National Curriculum Framework 2005 CTET MCQ

15 Who gave this definition? " Problem based learning as a curriculum development and instructional system that simultaneously develops both problem solving strategies and disciplinary knowledge basis and skills by placing students in the active role of problem solver confronted with its structured problem that mirrors real-word problems ". 1. finkle and torp 2. savery 3. duffy 4. howard barrows

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14 School based assessment 1. make students and teachers non-serious and casual 2. dilutes the accountability of boards of education 3. hinders achieving universal national standards 4. helps all students learn more through diagnosis

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13 Which one of the following is not the tool for formative assessment in scholastic domain? 1. oral questions 2. multiple choice questions 3. projects 4. assignments

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12 What is the aim of integrating child-centred learning with the curriculum? 1. strengthens student motivation 2. promotes discovery/active learning 3. responsibility for one's own learning 4. all of the above

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11 According to NCF, 2005, the role of a teacher has to be 1. dictatorial 2. permissive 3. facilitative 4. authoritative

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10 Assessment is purposeful if 1. it serves as a feedback for the students as well as the teachers 2. it is done only once at the end of the year 3. comparative evaluations are made to differentiate between the students acheivements 4. it induces fear and stress among the students

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09 According to NCF 2005, errors are important because they 1. are an important tool in classifying students into groups of 'passed' and 'failed' 2. provide a way to the teachers to scold the children 3. provide an insight into the child's thinking and help to identify solutions 4. provide space for removing some childrne from the class

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08 Young learners should be encouraged to interact with peers in the classroom so that 1. the teacher can control the classroom better 2. they can learn answers to questions from each other 3. the syllabus can be covered quickly 4. they learn social skills in the course of study

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07 The term 'curriculum' in the field of education refers to 1. methods of teaching and the content to be taught 2. overall programme of the school which students experience on a day-today basis 3. evaluation process 4. text-material to be used in the class

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