Approaches And Method Of Presenting Concepts Pedagogy CTET MCQ

Approaches And Method Of Presenting Concepts Pedagogy CTET MCQ

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01 When young learner seems to loose interest in a lesson what teacher should do?

  1. break the glass and talk with child
  2. allow them to sleep
  3. tell a story or conduct an interesting activity
  4. ask them to get out of the class

Option 3 – tell a story or conduct an interesting activity

02 Project method in teaching is suited most to

  1. promote scientific method
  2. promote understanding of basic concepts
  3. promote numerical abilities in child
  4. strengthen reasoning skill in students
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Option 2 – promote understanding of basic concepts

03 Suresh always tries to promote group activity because he thinks group activity helps in developing

  1. good memory in budding minds
  2. high ambitions early in the life
  3. atmosphere of competition from very stage
  4. collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving

Option 4 – collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving

04 Geeta, an EVS teacher decided to teach children of class III about different kinds of fuel, among the following alternatives which will best suit her purpose?

  1. tell children about different kinds of fuel
  2. ask children to gather information about different fuel
  3. display an audio visual video in classroom about the different fuel and their uses
  4. tell children to collect different kind of fuels

Option 3 – display an audio visual video in classroom about the different fuel and their uses

05 The idea of showing a sample of air ticket to child is to

  1. provide information regarding fare
  2. enhance the skills of student to arrive at conclusion
  3. provide the knowledge about different things listed on the ticket
  4. provide an opportunity to interact with the real information and develop the skill of observation

Option 4 – provide an opportunity to interact with the real information and develop the skill of observation

06 Mayank, an EVS teacher wants to address learning difficulties in students. What is the appropriate step for him?

  1. easy and interesting text book
  2. story telling method
  3. A variety of teaching method suited to the disability
  4. ornamented and glossary reading material

Option 2 – story telling method

07 There are four below average students in a class. Which one of the following strategies will be most effective to bring them at par with the other students?

  1. make them sit in the front row and supervise their work constantly
  2. Identify their weak areas of learning and provide remedial measures accordingly
  3. ensure that they attend the school regularly
  4. give them additional assignments to do at home

Option 2 – Identify their weak areas of learning and provide remedial measures accordingly

08 In co-operative learning, older and more proficient students assist younger and lesser skilled students. This leads to

  1. conflict between the groups
  2. intense competition
  3. higher achievement and self-esteem
  4. higher moral development

Option 3 – higher achievement and self-esteem

09 The following are the methods to teach EVS except

  1. co-operative learning
  2. guided enquiry
  3. explaining through lectures
  4. problem-solving

Option 3 – explaining through lectures

10 EVS teacher should

  1. accept and respect perception of children
  2. accept and respect views of parents
  3. focus exclusively on experiments
  4. focus exclusively on books and tests

Option 1 – accept and respect perception of children

11 Environmental factors that shape the development of a child include all of the following except

  1. quality of education
  2. quality of nutrition
  3. physique
  4. culture

Option 3 – physique

12 A public school has about two to three children with special needs in every class. Some children are physically or mentally challenged. These children study with other children while sitting in the same class. The public school mentioned above fellow which of the following?

  1. peer education
  2. compensatory learning
  3. CCE
  4. Inclusive education

Option 4 – Inclusive education

13 Kavita wants to emphasize more on social issues like poverty, literacy, and class inequalities in an EVS class. Which one of the following learning experiences will be more effective to achieve this objective?

  1. asking the students to write slogans on related issues
  2. organizing special lectures on related issues
  3. asking the students to prepare charts on related social issues
  4. asking the students to undertake group projects to collect and analyze related information

Option 4 – asking the students to undertake group projects to collect and analyze related information

14 ” Think and Discuss ” section in one chapter EVS textbook in class V includes the following statement. ” What would happen if you don’t get petrol or diesel for a week in your village or town? ” The statement primarily aims at

  1. sensitizing students on using oil judiciously
  2. assessing students on sources of petrol and diesel
  3. promoting imaginative and thinking skills to understand real life concerns
  4. creating awareness about scarcity of petrol and diesel

Option 3 – promoting imaginative and thinking skills to understand real life concerns

15 The technique of ‘ Classroom questioning ‘ in teaching of EVS can be used best for

  1. drawing attention of students
  2. arousing curiosity in the learners
  3. promoting practical skills
  4. maintaining discipline in the class

Option 2 – arousing curiosity in the learners

16 Aanchal frequently asks probing and imaginative questions in her class V EVS class. By doing so, she aims at improving

  1. observation skills
  2. emotional skills
  3. thinking skills
  4. speaking skills

Option 3 – thinking skills

17 Asking the question ” How will our life get affected if there were no electricity for a month? ” aims at

  1. sensitizing the students on using electricity judiciously
  2. assessing the students on sources of electricity
  3. promoting imaginative and thinking skills of students
  4. assessing the student on their general awareness

Option 3 – promoting imaginative and thinking skills of students

18 Teaching of EVS should encourage process skills, which are the core of inquiry-based, hands-on learning. Which one of the following is not such a skill?

