Introduction to Human Body MCQ. We covered all the Introduction to Human Body MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.
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MCQ on Human Body for Students
Selerotic, choroid and retinal layers are concerned with
1. ears
2. eyes
3. mouth
4. none
Option 2 – eyes
The numbers of layers present in eye
1. 1
2. 2
3. 4
4. 3
Option 4 – 3
Optic nerve is connected to which part of the retina?
1. yellow spot
2. fovea
3. red spot
4. blind spot
Option 3 – red spot
The ratio of rods to cones is
1. 12 to 12
2. 15 to 1
3. 16 to 2
4. 14 to 1
Option 2 – 15 to 1
The nerve that carries message from brain to eye is
1. motar
2. olfactory nerve
3. optic nerve
4. sensory
Option 3 – optic nerve
The pigment present in the rods is
1. cornea
2. fovea
3. rhodopsin
4. none
Option 3 – rhodopsin
Light is a
1. Sound receptor
2. air receptor
3. photo receptor
4. none
Option 3 – photo receptor
Cones are …….. in number than rods
1. more
2. less
3. equal
4. none
Option 2 – less
In Myopia, the image is focussed ……. retina
1. behind
2. below
3. above
4. infront of
Option 4 – infront of
If both the eyes see the same object at the same time is called ……. vision
1. monocular
2. binocular
3. multiculor
4. none
Option 2 – binocular
Mite belongs to the phylum
1. protozoa
2. arthropoda
3. reptile
4. amphibia
Option 2 – arthropoda
The shape of tunnel made by female mite is
1. S shaped
2. O shaped
3. C shaped
4. P shaped
Option 1 – S shaped
The study of skin and skin diseases is called
1. pathology
2. taxonomy
3. dermatology
4. ecology
Option 3 – dermatology
The number of legs in mite are
1. 3 pairs
2. 2 pairs
3. 4 pairs
4. 4 legs
Option 3 – 4 pairs
One of the most common skin disease in children is
1. leprosy
2. ringworm
3. eczema
4. scabies
Option 4 – scabies
The body of mite is shaped like that of
1. tortoise
2. earthworm
3. lizard
4. snake
Option 1 – tortoise
The female mite is about
1. 300 microns
2. 100 microns
3. 200 microns
4. 400 microns
Option 4 – 400 microns
Lachrymal glands secrete
1. tears
2. saliva
3. sweat
4. acid
Option 1 – tears
Fovea has a large number of
1. rods
2. cones
3. hairs
4. holes
Option 2 – cones
Study of eye and its diseases is called
1. opthalmology
2. ornithology
3. octology
4. rhinology
Option 1 – opthalmology
Important role in seeing the near and distant objects is done by
1. iris
2. retina
3. pupil
4. lens
Option 3 – pupil
Vision in man is called
1. monowlar
2. polycular
3. binocular
4. none
Option 3 – binocular
Rods and cones are receptors of
1. eye
2. tongue
3. nose
4. ears
Option 1 – eye
We covered all the introduction to human body mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.
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