26 Which of the following is known as the energy currency of cells in biology 1. DTP 2. ATP 3. ADP 4. DDT

26 Which of the following is known as the energy currency of cells in biology 1. DTP 2. ATP 3. ADP 4. DDT

25 Respiration differs from combustion in 1. release of heat all at once 2. release of heat at several stages 3. initial burning of substance 4. initial supply of oxygen

23 For the oxidation, carbohydrates should be in the form of 1. starch 2. cellulose 3. glucose 4. fats

22 Cellular respiration takes place in the 1. cytoplasm and mitochondria 2. nucleus and mitochondria 3. chloroplast and mitochondria 4. mitochondria and vacuole

21 Conversion of glucose to pyruvic acid yields to net gain of 1. 2 molecules of ATP 2. 36 molecules of ATP 3. 4 molecules of ATP 4. 38 molecules of ATP

20 End product of glycolysis 1. pyruvic acid 2. acetic acid 3. lactic acid 4. abscisic acid