  1. predicting
  2. determination
  3. Inferring
  4. Observation

Option 2 – determination

19 A teacher has to teach about cultural diversity in food in our country to class IV students. Which of the following is the best way to teach this topic?

  1. show flashcards having pictures of various food items
  2. give a project to students about different kinds of food taken by the people of various states in our country
  3. ask students what they have eaten followed by a discussion
  4. ask students to collect information about the kind of food taken in their family

Option 2 – give a project to students about different kinds of food taken by the people of various states in our country

20 An EVS teacher, usually begins her class by posing a few key questions. Of the following reasons, select which one is the least preferred?

  1. learner’s thinking can be stimulated
  2. The questions arouse curiosity in learners
  3. Questions help in contextualizing topics
  4. learner’s thinking can be restricted

Option 4 – learner’s thinking can be restricted

21 Stories are an important aspect of teaching-learning EVS in primary classes. Which one of the following is least appropriate reason for including storytelling as Pedagogy in EVS classroom?

  1. stories include experience of people
  2. stories cut across various subject areas
  3. stories help in class management
  4. stories provide context to relate EVS concepts

Option 3 – stories help in class management

22 To import knowledge in the EVS, which of the following is most appropriate strategy? ( Approaches And Method Of Presenting Concepts Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. activity based exercises
  2. problem-solving
  3. enquiry based learning
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

23 Ramesh during teaching about water asked ” Is water essential for every animal? Can plants live without water? ” By asking these questions, Ramesh wants to inculcate which of the following skill in children?

  1. observational skill
  2. thinking skill
  3. classifying skill
  4. rote learning

Option 2 – thinking skill

24 Anurag, an EVS teacher must take into consideration factors while teaching EVS in classroom

  1. guidelines given by the school
  2. should go through textbooks and regular test only
  3. only promote learning through activities, experimentation and practical
  4. should feedback from children and select method of teaching on the basis of content to be taught

Option 4 – should feedback from children and select method of teaching on the basis of content to be taught

25 Among the following methods which will enhance the learning experience? ( Approaches And Method Of Presenting Concepts Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. lectures and explanations only
  2. regular assessments
  3. flexible approach of teaching which include teaching and approaches according to content
  4. real life experience based learning

Option 3 – flexible approach of teaching which include teaching and approaches according to content

26 Surbhi is very creative and performs experiments and practicals, brilliantly. She learns concept by

  1. modeling
  2. divergent thinking
  3. convergent thinking
  4. Imitation

Option 2 – divergent thinking

27 Raman is an EVS teacher, he adopted a strategy of classroom questioning, by this strategy he intends to

  1. arouse curiosity and promote thinking
  2. make learning serious
  3. draw attention of class
  4. maintain discipline in the class

Option 1 – arouse curiosity and promote thinking

28 Navneet an EVS teacher wants to arouse curiosity in children which among the following he should do?

  1. give lecture and explanation
  2. provide them visual teaching then ask them probing questions
  3. tell children to write about the things they have learnt
  4. conduct periodic assessments

Option 2 – provide them visual teaching then ask them probing questions

29 Pooja teaches EVS, while teaching she prefers to give problem-solving questions to students. By adopting, this method of teaching she aims to

  1. promote group-based learning
  2. rote learning
  3. application based learning
  4. make students better in debate

Option 3 – application based learning

30 Which of the following is drawback of autocratic style of teaching? ( Approaches And Method Of Presenting Concepts Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. children becomes lazy
  2. teaching aids use depends on content to be taught
  3. extra-learning
  4. teacher becomes lazy

Option 1 – children becomes lazy

31 Ritika while teaching students of class V, emphasized the problem created by pollution. Which of the following teaching methods will be most appropriate to achieve the objective?

  1. lecture and talk by an expert
  2. conduct field trip
  3. arrange an audio-visual documentary for class and after watching documentary tell students to discuss among them
  4. make a poster presentation about pollution in class

Option 3 – arrange an audio-visual documentary for class and after watching documentary tell students to discuss among them

32 Avinash is planning to teach children about illiteracy, poverty, and class inequality. Which of the following method will be most appropriate for his purose?

  1. arrange a seminar on this topic and invite guest to give a talk
  2. tell children to collect all relevant information regarding the topic and discuss it in the class
  3. arrange essay competition on the topic
  4. give lectures to child on these topic in the class

Option 2 – tell children to collect all relevant information regarding the topic and discuss it in the class

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