Number System MCQ
01 The number 49532 rounded off to the nearest thousand is
1. 41000
2. 50000
3. 49000
4. 49500
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02 The diffrence between the number 5671 and the number obtained by reversing the digits is
1. 4906
2. 3916
3. 7436
4. 3906
03 Sum of place values of 6 in 63606 is
1. 60606
2. 6606
3. 6066
4. 18
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04 19 thousand + 19 hundred + 19 ones is equal to
1. 21090
2. 20919
3. 19919
4. 191919
05 Which of the following is correct?
1. Predecessor of successor of 1000 is 1000
2. Predecessor of predecessor of 1000 is 999
3. Successor of predecessor of 1000 is 1001
4. Successor of predecessor of 1000 is 1002
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06 In a shop, there are 239 toys. 70 more toys were bought. Out of the total, 152 toys were sold. What is the number of remaining toys?
1. 239+70+152
2. 239-70+152
3. 239+70-152
4. 239-70-152
07 In the product 3759 x 9573, the sum of ten's digit and unit's digit is
1. 7
2. 9
3. 16
4. 0
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