Bankers Adda Free Mock Test IBPS RRB PO

Bankers Adda Free Mock Test IBPS RRB PO. We covered all the Bankers Adda Free Mock Test IBPS RRB PO in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in the exams like BSF, Ayush Exam, ONGC, Drug inspector, District pharmacist, RRB, ESIC, CGHS, DSSSB, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

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Bankers Adda Free MCQs Test IBPS RRB PO for Students

Which of the following hypnotics is preferred in patients with limited hepatic function?

a) Zolpidem

b) Amobarbital

c) Flurozepam

d) Pentobarbital

Option a – Zolpidem

Which of the following barbiturates is an ultr-short action drug?

a) Secobarbital

b) Amobarbital

c) Thiopental

d) Phenobarbital

Option c – Thiopental

The most effective drug for stopping generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus in adults is.

a) Lamotrigine

b) Ethosuximide

c) Diazepam

d) Zonizamide

Option c – Diazepam

The most dangerous effect of antiseizure drugs after large overdoses is.

a) Respiratory depression

b) Gastrointestinal irritation

c) Alopecia

d) Sedation

Option a – Respiratory depression

Which is effective in the treatment of mushroom poisoning?

a) Pralldoxime

b) Pilocarpine

c) Neostigmine

d) Atropine

Option d – Atropine

Indicate muscles, which are more resistant to block and recover more rapidly.

a) Hand

b) Leg

c) Neck

d) Diaphragm

Option d – Diaphragm

Which of the following drugs causes bronchodilation without significant cardiac stimulation?

a) Isoprenaline

b) Terbutaline

c) Xylometazoline

d) Methoxamine

Option b – Terbutaline

Indicate the sympathomimetic agent, which is combined with a local anesthetic to prolong the duration of infiltration nerve block.

a) Epinephrine

b) xylometazoline bb

c) Isoproteranol

d) Dobutamine

Option a – Epinephrine

Indicate the agent of choice in the emergency therapy of anaphylactic shock.

a) Methoxamine

b) Terbutaline

c) Norepinephrine

d) Epinephrine

Option d – Epinephrine

Indicate the adrenoreceptor antagonist drug which is a rauwolfia alkaloid.

a) Prazosin

b) Propranolol hijos

c) Reserpine

d) Phentolamine

Option c – Reserpine

Hypnotic drugs are used to treat.

a) Psychoiss

b) Sleep disorders

c) Narcolepsy

d) Parkinsonian disorders

Option b – Sleep disorders

Which of the following agents is used as an inhalation drug in asthma?

a) Atropine

b) Ipratropium

c) Lobeline

d) Homatropine

Option b – Ipratropium

Which of the following drugs is useful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease?

a) Benztropine

b) Edrophonium

c) Succinylcholine

d) Hexamethonium

Option a – Benztropine

We covered all the bankers adda free mock test ibps rrb po above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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