Acid Bases and Salts Class 10 NCERT Solutions

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MCQ on Acid Bases and Salts for Class 10 Students NCERT

Bases turn red litmus blue and acids turn blue litmus red. A student tested a liquid with red litmus paper and it stayed red with no change. This shows that the liquid.

(a) must be pure water

(b) must be an acid

(c) is not a base

(d) is neither a base nor an acid

Option c – is not a base

Which one among the following is the correct order of strength of acids?

(a) Hâ‚‚SO4> H3PO3 > CH3COOH

(b) H3PO3 > Hâ‚‚SO4 > CH3COOH

(c) CH3COOH > H3PO3 > Hâ‚‚SO4

(d) CH3COOH > Hâ‚‚SO4 > H3PO3

Option a – H₂SO4> H3PO3 > CH3COOH

The pH of fresh milk is 6. When it turns sour, the pH

(a) becomes < 6

(b) remains the same i.e., 6

(c) becomes > 6

(d) becomes neutral, i.e., 7

Option a – becomes < 6

Which one among the following is a double salt?

(a) K4Fe(CN)6

(b) Kâ‚‚SO4 Al2(SO4)3 24Hâ‚‚O

(c) CuSO4.5Hâ‚‚O

(d) NaCl

Option b – K₂SO4 Al2(SO4)3 24H₂O

The pH of fresh groundwater slightly decreases upon exposure to air because

(a) carbon dioxide from the air is dissolved in the water

(b) oxygen from the air is dissolved in the water

(c) the dissolved carbon dioxide of the groundwater escapes into the air

(d) the dissolved oxygen of the groundwater escapes into the air

Option a – carbon dioxide from the air is dissolved in the water

Aluminium is used in thermite welding because

(a) aluminium is a light metal

(b) aluminium has more affinity for oxygen

(c) aluminium is a strong oxidising agent

(d) aluminium is a reactive metal

Option b – aluminium has more affinity for oxygen

Antacids are commonly used to get rid of acidity in the stomach. A commonly used antacid is

(a) sodium hydrogen phthalate

(b) magnesium hydroxide

(c) calcium hydroxide

(d) manganese acetate

Option b – magnesium hydroxide

In paper manufacturing, degumming of the raw material is done using

(a) sulphuric acid.

(b) bleaching powder

(c) caustic soda

(d) nitric acid

Option b – bleaching powder

Dolomite powder is applied in some agricultural lands. The purpose of applying it is to

(a) increase the pH of the soil

(b) lower the pH of the soil

(c) increase the phosphorus content of the soil

(d) increase the nitrogen content of the soil

Option a – increase the pH of the soil

Which one of the following salts when dissolved in water makes the solution basic?

(a) Sodium chloride

(b) Copper sulphate

(c) Ferric chloride

(d) Sodium acetate

Option d – Sodium acetate

Arrange the following bases in increasing order of their, basic strength 1. Sodium hydroxide 2. Magnesium hydroxide 3. Aluminium hydroxide 4. Ammonium hydroxide Select the correct answer using the code given below Codes :

(a) 4, 2, 1, 3

(b) 4, 1, 2, 3

(c) 4, 3, 2, 1

(d) 1, 2, 3, 4

Option c – 4, 3, 2, 1

Which one among the following is not a property of salt?

(a) Salts have ordered packing arrangements called lattices

(b) Salts have low melting points but high boiling points

(c) Salts are brittle

(d) Salts conduct electricity when dissolved in water or even in the molten state

Option b – Salts have low melting points but high boiling points

The concentration of hydrochloric acid in a given solution is 10-8 M. What is the value of pH for this solution?

(a) 7

(b) > 7 but not 14

(c) <7

(d) 14

Option d – 14

The human stomach produces acid ‘X’ which helps in the digestion of food. Acid ‘X’ is

(a) acetic acid

(b) methanoic acid

(c) hydrochloric acid

(d) citric acid

Option c – hydrochloric acid

Natural indicator litmus is extracted from

(a) lichens

(b) earthworms

(c) ants

(d) algae

Option a – lichens

Why bases are kept in glass bottles?

