18 Which among the following is used in the manufacture of steel? 1. coal 2. coke 3. coal-tar 4. coal gas

17 A fuel which is non-toxic among the following is 1. bio-diesel 2. diesel 3. petrol 4. coal

16 The natural solid fuel is 1. char coal 2. coke 3. coal 4. LPG

14 The product which is not obtained from coal is 1. coal tar 2. coal gas 3. petroleum 4. coke

13 The least polluted fuel is 1. petrol 2. kerosene oil 3. coal 4. CNG

12 The energy stored in the fossil fuels is 1. electrical energy 2. chemical energy 3. heat energy 4. mechanical energy

11 The green house effect is due to an excessive emission of this gas 1. sulphur dioxide 2. nitrogen dioxide 3. phosphorous trioxide 4. carbon dioxide