Atomic Structure MCQ Class 11

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Atomic Structure MCQ Class 11 for School Students

Which of the following is called sub atomic particle

1. Electron

2. Proton

3. Neutron

4. All above

Option 4 – All above

Which particle is located in nucleus

1. Proton

2. Neutron

3. (1) & (2)

4. Electron

Option 3 – (1) & (2)

Charge of electron

1. Negative

2. Positive

3. Neutral

4. None

Option 1 – Negative

Positive charge particle is

1. Electron

2. Proton

3. Neutron

4. All above

Option 2 – Proton

The positive Nuclear charge is neutralized by

1. Electrons

2. Protons

3. Neutrons

4. Other atom Nucleus

Option 1 – Electrons

Which particles revolve around the nucleus

1. Protons

2. Electrons

3. Neutrons

4. Positrons

Option 2 – Electrons

The first atomic model was proposed by

1. J.J. Thomson

2. Rutherford

3. Bohr

4. Sommerfield

Option 1 – J.J. Thomson

Who discovered electrons

1. Bohr

2. J.J. Thomson

3. Planck

4. Lande

Option 2 – J.J. Thomson

Water-melon model of an atom was Introduced by

1. Plank

2. Spin

3. Bohr

4.J.J. Thomson

Option 4 – J.J. Thomson

In which model the electrons were placed inside the nucleus

1. Water-melon

2. Planetary

3. Bohr’s

4. Sommer fields

Option 1 – Water-melon

Which of the following model could not account atomic spectra

1. Water-melon

2. Planetary

3. Bohr’s’

4. Sommer fields

Option 1 – Water-melon

Who proposed planetary model of an atom

1. J.J. Thomson

2. Bohr

3. Rutherford

4. Plank

Option 3 – Rutherford

Which of the following model is proposed based on a ray scattering experiment

1. Planetary

2. Water-melon

3. Bohr’s model

4. None

Option 1 – Planetary

According to planetary model or Nuclear model atoms are

1. Spherical in shape

2. Circular in shape

3. Rectangular in shape

4. Cylindrical in shape

Option 1 – Spherical in shape

The nucleus is made up of

1. Electrons and protons

2. Electrons and neutrons

3. Protons and neutrons

4. All above

Option 3 – Protons and neutrons

According to classical laws of physics a moving particle should lose

1. Mass

2. Velocity

3. Energy

4. None

Option 3 – Energy

If the electrons loses energy continuously the atomic spectra should consist of

1. Continuous bands

2. Discrete spectral lines

3. (1) and (2)

4. None

Option 1 – Continuous bands

Atomic Spectra is made of up

1. Continuous bands

2. Discrete spectral lines

3. (1) and (2)

4. None

Option 2 – Discrete spectral lines

The scientist who discovered neutrons is

1. J.J. Thomson

2. Goldstein

3. G.J. Stoney

4. Chadwick

Option 4 – Chadwick

Cathode rays are deflected towards …… pole in a magnetic field.

1. South pole

2. North pole

3. Both South & North

4. None

Option 2 – North pole

Atoms are made up of

1. Molecules

2. Elements

3. Ions

4. Sub atomic particles

Option 4 – Sub atomic particles

Cathode rays travel in straight line, they are

1. Positively charged particles

2. Negatively charged particles

3. Positively charged ions

4. Negatively charged ions

Option 2 – Negatively charged particles

Name the scientist who named cathode ray particle as an electron

1. G.J. Stoney

2. Niels Bohr

3. Schrodinger

4. Heisenberg

Option 1 – G.J. Stoney

According to one of the following theories, atom cannot be divided further

1. Raman

2. J.J. Thomson

3. Rutherford

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4. Dalton

Option 4 – Dalton

Cathode rays were invented by one of the following scientists

1. Bohr

2. J.J. Thomson

3. Goldstein

4. James Chadwick

Option 3 – Goldstein

Atomic number (Z) is equal to the number of

1. neutrons

2. neutrinos

3. electrons

4. None of the above

Option 3 – electrons

Alpha particles could be defined as

1. protons removed from helium atom

2. electrons removed from lithium atom

3. electrons removed from helium atom

4. helium atom

Option 3 – electrons removed from helium atom

Entire mass of the atom is located in the

1. orbits surrounding the nucleus

2. centre of the atomic sphere

3. electrons only

4. none of the above

Option 2 – centre of the atomic sphere

Mass of the proton is ……. times greater than the electron.

1. 2350

2. 1837

3. 1950


Option 2 – 1837

Matter is composed of smallest particles called as

1. molecules

2. particles

3. atoms

4. packages

Option 3 – atoms

Which one of the following has the highest frequency?

