Amu Class 11 Entrance Exam Sample Papers

Amu Class 11 Entrance Exam Sample Papers. We covered all the Amu Class 11 Entrance Exam Sample Papers MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in the PCS exams like GPSC, TPPSC, TNPSC, APPSC, HPPSC, HPSC, SPSC, TPSC, PPSC, KPSC, State PCS, UPSC, IAS, IPS, BPSC, JPSC, UPPCS, MPPSC, CGPSC, RAS, RTS, OPSC, WBPSC, MPSC, UKPSC, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

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Amu Class 11 Objective Entrance Exam Sample Papers for Students

If some object is weighed when submerged in water, what will happen to its weight compared to its weight in air?

(A) Increase

(B) Decrease

(C) Remain exactly the same

(D) Increase or decrease cannot be predicted

Option b – Decrease

Which of these are used to measure optical activity?

(A) Polarimeter

(B) Planometer

(C) Psychrometer

(D) Photometer

Option a – Polarimeter

In electromagnetic theory, the continuity equation relates

(A) volume conservation

(B) mass conservation

(C) charge conservation

(D) energy conservation

Option c – charge conservation

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

(A) Ultrasonic waves cannot get reflected, refracted, or absorbed.

(B) Ultrasonic waves are used to detect the presence of defects like cracks, porosity, etc., in the internal structure of common structural materials.

(C) Ultrasonic waves can be used for making holes in very hard materials like diamonds.

(D) Ultrasonic waves cannot travel through a vacuum.

Option d – Ultrasonic waves cannot travel through a vacuum

In TV transmission, the picture signal is modulated.




(D) Pulse

Option b – VSB

Which one of the following is not a contact force?

(A) Push force

(B) Gravitational force

(C) Frictional force

(D) Strain force

Option b – Gravitational force

A light year is a measure of

(A) time

(B) distance

(C) the total amount of light falling on the Earth in a year

(D) the average intensity of light falling on the Earth in a year

Option b – distance

Bats detect obstacles in their path by receiving the reflected

(A) Infrasound waves

(B) Ultrasonic waves

(C) Radio waves

(D) Microwaves

Option b – Ultrasonic waves

We covered all the amu class 11 entrance exam sample papers mcqs above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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