(a) Bases produce OH-ions in aqueous solutions

(b) Basic solutions are conducted in nature

(c) Bases are corrosive in nature

(d) Basis has a soapy texture

Option c – Bases are corrosive in nature

Calamine solution contains

(a) zinc hydroxide

(b) zinc carbonate

(c) sodium hydrogen carbonate

(d) magnesium hydroxide

Option b – zinc carbonate

Identify the correct representation of the reaction occurring during the chloralkali process

(a) 2NaCI(l) + 2H₂O(l)→ 2NaOH(l) + Cl₂(g) + H2(g)

(b) 2NaCl(aq) + 2H₂O(aq) → 2NaOH(aq) + Cl₂(g) + H₂(g)

(c) 2NaCl(aq) + 2H₂O(l)→ 2NaOH(aq) + Cl₂(aq) + H₂(aq)

(d) 2NaCl (aq) + 2H₂O (l)→ 2NaOH (aq) + Cl₂(g) + H₂(g)

Option d – 2NaCl (aq) + 2H₂O (l)→ 2NaOH (aq) + Cl₂(g) + H₂(g)

When vinegar reacts with baking soda the gas evolved is

(a) hydrogen

(b) oxygen

(c) carbon dioxide

(d) nitrogen dioxide

Option c – carbon dioxide

While preparing copper sulphate crystals from copper sulphate solution, dilute sulphuric acid is used instead of concentrated sulphuric acid, because

(a) concentrated sulphuric acid is corrosive in nature

(b) dilute sulphuric acid makes large crystals

(c) concentrated acid is ineffective

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Option a – concentrated sulphuric acid is corrosive in nature

During the preparation of hydrogen chloride gas on a humid day, the gas is usually passed through the guard tube containing calcium chloride. The role of calcium chloride taken in the guard tube is to

(a) absorb the evolved gas

(b) moisten the gas

(c) absorb moisture from the gas

(d) absorb Cl ions from the evolved gas

Option c – absorb moisture from the gas

The aqueous solution of aluminium sulphate is :

(a) Acidic

(b) Basic

(c) Amphoteric

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Option a – Acidic

Available chlorine is formed when bleaching powder reacts with :

(a) dilute acid

(b) dilute base

(c) nascent oxygen

(d) chlorine

Option a – dilute acid

What does the ‘p’ in pH stand for?

(a) Pressure

(b) Potenz

(c) Physical change

(d) Precipitate

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Option b – Potenz

Which one of the following is not a base?

(a) B(OH)3

(b) KOH

(c) Ca(OH)â‚‚

(d) NH4OH

Option a – B(OH)3

Ammonium chloride is a salt of

(a) weak Acid and Weak Base

(b) weak Acid ami Strong Base

(c) strong Acid and Strong Base

(d) strong Acid and Weak Base

Option d – strong Acid and Weak Base

Baking soda is

(a) sodium carbohydrate

(b) sodium bicarbonate

(c) sodium sulphate

(d) sodium hydroxide

Option b – sodium bicarbonate

What is the pH value of pure water?

(a) 1

(b) 6

(c) 7

(d) 10

Option c – 7

Brine is an aqueous solution of

(a) NaCl

(b) NaOH

(c) NaHCO3

(d) Naâ‚‚CO3

Option a – NaCl

Temporary hardness in water is due to which one of the following of Calcium and Magnesium?

(a) Hydrogen carbonates

(b) Carbonates

(c) Chlorides

(d) Sulphates

Option a – Hydrogen carbonates

Which compound, when dissolved in water, conducts electricity and forms a basic solution?

(a) HCI


(c) CH3OH

(d) NaOH

Option d – NaOH

Which one among the following chemical is used as washing soda?

(a) Calcium carbonate

(b) Calcium bicarbonate

(c) Sodium carbonate

(d) Sodium bicarbonate

Option c – Sodium carbonate

Ammonium hydroxide is a weak base because

(a) it has low vapour pressure

(b) it is only slightly ionised

(c) it is not a hydroxide of any metal

(d) it has a low density

Option b – it is only slightly ionised

On passing excess carbon dioxide through lime water

(a) the milkiness of lime water increases

(b) there is no change in the milkiness of lime water

(c) the milkiness of lime water disappears

(d) None of the above is correct.

Option c – the milkiness of lime water disappears

HCl gas changes the colour of

(a) dry litmus paper

(b) wet litmus paper

(c) Both dry and wet litmus paper

(d) None of the above is correct

Option b – wet litmus paper

The colour of pH paper when put in distilled water changed to green. Now some common salt is added to water and pH paper is tested in this solution. The colour of pH paper in this case is likely to be

(a) green

(b) yellow

(c) red

(d) blue

Option a – green

Plaster of Paris hardens by

(a) giving off COâ‚‚

(b) changing into CaCO3

(c) combining with water

(d) giving out water

Option c – combining with water

We covered all the acid bases and salts class 10 ncert solutions above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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