Arihant Master the NCERT Biology

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Arihant Master the NCERT Biology Objective for Students

Smooth muscles are likely to be found in

(a) muscles of legs

(b) muscles of arms

(c) stomach

(d) heart

Option c – stomach

Which of the muscles are attached to bones?

(a) Smooth muscles

(b) Skeletal muscles

(c) Cardiac muscles

(d) All of the above

Option b – Skeletal muscles

Which of the following is not a connective tissue?

(a) Adipose tissue

(b) Compact bone

(c) Cardiac muscle

(d) Areolar tissue

Option c – Cardiac muscle

Multinucleate muscle fibers are

(a) cardiac muscles

(b) smooth muscles

(c) skeletal muscles

(d) Both (a) and (c)

Option d – Both (a) and (c)

Muscular tissue is derived from which dermal layer?

(a) Ectoderm

(b) Endoderm

(c) Mesoderm

(d) Both ectoderm and endoderm

Option d – Both ectoderm and endoderm

Which one of the following types of tissues will have contractile proteins?

(a) Nervous tissue

(b) Muscle tissue

(c) Bone tissue

(d) Blood tissue

Option c – Bone tissue

Muscles are connected to bones by connective tissue called as

(a) tendon

(b) ligament

(c) neuron

(d) adipose

Option b – ligament

Which of the following is not a function of smooth muscles?

(a) Peristalsis

(b) Vasodilation of blood vessels

(c) Contraction of urinary bladder during micturition

(d) Pumping of blood

Option d – Pumping of blood

Which among the following is an example of a dicot seed?

(a) Rice

(b) Wheat

(c) Pulses

(d) Maize

Option c – Pulses

Cotyledon of maize grain is called

(a) coleorhiza

(b) coleoptile

(c) scutellum

(d) plumule

Option c – scutellum

Non-albuminous seed is produced in

(a) maize

(b) castor

(c) wheat

(d) pea

Option d – pea

Which one of the following denotes a ‘true’ fruit?

(a) When only the thalamus of the flower grows and develops into a fruit.

(b) When only the receptacle of the flower develops into a fruit.

(c) When fruit originates only from the calyx of a flower.

(d) When only the ovary of the flower grows into a fruit.

Option d – When only the ovary of the flower grows into a fruit

Which part of the pear is edible?

(a) Fleshy thalamus

(b) Spores

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Pod

Option a – Fleshy thalamus

Fruit of which of the following plants is found in the underground soil?

(a) Potato

(b) Carrot

(c) Peanut

(d) Onion

Option c – Peanut

Which one is the incorrect match for edible parts?

(a) Guava – Mesocarp

(b) Banana – Pericarp

(c) Lemon – Placental hairs

(d) Pomegranate – Juicy testa

Option b – Banana – Pericarp

What is the basis for classifying various plant tissues as meristematic tissue and permanent tissue?

(a) Size

(b) Dividing capacity

(c) Location

(d) No option is correct

Option b – Dividing capacity

Which one of the following tissues is responsible for an increase in girth in the stem of a plant?

(a) Tracheid

(b) Pericycle

(c) Intercalary meristem

(d) Lateral meristem

Option d – Lateral meristem

Intercalary meristems are found in

(a) node

(b) lateral bud

(c) terminal bud

(d) internode

Option d – internode

Lateral meristem is responsible for

(a) growth in length.

(b) growth of parenchyma.

(c) growth in thickness.

(d) growth in the cortex.

Option c – growth in thickness

Parenchyma cells are characterized by

(a) the presence of lignified walls.

(b) presence of intercellular space.

(c) presence of thickening at the corners.

(d) presence of uniform thickenings.

Option b – presence of intercellular space

What is the name of a group of similar cells performing a specific function?

(a) Tissue

(b) Organ

(c) Organ system

(d) Cellular organization

Option a – Tissue

The increase in the length of stems and roots in plants is due to

(a) lateral meristem

(b) intercalary meristem

(c) apical meristem

(d) secondary growth

Option c – apical meristem

Damage to the apical meristem of a growing young plant will affect the

(a) length of the plant.

(b) color of the flower.

(c) color of the leaves.

(d) taste of the fruits.

Option a – length of the plant

The function of velamen is

(a) respiration

(b) absorption of moisture from the air

(c) protection of tissue

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(d) none of the above

Option b – absorption of moisture from the air

If the xylem of a plant is mechanically blocked, which of the following functions of the plant will be affected?

(a) Transport of water only

(b) Transport of water and solutes

(c) Transport of solutes only

(d) Transport of gases

Option b – Transport of water and solutes

‘Phloem’ in plants is mainly responsible for

(a) transportation of food

(b) transportation of amino acids

(c) transportation of oxygen

(d) transportation of water

Option a – transportation of food

Which one of the following statements about meristematic tissue in plants is correct?

(a) These are dead tissues and form wood.

(b) They provide flexibility to the plant due to their thickened walls.

(c) These are present in the bark of a tree only.

(d) Growth occurs in plants due to the division of cells in these tissues.

Option d – Growth occurs in plants due to the division of cells in these tissues

Which one of the following plant tissues has dead cells?

