Bacteria MCQ with Answers

Bacteria MCQ with Answers. We covered all the Bacteria MCQ with Answers in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Bacteria for Students

During pasteurisation, milk is heated to

1. 62°C

2. 60°C

3. 72°C

4. 70°C

Option 3 – 72°C

Freshness of food items is obtained by

1. Quick freezing

2. Salting

3. Drying

4. Canning

Option 1 – Quick freezing

Fumigation is a technique used to kill

1. Helmindhs

2. Insect pests

3. Protozoans

4. Micro organisms

Option 2 – Insect pests

Method used in preservation of pickles is

1. Freezing

2. Drying

3. Smoking

4. Salting

Option 4 – Salting

Mechanicals driers are largely employed on

1. Kitchens

2. Houses

3. Industries

4. None

Option 3 – Industries

Incubation period of diphteria is

1. 10-15 days

2. 9-18 days

3. 2-5 days

4. None

Option 3 – 2-5 days

Roundworm which lives in the intestine is

1. Plasmodion

2. Ascaris

3. Amoeba

4. Entamoeba

Option 2 – Ascaris

‘Triple Antigen’ contains vaccine against

1. Tetanus

2. Pertusis

3. Diphtheria

4. All the above

Option 4 – All the above

AIDS is caused by

1. Mosquito

2. Bacteria

3. Virus

4. Housfly

Option 3 – Virus

Rhizobium legominosaron is found in roots of

1. Groundnut

2. Onions

3. Mango

4. None

Option 1 – Groundnut

Pencilin is produced by a

1. Algae

2. Fungus

3. Plants

4. Fish

Option 2 – Fungus

Conversion of amino acids to ammonia is done by

1. Nitrifying bacteria

2. Ammonifying bacteria

3. Both

4. None

Option 2 – Ammonifying bacteria

Fermentation is a kind of

1. Anaerobic respiration

2. Photosynthesis

3. Aerobic respiration

4. None

Option 1 – Anaerobic respiration

Bacteria and higher plants, help each other for mutual benefit such co-operation is called

1. Nitrification

2. Symbiosis

3. Both

4. None

Option 2 – Symbiosis

Cheese is obtained from

1. Milk

2. Yeast

3. Lactic acid

4. Nitrates

Option 1 – Milk

Example to antibiotic

1. Chloromycetin

2. Starch

3. Alcohol

4. Chlorine

Option 1 – Chloromycetin

Pencillin was discovered by

1. Fenner

2. Leeuwenhock

3. Alexander Fleming

4. None

Option 3 – Alexander Fleming

Study of disease is called

1. Pathology

2. Physiology

3. Carnilogy

4. None

Option 1 – Pathology

Leaf blight is caused by

1. Fungus

2. Virus

3. Bacteria

4. Algae

Option 3 – Bacteria

The organisms that cause disease are

1. Carcinogens

2. Pathogens

3. Both

4. None

Option 2 – Pathogens

Blast of rice is a ……. disease

1. Bacterial

2. Viral

3. Fungal

4. None

Option 3 – Fungal

Common fungal disease in wheat is

1. Rust

2. Red-rot

3. Tikka

4. None

Option 1 – Rust

Common disease in ground nut is

1. Fungal

2. Biotic

3. Tikka

4. None

Option 3 – Tikka

Red-rot is a common disease of

1. Ground nut

2. Paddy

3. Sugar cane

4. None

Option 3 – Sugar cane

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Wheat rust is a ……. disease

1. Tikka

2. Biotic

3. Fungal

4. None

Option 3 – Fungal

We covered all the bacteria MCQ with answers above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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