Animal Kingdom Class 11 MCQ

Animal Kingdom Class 11 MCQ. We covered all the Animal Kingdom Class 11 MCQ NEET with answers in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Animal Kingdom Class 11 MCQ for Students

An acoelomate animal with bilateral symmetry is

(A) Physalia

(B) Liver fluke

(C) Hydra

(D) Obelia

Option b – Liver fluke

The excretory organs in Taenia are

(A) flame cells

(B) hypostome

(C) nephrons

(D) nephridia

Option a – flame cells

In contrast to annelids, platyhelminths are

(A) radially symmetrical

(B) pseudocoelomate

(C) bilaterally symmetrical

(D) acoelomate

Option d – acoelomate

The cell-tissue organization is characteristic of

(A) Ascaris

(B) Tapeworm

(C) Hydra

(D) Amoeba

Option c – Hydra

The property of bioluminescence is well marked in

(A) aschelminths

(B) ctenophores

(C) platyhelminths

(D) flatworms

Option b – ctenophores

Which of the following is NOT true for sponges?

(A) They can reproduce asexually by fragmentation.

(B) They can perform sexual reproduction by internal fertilization.

(C) They have a canal system involved in nutrition and excretion.

(D) Spongin fibers line the spongocoel.

Option d – Spongin fibers line the spongocoel.

Identify the ODD one out.

(A) Sea cucumber

(B) Sea lily

(C) Sea urchin

(D) Sea pen

Option d – Sea pen

Ascaris can be characterized by which of the following features?

(A) Coelomate and metamerically segmented body.

(B) Pseudocoelomate and body lack metameric segmentation.

(C) Acoelomate and metamerically segmented body.

(D) Coelomate and body lack metameric segmentation.

Option b – Pseudocoelomate and body lack metameric segmentation.

The filarial worm, Wuchereria belongs to phylum

(A) Platyhelminthes

(B) Coelenterata

(C) Annelida

(D) Aschelminthes

Option d – Aschelminthes

Annelids possess

(A) true coelom

(B) organ system level body organization

(C) metameric segmentation

(D) all of these

Option d – all of these

Which of the following is NOT an economically important insect?

(A) Laccifer

(B) Bombyx

(C) Locusta

(D) Apis

Option c – Locusta

Excretion takes place through arthropods.

(A) flame cells

(B) cnidoblasts

(C) malpighian tubules

(D) radula

Option c – malpighian tubules

Choanocytes are present in members of the phylum

(A) Echinodermata

(B) Porifera

(C) Coelenterata

(D) Mollusca

Option b – Porifera

Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?

(A) Comb plates Help in locomotion in ctenophores

(B) Spicules – Skeletal supporting element in poriferans

(C) Osculum Control of water entry in poriferans

(D) Hypostome Opening of gastrovascular cavity in coelenterates

Option c – Osculum Control of water entry in poriferans

Euspongia belongs to a group of animals that are

(A) multicellular with a gastrovascular system

(B) multicellular having tissue organization, but no body cavity

(C) unicellular or acellular

(D) multicellular without any tissue organization

Option d – multicellular without any tissue organization

Air bladder is a characteristic feature of animals belonging to class

(A) Chondrichthyes

(B) Cyclostomata

(C) Osteichthyes

(D) Amphibia

Option c – Osteichthyes

Identify the INCORRECT match.

(A) Planaria – High regeneration capacity

(B) Earthworm – Monoecious

(C) Trygon-Poison sting

(D) Torpedo – Tympanum

Option d – Torpedo – Tympanum

What is the scientific name of starfish?

(A) Pinctada

(B) Asterias

(C) Ophiura

(D) Antedon

Option b – Asterias

Read the following statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Cephalochordata bears notochord all along the body, throughout life. Statement II: Urochordata bears a vertebral column only in the tail region, throughout life.

(A) Statement I is correct, and Statement II is incorrect.

(B) Statement I is incorrect, and Statement II is correct.

(C) Both Statements I and II are correct.

(D) Both Statements I and II are incorrect.

Option b – Statement I is incorrect, and Statement II is correct.

Which of the following phyla consists of pseudocoelomates?

(A) Mollusca

(B) Annelida

(C) Aschelminthes

(D) Porifera

Option c – Aschelminthes

Phylum Mollusca can be distinguished from other invertebrates by the presence of

(A) bilateral symmetry and exoskeleton

(B) calcareous ossicles and water vascular system

(C) shell and jointed appendages

(D) mantle and visceral hump

Option d – mantle and visceral hump

Which one of the following set of animals is correctly matched to its phylum.

(A) Platyhelminthes Planaria, Pleurobrachia, Ascaris

(B) Mollusca – Loligo, Sepia, Dentalium

(C) Porifera – Spongilla, Adamsia, Fasciola

(D) Cnidaria – Locusta, Physalia, Aurelia

Option b – Mollusca – Loligo, Sepia, Dentalium

Members of which of the following phyla are exclusively marine?

(A) Mollusca

(B) Echinodermata

(C) Annelida

(D) Arthropoda

Option b – Echinodermata

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of all chordates?

(A) Presence of coelom

(B) Dorsal heart

(C) Pharyngeal gill clefts in early embryonic stages of development

(D) Dorsal nerve cord

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Option b – Dorsal heart

An example of Agnatha (jawless vertebrate) is

(A) Scoliodon

(B) Labeo

(C) Carcharodon

(D) Petromyzon

Option d – Petromyzon

Identify which of the following statements is TRUE.

