRECT statement.
a) Warm air is lighter than cold air
b) Air expands on heating
c) Smoke always rises up
d) When warm air rises up, pressure in that region increases
Option d – When warm air rises up, pressure in that region increases
The ISI mark on an electrical appliance ensures that the…….
a) Appliance is safe
b) Appliance is new
c) Appliance is safe and wastage of energy is minimum
d) Wastage of energy is minimum
Option c – Appliance is safe and wastage of energy is minimum
Plants are not kept in rooms meant for sleeping at night because …..
a) They prepare starch making use of water and CO₂
b) They take in oxygen and give out CO₂
c) They absorb all moisture present in the room
d) They give out oxygen during photosynthesis
Option b – They take in oxygen and give out CO₂
Indentify the natural indicator.
a) Methyl orange
b) Phenolphthalein
c) China rose
d) Methyl blue
Option c – China rose
What is the correct sequence of the passage of food inside the human body?
a) Buccal cavity, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, rectum, anus
b) Buccal cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
c) Oesophagus, buccal cavity, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
d) Buccal cavity, esophagus, small intestine, stomach, large intestine, rectum, anus
Option b – Buccal cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
The synthesis of food in plants takes place in the ………
a) Roots
b) Leaves
c) Stem
d) Fruit
Option b – Leaves
Vermi-processing toilet involves the use of ………
a) Aerobic bacteria
b) Earthworms
c) Chemicals
d) Anaerobic bacteria
Option b – Earthworms
A simple pendulum consists of a small metallic ball. This ball is called …….
a) Gong
b) Bob
c) Fork
d) Rod
Option b – Bob
Complete the following equation.
a) Sodium chloride + water
b) Sodiun hydrogen chloride + sodium
c) Sodium chloride + Hydrogen
d) Sodium chloride + Oxygen
Option a – Sodium chloride + water
An image formed by a plane mirror could not be obtained on a screen. Such an image is called a/an……….
a) Real Image
b) Inverted Image
c) Virtual Image
d) Perfect Image
Option c – Virtual Image
Mirrors are used by dentists to see an enlarged image. These mirrors are.
a) Concave
b) Convex
c) Plane
d) Spherical
Option a – Concave
Choose the INCORRECT statement: excessive current in electrical circuits are due to…….
a) Direct touching of wires
b) Connecting many devices to one socket
c) Insulation of wires
d) Both A and B
Option c – Insulation of wires
The density of solid argon is 13.65 g/cm³ at -233°C. If the radius of the sphere of argon is 1.54 x 10-6 cm. What percentage of solid argon is apparently empty space? (Atomic mass of Ar = 40)
(A) 54%
(B) 82%
(C) 62%
(D) 48%
Option c – 62%
Vapour pressure of pure benzene and toluene 160 and 60 torr respectively. A mole fraction of toluene in the vapour phase in contact with an equimolar solution of benzene and toluene is
(A) 0.50
(B) 0.6
(C) 0.27
(D) 0.73
Option c – 0.27
The vapour pressure of a solution of a non-volatile solute is
(A) Directly proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent
(B) Inversely proportional to the mole fraction of the solute
(C) Inversely proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent.
(D) Directly proportional to the mole fraction of solute.
Option a – Directly proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent
An aqueous solution of ethanol has a vapour pressure
(A) Equal to water
(B) Equal to ethanol
(C) More than water
(D) Less than water
Option c – More than water
A binary solution of ethanol and cyclohexane is an example of
(A) Ideal solution
(B) Non-ideal solution with positive deviation
(C) Non-ideal solution with negative deviation
(D) Unpredictable behaviour
Option b – Non-ideal solution with positive deviation
Which is not a colligative property?
(A) Freezing point
(B) Lowering in vapour pressure
(C) Osmotic pressure
(D) Elevation of boiling point
Option a – Freezing point
The intermediate compound LiAg crystallizes in the cubic lattice in which both Li and Ag atoms have coordination number 8. The type of crystal is
(A) Simple cubic
Option c – BCC
Which element is doped in silicon to form a p-type semiconductor?
(A) Ge
(B) As
(C) Se
(D) B
Option d – B
A face-centred cubic element has an edge length of 400 Pm with a density of 6.2 g/cm³. What is the molar mass of an element?
(A) 60
(B) 600
(C) 0.600
(D) 240
Option a – 60
Solubility is the amount of substance present in
(A) 100 g of a saturated solution
(B) In 100 g of solvent get a saturated solution.
(C) In 100 ml of solvent get a saturated solution.
(D) Present in one litre of the saturated solution.
Option d – Present in one litre of the saturated solution
Colligative properties of the solution depend upon
(A) the Number of solute molecules
(B) the Number of solute ions
(C) the Number of solute particles
(D) the Nature of the solvent.
Option c – the Number of solute particles
Which of the following is a colligative property? ( moh exam syllabus for pharmacist )
(A) Boiling point
(B) Freezing point
(C) Vapour pressure
(D) Lowering in vapour pressure
Option d – Lowering in vapour pressure
For a solution, when the vapour pressure of the solution is equal to the partial vapour pressure of the solvent, means
(A) the Solution of dilute
(B) the Solute is nonvolatile
(C) the Solute is volatile
(D) the Both solute and solvent volatile
Option b – the Solute is nonvolatile
Relative lowering in vapour pressure is directly proportional to
(A) Mole fraction of solute
(B) Mole fraction of solvent
(C) Molality of solution
(D) Partial pressure of the solvent
Option a – Mole fraction of solute
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