(a) Epidermis

(b) Parenchyma

(c) Collenchyma

(d) Sclerenchyma

Option d – Sclerenchyma

Which one of the following is not a component of conducting tissue in plants?

(a) Fibers

(b) Tracheids

(c) Pericycle

(d) Sieve tubes

Option c – Pericycle

Whose living cells provide tensile and mechanical strength?

(a) Collenchyma

(b) Sclerenchyma

(c) Phloem

(d) Sclereids

Option a – Collenchyma

The corners of the cells of collenchyma tissue in plants are thickened due to the deposition of

(a) lignin and suberin

(b) suberin and cotin

(c) cellulose and pectin

(d) chitin and lignin

Option c – cellulose and pectin

The only living tissue in the plant xylem is

(a) Trachea

(b) Xylem fibers

(c) Xylem parenchyma

(d) Tracheid

Option c – Xylem parenchyma

The monocot plants lack the process of grafting. This is mainly due to the lack of

(a) vascular tissue

(b) ground tissue

(c) parenchymatous tissue

(d) cambium tissue

Option d – cambium tissue

Grafting is successful in dicots but not in monocots because the dicots have

(a) vascular bundles arranged in a ring

(b) cambium for secondary growth

(c) vessels with elements arranged to end

(d) cork cambium

Option b – cambium for secondary growth

A parenchyma cell that stores ergastic substances is known as

(a) phragmoblast

(b) idioblast

(c) conidioplast

(d) chloroplast

Option b – idioblast

Bark includes

(a) all the tissue outside the vascular cambium.

(b) tissue inside the vascular cambium.

(c) tissue inside the xylem.

(d) all the dead tissues outside the vascular cambium.

Option a – all the tissue outside the vascular cambium

Vascular bundles in monocotyledons are considered closed because

(a) Xylem is completely surrounded by phloem.

(b) There are no vessels with perforations.

(c) A bundle sheath surrounds each bundle.

(d) There is no secondary growth.

Option d – There is no secondary growth

On the basis of structure and functions, animal tissues are classified into

(a) 3 types

(b) 2 types

(c) 1 type

(d) 4 types

Option d – 4 types

In tissue, the structure of cells varies according to their

(a) origin

(b) function

(c) gene content

(d) None of these

Option d – None of these

Which of the following tissues provides a covering layer for some of the body parts?

(a) Connective tissue

(b) Muscular tissue

(c) Epithelial tissue

(d) Neural tissue

Option c – Epithelial tissue

Which one of the following statements is associated with epithelium?

(a) Cells are compactly packed with little intercellular matrix.

(b) Cells are loosely packed with large intercellular matrix.

(c) It is highly vascularized.

(d) It is a supporting tissue.

Option a – Cells are compactly packed with little intercellular matrix

The lining of body cavities, ducts, and tubes is made up of

(a) compound epithelium

(b) simple epithelium

(c) cuboidal epithelium

(d) keratinized epithelium

Option b – simple epithelium

The age of a tree is estimated by

(a) its weight

(b) its height

(c) the number of annual rings

(d) the length of its root

Option c – the number of annual rings

Blood is a type of

(a) epithelial tissue

(b) muscular tissue

(c) nervous tissue

(d) connective tissue

Option d – connective tissue

Which one among the following animal tissues transports hormones and maintains water balance?

(a) Connective tissue

(b) Muscular tissue

(c) Blood

(d) Nervous tissue

Option c – Blood

Cartilage is not found in

(a) larynx

(b) nose

(c) ear

(d) urinary bladder

Option d – urinary bladder

Which of the following is not connective tissue?

(a) Bone

(b) Cartilage

(c) Blood

(d) Skeletal muscle

Option d – Skeletal muscle

Which of the following is not a function of epithelium?

(a) Protection

(b) Connection

(c) Secretion or excretion

(d) Absorption

Option b – Connection

The tissue that forms the gland in humans is

(a) muscular tissue

(b) nervous tissue

(c) epithelial tissue

(d) connective tissue

Option c – epithelial tissue

In which one of the following types of connective tissues in animals does fat get stored?

(a) Adipocyte

(b) Chondrocyte

(c) Osteocyte

(d) Reticulocyte

Option a – Adipocyte

Schwann cell is found around

(a) axon

(b) cyton

(c) dendrite

(d) dendron

Option a – axon

Nodes of Ranvier are found in

(a) cardiac muscle fiber

(b) striated muscle fiber

(c) medullated nerve fiber

(d) non-medullated nerve fiber

Option c – medullated nerve fiber

Centrosomes are absent in

(a) nerve cells

(b) epithelial cells

(c) germinal cells

(d) All of these

Option a – nerve cells

Neurilemma is an outer covering of

(a) blood capillaries

(b) muscle fiber

(c) intestine

(d) nerve fiber

Option d – nerve fiber

Myelin sheath around nerve fibers is secreted by

(a) Schwann cell

(b) mast cell

(c) glial cell

(d) astrocytes

Option a – Schwann cell

Which one of the following organelles is not found in prokaryotic cells?

