Best GRE Mock Test

Best GRE Mock Test. We covered all the Best GRE Mock Test in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Best GRE Mock Exam for Students

A man left INR 175 lakhs which were to be divided among his two daughters and four sons. Each daughter is to receive three times as much as the son. Find the share of each son.

(a) 180

(b) 160

(c) 140

(d) 175

(e) None of these

Option d – 175

In an election, with 3 candidates, the successful candidate got twice as many votes as the last one but 712 votes more than the second candidate. Out of total votes of 7968, how many votes did the successful candidate obtain?

(a) 2072

(b) 2472

(c) 3472

(d) 2872

(e) None of these

Option c – 3472

The total cost of 6 books & 4 pencils is Rs. 34. Of 5 books & 5 pencils is Rs. 30. Find the cost of a book and a pencil (in Rs.) respectively.

(a) 1,5

(b) 5,1

(c) 6, 1

(d) 1, 6

(e) None of these

Option b – 5,1

The sum of the two numbers is 80. If the larger number exceeds four times the smaller one by 5, then the smaller number is?

(a) 5

(b) 15

(c) 20

(d) 25

(e) None of these

Option b – 15

The difference between the two numbers is 5 and the difference between their squares is 85. The larger number is :

(a) 9

(b) 14

(c) 11

(d) 12

(e) None of these

Option c – 11

If three times the larger of two numbers is divided by the smaller, the quotient and the remainder, each is equal to 6. If five times the smaller is divided by the larger, the quotient is 2 and the remainder is 3. The smaller number is :

(a) 6

(b) 7

(c) 8

(d) 9

(e) None of these

Option b – 7

A number consists of two digits, whose sum is 10. If 18 is subtracted from the number, digits interchange their places. The number is

(a) 64

(b) 46

(c) 55

(d) 73

(e) None of these

Option a – 64

A number consists of two digits whose sum is 9. However, the number obtained by reversing the order of its digits exceeds the given number by 27. The number is :

(a) 36

(b) 45

(c) 54

(d) 27

(e) None of these

Option a – 36

A and B each have some money. If A gives Rs. 30 to B, then B will have twice the money left with A. But if B gives Rs. 10 to A, then A will have twice more than as much as is left with B. Then, A and B have respectively :

(a) 44, 72

(b) 62, 34

(c) 72, 54

(d) 34, 62

(e) None of these

Option b – 62, 34

A boy is now ‘a’ years old, and his father is ‘5a’ years old. How old will the father be when the boy is 3a years old?

(a) 7a

(b) 9a

(c) 4a

(d) 8a

(e) None of these

Option a – 7a

A battalion of soldiers, when formed into a solid square, has sixteen men fewer in the front than when formed in a hollow square four rows deep. Find the number of men.

(a) 900

(b) 525

(c) 576

(d) 676

(e) None of these

Option c – 576

Rahul distributes Rs. 180 in equal sums amongst a certain number of people. Manuj distributes but gives to each person Rs. 6 more than Rahul, and gives to 40 persons less than the same sum Rahul does. How many Rs. does Rahul give to each person?

(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) 8

(d) 4

(e) None of these

Option b – 3

The area of a rectangle increases by 200 sq m if the length is increased by 8 m and the breadth is increased by 3 m. The area increases by 255 sq m if the length is increased by 3 m and the breadth is increased by 8 m. Find the perimeter of the rectangle

(a) 40

(b) 48

(c) 74

(d) 42

(e) None of these

Option c – 74

A number consists of two digits. When it is divided by the sum of the digits, the quotient is 7. The sum of the reciprocals of the digits is 9 times the reciprocal of the number. Find the number.

(a) 72

(b) 84

(c) 36

(d) 45

(e) None of these

Option d – 45

If the sum of two numbers is 93 and their difference is 9, find the numbers.

(a) (43, 50)

(b) (42,51)

(c) (41, 52)

(d) (40, 53)

(e) None of these

Option b – (42,51)

When the numerator of a fraction is increased by 4, the fraction increases by 2/3. What is the denominator of the fraction?

(a) 9

(b) 6

(c) 7

(d) Data inadequate

(e) None of these

Option d – Data inadequate

If you add 1 to each of two given numbers then their ratio is 1 : 2. If I subtract 5 from each, the ratio is 5 11, find the numbers.

(a) (31, 61)

(b) (33, 67)

(c) (35, 71)

(d) (59, 119)

(e) None of these

Option c – (35, 71)

Find two numbers such that one-fifth of greater exceeds one-sixth of smaller by 4, and half of the greater plus one-quarter of the smaller equals 38.

(a) 55,42

(b) 35,40

(c) 36,42

(d) 45,55

(e) None of these

Option a – 55,42

Find two numbers, one of which is three-fifth of the other, so that the difference of their squares may be equal to 16.

(a) 6,5

(b) 5,6

(c) 3,6

(d) 5,3

(e) None of these

Option d – 5,3

We covered all the best gre mock test above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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