(A) Body of reptiles is covered by scutes.

(B) Fishes have an open circulatory system.

(C) Birds are poikilothermic.

(D) Ascaris is metamerically segmented.

Option a – Body of reptiles is covered by scutes.

Which of the following characteristics is NOT common between birds and mammals?

(A) Viviparity

(B) Respiration through the lungs

(C) Direct development

(D) Warm-blooded nature

Option a – Viviparity

Which of the following animal is NOT classified as an amphibian?

(A) Hyla

(B) Rana

(C) Clarias

(D) Ichthyophis

Option c – Clarias

Which of the following coelenterate exhibits metagenesis?

(A) Aurelia

(B) Adamsia

(C) Hydra

(D) Obelia

Option d – Obelia

Identify the odd one out.

(A) Naja

(B) Crocodilus

(C) Chameleon

(D) Chelone

Option b – Crocodilus

Pneumatic bones are found in

(A) Chelone

(B) Hyla

(C) Columba

(D) Bangarus

Option c – Columba

Identify which of the following statement is INCORRECT.

(A) Fertilisation in roundworms is internal.

(B) Nereis is an aquatic annelid.

(C) Echinoderms are acoelomates.

(D) In aschelminths, alimentary canal is complete with a well-developed muscular pharynx.

Option c – Echinoderms are acoelomates.

Bilateral symmetry, chitinous exoskeleton and presence of statocysts are characteristic features of

(A) arthropods

(B) aves

(C) mammals

(D) reptiles

Option a – arthropods

Which of the following is a common bath sponge?

(A) Spongilla

(B) Euspongia

(C) Adamsia

(D) Sycon

Option b – Euspongia

Which of the following is an example of a sea walnut?

(A) Ctenoplana

(B) Gorgonia

(C) Meandrina

(D) Pennatula

Option a – Ctenoplana

Complete the analogy. Portuguese Man of War : Physalia :: Brain coral ……

(A) Gorgonia

(B) Pleurobrachia

(C) Meandrina

(D) Obelia

Option c – Meandrina

Which of the following phyla has the largest number of species?

(A) Arthropoda

(B) Platyhelminthes

(C) Coelenterata

(D) Annelida

Option a – Arthropoda

Exoskeleton in the form of scales is absent in

(A) Scoliodon

(B) Hemidactylus

(C) Naja

(D) Rana

Option d – Rana

Radial symmetry is observed in animals belonging to the phyla

(A) Platyhelminthes

(B) Aschelminthes

(C) Echinodermata

(D) Hemichordata

Option c – Echinodermata

Animals belonging to which phyla are bilaterally symmetrical at the larvae stage, but exhibit radial pentamerous symmetry in the adult stage?

(A) Cnidaria

(B) Mollusca

(C) Annelida

(D) Echinodermata

Option d – Echinodermata

Identify the set of viviparous mammals and choose the correct option.

(A) Corvus, Neophron, Balaenoptera

(B) Ornithorhynchus, Macaca, Aptenodytes

(C) Pavo, Panthera, Delphinus

(D) Macropus, Pteropus, Felis

Option d – Macropus, Pteropus, Felis

Which of the following feature is absent in Carcharodon?

(A) Claspers

(B) Cartilaginous endoskeleton

(C) Placoid scales

(D) Air bladder

Option d – Air bladder

Identify the limbless amphibian among the following animals.

(A) Ichthyophis

(B) Rana

(C) Hyla

(D) Bufo

Option a – Ichthyophis

Which of the following in NOT a mammalian character?

(A) Internal fertilization and indirect development

(B) Presence of mammary glands

(C) Presence of external ears called pinnae

(D) Presence of hair or fur on the skin of animals

Option a – Internal fertilization and indirect development

Identify the CORRECT match.

(A) Urochordata – Brachiostoma

(B) Cyclostomata – Myxine

(C) Mollusca – Clarias

(D) Osteichthyes – Torpedo

Option b – Cyclostomata – Myxine

Book lungs are present in certain

(A) molluscs

(B) annelids

(C) arthropods

(D) aschelminths

Option c – arthropods

The digestive system is incomplete in which of the following group of triploblastic animals?

(A) Platyhelminths

(B) Echinoderms

(C) Aschleminths

(D) None of these

Option a – Platyhelminths

Which of the following is unisexual?

(A) Scorpion

(B) Earthworm

(C) Ctenoplana

(D) Sycon

Option a – Scorpion

Gymnosperms are characterized by:

(a) Multiflagellate sperms

(b) Naked seeds

(c) Winged seeds

(d) Seeds inside fruits

Option b – Naked seeds

Identify the incorrect statement with regard to gymnosperms:

(a) In gymnosperms, ovules remain exposed, before and after fertilization.

(b) The giant redwood tree Sequoia is the tallest gymnospermic tree.

(c) The gymnosperms are homosporous.

(d) Leaves in gymnosperms are well-adapted to withstand extreme environmental conditions.

Option c – The gymnosperms are homosporous

Which of the following gymnosperms have coralloid roots associated with N₂ fixing cyanobacteria?

(a) Pinus

(b) Cycas

(c) Cedrus

(d) Ginkgo

Option b – Cycas

Male gametophyte with the least number of cells is present in:

(a) Pteris

(b) Funaria

(c) Lilium

(d) Pinus

Option c – Lilium

We covered all the animal kingdom class 11 MCQ above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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