Best Free GRE Practice Tests

Best Free GRE Practice Tests. We covered all the Best Free GRE Practice Tests in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Find the value of 28.5% of 16.8% of 35% of 76.3 is =?

(a) 1.2786

(b) 1.2281

(c) 1.218

(d) 1.1863

(e) None of these

Option a – 1.2786

Santosh’s income is Rs. 960 she saves 192/-.What% of her savings she spends?

(a) 250

(b) 80

(c) 400

(d) 200

(e) None of these

Option c – 400

In class X the strength consists of 28 girls and 22 boys. On a particular day, 47% of the strength was present. What % of the boys were absent on that day?

(a) 3

(b) 4

(c) 5

(d) 6

(e) None of these

Option e – None of these

In a small village Rania there are 840 adults (including 396 females) out of which 294 (including 132 females) are literate. What percentage of males is illiterate?

(a) 35

(b) 30

(c) 45

(d) 50

(e) 43

Option a – 35

The science paper is for 150 marks. John scores 77, Mark scores 93 & Robert scores 56. Find the Maximum difference between their scores as% of their Minimum difference.

(a) 220

(b) 280

(c) 133

(d) 360

(e) 230

Option b – 280

Out of 2640 students studying various science subjects in Post Graduate Govt College Chandigarh, 45% got distinction in their finals. What% did not get any distinction?

(a) 55

(b) 1188

(c) 45

(d) 1452

(e) None of these

Option d – 1452

In the costly City Beautiful, Mr. Ramesh earns 45,000 per month. He pays 18% as monthly rent for a 2 BHK flat to his landlord. His landlord has to pay 3.5% as tax on the rent he earns from Mr. Ramesh. How much tax does he pay in a year?

(a) 31,800

(b) 32,400

(c) 2,700

(d) 3,400

(e) None of these

Option d – 3,400

40% of bread is Water. How many kg of bread is used to have 110 grams of water?

(a) 0.273

(b) 1.205

(c) 0.275

(d) 295

(e) None of these

Option c – 0.275

Color TV prices fell by 28% and as a result, 3.2% tax was further saved from this price. If the cost of a TV was originally 1,21,500/-, find the newly revised cost of the TV.

(a) 87,000

(b) 87,480

(c) 84,680

(d) 85,720

(e) None of these

Option c – 84,680

During the first hour of its journey a car covered 51.6 Km covering only 12% of the total distance. Find the remaining distance (km) that the car has to travel.

(a) 352.8

(b) 378.4

(c) 430.4

(d) 282.6

(e) None of these

Option d – 282.6

Fresh mushrooms contain 90% of water (by weight), while dried mushroom contains 12% of water. How much (kg) dried mushrooms will be obtained from 20 Kg of fresh mushrooms?

(a) 1.5

(b) 2.0

(c) 3.0

(d) 3.02

(e) None of these

Option a – 1.5

By taxi, 28% of the distance between Delhi and Paryagraj had to be covered as Poorva Express got delayed on the way. If Mr. Manav covered 392 kilometers by Taxi. Find the Difference between the distance covered by him by the Express Train and by bus.

(a) 1008

(b) 392

(c) 616

(d) 1400

(e) None of these

Option c – 616

By taxi, 28% of the distance between Delhi and Paryagraj had to be covered as Poorva Express got delayed on the way. If Mr. Manav covered 392 kilometers by Taxi. Find the distance between New Delhi and Paryagraj in kilometers approximately.

(a) 1300

(b) 1400

(c) 1998

(d) 1470

(e) 1650

Option b – 1400

In a week on average 7.9% of students were absent from a class. If the number of students who were absent during the weekdays was 154, 152, 158, 157, 159, and 168, how many students were present during the week on average?

(a) 1,920

(b) 1,842

(c) 1,330

(d) 2,000

(e) None of these

Option b – 1,842

50% of 0.003 =?

(a) 0.015

(b) 0.0015

(c) 0.15

(d) 1.5

Option b – 0.0015

5.555% of 804600 =?

(a) 447

(b) 4470

(c) 44.70

(d) 4.470

Option a – 447

35% is 35000 =?

(a) 122.50

(b) 1225

(c) 12250

(d) 122.25

Option c – 12250

8-1/3% of 12000-6-1/4% of 8000 =

(a) 550

(b) 500

(c) 600

(d) 1000

Option b – 500

6-2/3% of 21000 +7-1/7% of 2800 =

(a) 1400

(b) 1600

(c) 1200

(d) 2800

Option b – 1600

33 -1/3% of 25% of 2268 = ( Best Free GRE Practice Tests )

(a) 179

(b) 199

(c) 189

(d) 209

Option c – 189

28-4/7% of 22 – 2/9% of 5 – 5/7% of 8820 =

(a) 22

(b) 36

(c) 28

(d) 32

Option d – 32

Tax on an article is increased by 20%. As a result, consumption decreases by 25%. Find the% change in the tax revenue received by the Government from this article.



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(c) 8

(d) 6

(e) None of these

Option e – None of these

For how much more () should a furnishing worth 6,65,000 be insured at 5% so that in the event of loss the owner recovers both values of the furnishing & the premium paid?

(a) 33,250

(b) 34,500

(c) 35,000

(d) 36,250

(e) None of these

Option c – 35,000

37% of Sita’s earnings is swallowed up in taxes and 75% of the remainder of living expenses if she is left with 7560/-. What were her earnings?

(a) 30000

(b) 36000

(c) 40000

(d) 48000

(e) None of these

Option d – 48000

We covered all the best free gre practice tests above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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