(a) Cosmic rays

(b) X-rays

(c) Radiowaves

(d) Microwaves

Option a – Cosmic rays

Which one of the following types of radiations has the smallest wavelength?

(a) Microwaves

(b) Infra-red

(c) Visible light

(d) X-rays

Option d – X-rays

Which one of the following pairs of rays is electromagnetic in nature?

(a) Beta rays and gamma rays

(b) Cathode rays and X-rays

(c) Alpha rays and beta rays

(d) X-rays and gamma rays

Option d – X-rays and gamma rays

Which of the following has the least penetrating power?

(a) Alpha particles

(b) Beta particles

(c) Gamma rays

(d) All have the same penetrating power

Option a – Alpha particles

When X-rays are produced

(a) heat is generated at the target.

(b) heat is absorbed in the target.

(c) the temperature of the target remains constant.

(d) brilliant light is seen at the target.

Option a – heat is generated at the target

What is the correct ascending order for frequencies of the following radiations? I. Visible II. X-rays III. Ultraviolet IV. Radio waves Codes

(a) I, III, II, IV

(b) III, II, IV, I

(c) IV, I, III, II

(d) IV, III, I, II

Option c – IV, I, III, II

The number of maximum electrons in the N shell is

(a) 2

(b) 8

(c) 18

(d) 32

Option d – 32

An atom has 7 electrons in its M-shell and contains 18 neutrons in its nucleus. What is its mass number?

(a) 25

(b) 27

(c) 35

(d) 43

Option c – 35

The number of angular and radial nodes for 4d orbital is respectively

(a) 2 and 1

(b) 1 and 2

(c) 3 and 1

(d) 4 and 0

Option a – 2 and 1

Two electrons in an orbital are differentiated by which of the following?

(a) Magnetic quantum number

(b) Spin quantum number

(c) Principal quantum number

(d) Azimuthal quantum number

Option b – Spin quantum number

Radioactivity was discovered by

(a) Rutherford

(b) Becquerel

(c) Bohr

(d) Madam Curie

Option b – Becquerel

Radioactivity is measured by

(a) a Hydrometer

(b) Geiger Counter

(c) a Seismometer

(d) Ammeter

Option b – Geiger Counter

Which one of the following is not radioactive?

(a) Astatine

(b) Francium

(c) Tritium

(d) Zirconium

Option d – Zirconium

Regarding the atom of a chemical element, the magnetic quantum number refers to

(a) orientation

(b) shape

(c) size

(d) spin

Option a – orientation

Which of the following element has one or two electrons in the K-shell only?

(a) Hydrogen

(b) Helium

(c) Neon

(d) Sulphur

Option b – Helium

The molecules of different compounds in which the total number of atoms and electrons are the same are called

(a) Isobars

(b) Isotopes

(c) Isotones

(d) Isosteres

Option d – Isosteres

Which of the following statements with regard to isotopes and isobars is/are correct? I. Isotopes have the same mass number. II. Isobars have the same atomic number. Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I and II

(d) Neither I nor II

Option d – Neither I nor II

In which one of the following is the valence electronic configuration, ns² np³ found?

(a) Carbon

(b) Oxygen

(c) Nitrogen

(d) Argon

Option c – Nitrogen

What are the maximum numbers of electrons that can be present in a shell represented by shell number ‘n’?

(a) 2n

(b) 2n²

(c) n

(d) n²

Option b – 2n²

What is the maximum number of electrons that the outermost shell can have?

(a) 2

(b) 6

(c) 8

(d) None of these

Option c – 8

Which of the following is the maximum number of electrons that can be present in an M-shell?

(a) 2

(b) 8

(c) 18

(d) 32

Option c – 18

Isotopes of an element have ………..

(a) same physical properties

(b) different chemical properties

(c) different numbers of neutrons

(d) different atomic number

Option c – different numbers of neutrons

Isobars have ……….

(a) same mass numbers but different atomic numbers.

(b) different mass numbers but the same atomic numbers.

(c) same mass and atomic numbers

(d) different mass and atomic numbers.

Option a – same mass numbers but different atomic numbers

The mass number is always equal to ……….

(a) a number of protons.

(b) number of neutrons

(c) sum of the number of protons and number of electrons

(d) sum of the number of protons and number of neutrons

Option d – sum of the number of protons and number of neutrons

Which one among the following is the most appropriate statement with respect to the atomic weight of an element?

(a) The atomic weight of an element is the sum total of the number of protons and neutrons present in the atom of an element.

(b) Unlike mass numbers, the atomic weight of an element can be a fraction.

(c) The atomic weight of an element is a whole number.

(d) The atomic weight of all the atoms in an element is the same.

Option b – Unlike mass numbers, the atomic weight of an element can be a fraction

The atoms of the elements having the same difference between mass number and atomic number are called ……….