(a) Cell wall

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Plasma membrane

(d) Ribosome

Option b – Mitochondria

Which one of the following is the smallest cell?

(a) Mycoplasma

(b) Amoeba

(c) White blood cells

(d) Red blood cells

Option a – Mycoplasma

In prokaryotic organisms, the nuclear region is not surrounded by a membrane. This undefined nuclear region is known as

(a) Nucleic acid

(b) Nucleoid

(c) Nucleolus

(d) Nucleosome

Option b – Nucleoid

Which one among the following statements is correct?

(a) Prokaryotic cells possess a nucleus.

(b) Cell membrane is present both in plant and animal cells.

(c) Mitochondria and chromoplasts are not found in eukaryotic cells.

(d) Ribosomes are present in eukaryotic cells only.

Option b – Cell membrane is present both in plant and animal cells

The fruit softens and ripens due to

(a) conversion of starch from sugar

(b) jelly formation of an acid pH

(c) incorporation of pectate in the middle lamella

(d) dissolution of the middle lamella

Option d – dissolution of the middle lamella

Which one of the following types of cells has the ability to develop into any type of cell?

(a) Endodermal cells

(b) Ectodermal cells

(c) Stem cells

(d) Muscle cells

Option c – Stem cells

Which one of the following organelles is the smallest membrane-bound organelle?

(a) Ribosome

(b) Golgi bodies

(c) Lysosome

(d) Nucleolus

Option c – Lysosome

Which one of the following is not found in animal cells?

(a) Free ribosomes

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Nucleolus

(d) Cell wall

Option d – Cell wall

The Golgi bodies very common in the secretory cells originated from

(a) endoplasmic reticulum

(b) chloroplast

(c) mitochondria

(d) lysosome

Option a – endoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following cell organelles play the most significant role in protein synthesis?

(a) Lysosome and centrosome

(b) Endoplasmic reticulum and ribosome

(c) Golgi apparatus and mitochondria

(d) Lysosome and mitochondria

Option b – Endoplasmic reticulum and ribosome

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum acts as a major site for the synthesis of

(a) lipids and steroids

(b) proteins

(c) ribosomes

(d) DNA

Option a – lipids and steroids

Which one of the following statements about proteins in mammalian cells is correct?

(a) Proteins in mammalian cells are synthesised in the cell membrane.

(b) Proteins in mammalian cells are not synthesised in the cell membranes but are directly absorbed from food.

(c) Proteins in mammalian cells are synthesised in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

(d) Proteins in mammalian cells are synthesised in the Golgi apparatus.

Option c – Proteins in mammalian cells are synthesised in the rough endoplasmic reticulum

The site of cellular respiration in animal cells is

(a) ribosome

(b) mitochondria

(c) endoplasmic reticulum

(d) lysosome

Option b – mitochondria

Which one of the following groups of cellular organelles contains DNA?

(a) Mitochondria, nucleus, chloroplast

(b) Mitochondria, Golgi bodies, nucleus

(c) Mitochondria, plasma membrane, nucleus

(d) Chloroplast, nucleus, ribosomes

Option a – Mitochondria, nucleus, chloroplast

Which one of the following functions is not carried out by smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

(a) Transport of materials.

(b) Synthesis of lipid.

(c) Synthesis of protein.

(d) Synthesis of steroid hormone.

Option c – Synthesis of protein

The excretory organ in Phylum Hemichordata is:

(a) Proboscis gland

(b) Gills

(c) Collar cells

(d) None of these

Option a – Proboscis gland

Which of the following are cold-blooded animals?

(a) Fish

(b) Frog

(c) Wall Lizard

(d) All of these

Option d – All of these

What is the definition of the term ‘hibernation’?

(a) A state of hyperactivity in springtime among birds.

(b) Building of habitat (nests) by birds to save themselves in the rainy season.

(c) A state of reduced metabolic activity during the winter season among some animals.

(d) A habit of food conservation during the summer season for winter among animals.

Option c – A state of reduced metabolic activity during the winter season among some animals

The members of which of the following are often referred to as protochordates?

(a) Urochordata

(b) Cephalochordata

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Option c – Both (a) and (b)

Phylum-Chordata is divided into subphyla, namely:

(a) Vertebrata, Protochordata, and Urochordata

(b) Urochordata, Gnathochordata, and Vertebrata

(c) Urochordata, Tunicata, and Vertebrata

(d) Tunicata, Cephalochordata, and Vertebrata.

Option d – Tunicata, Cephalochordata, and Vertebrata

Cartilaginous fish differ from bony fish in having:

(a) Uncovered gills

(b) Heterocercal tail fin

(c) Ventral mouth and nares

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

The scientific name of a starfish is:

(a) Echinus

(b) Limulus

(c) Echidna

(d) Asterias

Option d – Asterias

Which of the following statements is false?

(a) Male roundworm is smaller than female.

(b) Earthworms are hermaphrodites.

(c) Echinoderms are protostome coelomates.

(d) Human teeth are anatomically comparable to the scales of a shark.

Option c – Echinoderms are protostome coelomates

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