02 A teacher uses the following riddle in a class while developing the concept of base 10 and place value ' I am less than 8 tens and 4 ones. ' The objective of this activity is to 1. have some fun in the class and break the monotony 2. reinforce the concept of base 10 and place value 3. do summative assessment 4. introduce the concept of tens and ones to the students

04 A teacher distributed a newspaper in class V and asked the students to read the cricket scores of the Indian team in the latest match. Then, she asked them to draw a bar graph of the scores. The teacher is trying to 1. help the students to make connections between mathematical concepts and real life 2. teach them through a project approach 3. make the class joyful and communicating 4. enhance reasoning power of the students

06 The section, ' Practice Time ' included in different topics in Mathematics textbook aims at 1. providing fun and enjoyment to students 2. having a change in daily routine 3. ensuring better utilization of time 4. providing extended learning opportunities