(a) Isobar

(b) Isotopes

(c) Isotones

(d) No option is correct

Option c – Isotones

The atoms, in which the number of protons is the same but the number of neutrons is different, are known as

(a) Isobars

(b) Isomers

(c) Isotones

(d) Isotopes

Option d – Isotopes

The chemical properties of isotope

(a) must be the same.

(b) must be different.

(c) need not be the same.

(d) need not be different.

Option a – must be the same

Most of the mass of the atom can be found in

(a) electrons

(b) charges

(c) nucleus

(d) electron cloud

Option c – nucleus

The atomic mass of an element is equal to the sum of a number of

(a) electrons and protons only.

(b) protons and neutrons only.

(c) electrons and neutrons only.

(d) electrons, protons and neutrons.

Option b – protons and neutrons only

An atom of carbon has protons. Its mass number is 12. How many neutrons are present in an atom of carbon?

(a) 12

(b) 6

(c) 10

(d) 14

Option b – 6

Who developed the model of atomic structure?

(a) Bohr and Rutherford

(b) Volta

(c) Alfred Nobel

(d) Faraday

Option a – Bohr and Rutherford

Which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) Rutherford’s alpha particle. scattering experiment led to the discovery of electrons.

(b) JJ Thomson suggested that the nucleus of an atom contains protons.

(c) The atomic number of an element is the same as the number of protons in the nucleus of its atom.

(d) The mass number of an atom is equal to the number of electrons in its shells.

Option c – The atomic number of an element is the same as the number of protons in the nucleus of its atom

Consider the following statements. I. JJ Thomson was the first one to propose a model for the structure of an atom. II. Rutherford designed an experiment for the arrangement of electrons within an atom. In this experiment, fast-moving alpha particles were made to fall on a thin gold foil. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) I and II

(d) None of these

Option c – I and II

Consider the following statements I. An atom consists of a positively charged sphere and the electrons are embedded in it. II. The negative and positive charges are equal in magnitude. So, the atom as a whole is electrically neutral. Which of the statements given above is/are correct about Thomson’s model of an atom?

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I and II

(d) None of these

Option c – Both I and II

Which one among the following transitions of electron of hydrogen atom emits radiation of the shortest wavelength?

(a) n = 2 to n = 1

(b) n=3 to n = 2

(c) n = 4 to n = 3

(d) n = 5 to n = 4

Option a – n = 2 to n = 1

Which of the following is responsible to rule out the existence of definite paths or trajectories of electrons?

(a) Pauli’s exclusion principle

(b) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

(c) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity

(d) Aufbau principle

Option b – Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Atomic Number is denoted by which alphabet?

(a) A

(b) N

(c) Z

(d) E

Option c – Z

In an atom, the neutron was discovered by

(A) J.J. Thomson

(B) Chadwick

(C) Rutherford

(D) Newton

Option b – Chadwick

Which of the following is not a subatomic particle?

(A) Neutron

(B) Proton

(C) Deuteron

(D) Electron

Option c – Deuteron

Which of the following pairs constitutes particle-antiparticle pair?

(A) Electron-Positron

(B) Proton-Neutron

(C) Photon-Electron

(D) Neutron-Neutrino

Option a – Electron-Positron

The alpha particle carries two positive charges. Its mass is very nearly equal to that of

(A) Two protons

(B) An atom of helium

(C) a Sum of masses of two positrons and two neutrons

(D) Two positrons each positron carries a single positive charge

Option b – An atom of helium

The Nucleus of Helium has

(A) Only one neutron

(B) Two protons

(C) Two protons and two neutrons

(D) One proton and two neutrons

Option c – Two protons and two neutrons

Which of the following is not a part of an atom?

(A) Electron

(B) Proton

(C) Neutron

(D) Photon

Option d – Photon

A single type of atom is found in

(A) Compounds of minerals

(B) a mixture of minerals

(C) Native elements

(D) None of the above

Option c – Native elements

Constituents of the atomic nucleus are

(A) Electron and proton

(B) Electron and neutron

(C) Proton and neutron

(D) Proton, neutron, and electron

Option c – Proton and neutron

Which of the following statement about molecular structure is correct?

(A) Neutrons and electrons are found inside the nucleus and protons revolve around the nucleus

(B) Electrons and proton are inside the nucleus and neutrons revolve around the nucleus

(C) Proton and neutron are inside the nucleus and electrons revolve around the nucleus

(D) Proton, neutron, and electron all are inside the nucleus

Option c – Proton and neutron are inside the nucleus and electrons revolve around the nucleus

The atomic nucleus was discovered by

(A) Rutherford

(B) Dalton

(C) Einstein

(D) Thomson

Option a – Rutherford

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