Bio Diversity Different Ecosystems MCQ

Bio Diversity Different Ecosystems MCQ. We covered all the Bio Diversity Different Ecosystems MCQ in this post for completely free. You can use this content to prepare for any competitive exam online.

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01 Bio luminescense by the animals in found in ……..

  1. euphoric zone
  2. bathyal zone
  3. abyssal zone
  4. both 1 & 2
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Option 1 – abyssal zone

02 Which of the following is not a phobic zone?

  1. littoral zone
  2. limnetic zone
  3. profundal zone
  4. both 2 and 3

Option 3 – profundal zone

03 Daphnia and cyclops are the part of ……….

  1. littoral zone
  2. limnetic zone
  3. profundal zone
  4. both 1 & 2

Option 2 – limnetic zone

04 Crustaceans and crabs are from

  1. littoral zone
  2. limnetic zone
  3. profundal zone
  4. both 1 and 2

Option 3 – profundal zone

05 Aestivation is the …….

  1. summer sleep
  2. winter sleep
  3. spring sleep
  4. the raining sleep

Option 1 – summer sleep

06 Charles darwin’s study on finches was

  1. jell that responses of birds are same for or single species
  2. only body is differed in different finches, but behaviour goes the same
  3. their environment has no effect on them
  4. their vegetation changes according to their surroundings

Option 4 – their vegetation changes according to their surroundings

07 What does a food chain always starts with

  1. the herbivore
  2. the carnivore
  3. the producer
  4. none of them

Option 3 – the producer

08 Which of the following do plants not compete for

  1. water
  2. food
  3. space
  4. all of the above

Option 2 – food

09 Ban all pesticides, this means that

  1. control on usage of pesticides
  2. prevention of pesticides
  3. promote eco friendly agricultural practices
  4. stop biochemical factories

Option 3 – promote eco friendly agricultural practices

10 According to charles elton

  1. carnivorse at the top of the pyramid
  2. energy trapping at the top of the pyramid
  3. no producers at the top of the pyramid
  4. 1 and 3

Option 1 – carnivorse at the top of the pyramid

11 First tropic level of a ecological pyramid includes

  1. primary consumers
  2. secondary consumers
  3. producers
  4. tertiary consumers

Option 3 – producers

12 The concept of ecological pyramid was first introduced by

  1. charles elton
  2. lindeman
  3. slobodkin
  4. steele

Option 1 – charles elton

13 One of the following determines the terrestrial ecosystem

  1. rainfall
  2. sunlight
  3. temperature
  4. all of the above

Option 1 – rainfall

14 The % of the biomass is transferred from one tropic level to the next in a food chain

  1. 100
  2. 80-90
  3. 10-20
  4. 40-50

Option 3 – 10-20

15 The region of the world of living things is termed as

  1. biosphere
  2. lithosphere
  3. hydrosphere
  4. none of these

Option 1 – biosphere

16 Bioaccumulation means the entering of ……. in a food chain

  1. another predator
  2. extra producer
  3. pollution
  4. all of these

Option 3 – pollution

17 The prime source of energy to an ecosystem

  1. energy from heat
  2. solar energy
  3. mechanical energy
  4. bio-energy

Option 2 – solar energy

18 Relationship that exists between the quantity of living matter at different tropic level

  1. bio accumulation
  2. pyramid of energy
  3. biomass
  4. pyramid of number

Option 3 – biomass

19 One of the following is secondary consumer in a grass land ecosystem

  1. grasshoper
  2. grass
  3. snake
  4. eagle

Option 1 – grasshoper

20 What is the terminal consumer in the following food chain? green plants -> deer -> ?

  1. elephant
  2. wolf
  3. rat
  4. none

Option 2 – wolf

21 The basic unit of nature is

  1. habitat
  2. ecosystem
  3. biosphere
  4. food web

Option 2 – ecosystem

22 Decomposers are also called as

  1. producers
  2. consumers
  3. recycles
  4. decayers

Option 3 – recycles

23 Artificial ecosystem

  1. forest
  2. river
  3. crop field
  4. pond

Option 3 – crop field

24 Now the desert percentage of the land is

  1. 15 percent
  2. 18 percent
  3. 20 percent
  4. 17 percent

Option 4 – 17 percent

25 The ship of dessert is called

  1. fox
  2. camel
  3. elephant
  4. dog

Option 2 – camel

26 The word Ecosystem was first used in

  1. 1926
  2. 1930
  3. 1935
  4. 1939

Option 3 – 1935

27 Largest ecosystem is

  1. land
  2. sea
  3. biosphere
  4. habitat

Option 3 – biosphere

28 What are producers?

  1. plants
  2. animals
  3. birds
  4. none

Option 1 – plants

29 The ecosystem is the study about the changes in

  1. habitat
  2. flora
  3. fauna
  4. abiotic

Option 1 – habitat

30 Xerophytes are …….

  1. marine plants
  2. swamp are plants
  3. moderate plants
  4. dessert plants

Option 4 – dessert plants

31 Living stones are

  1. the sheels of the marine animals
  2. the coloured stones in fresh water bodies
  3. mushrooms
  4. a plant having pebble like leaves

Option 4 – a plant having pebble like leaves

32 Which of the following is correct about kangaroo rat?

  1. it can lead its like without drinking water
  2. if makes small water bodies itself for water
  3. it prepares the water by absorbing the little moisture in the sand
  4. it cant lead its life without water

Option 1 – it can lead its like without drinking water

33 Which of the following isn’t as nocturnal

  1. cats
  2. rats
  3. bats
  4. parrot

Option 4 – parrot

34 For how much depth in the ocean, will there be a rise of 1 atm. pressure?

  1. 1 meter
  2. 10 meter
  3. 100 meter
  4. 1000 meter

Option 2 – 10 meter

35 Which of the following has the twilight zone? ( Bio Diversity Different Ecosystems MCQ )

  1. euphoric zone
  2. bathyal zone
  3. abyssal zone
  4. both 1 and 2

Option 2 – bathyal zone

36 Flying fish are a part of ……..

  1. euphoric zone
  2. bathyal zone
  3. abyssal zone
  4. both 2 and 3

Option 1 – euphoric zone

37 Most of the ecosystem is found in ……….

  1. euphoric zone
  2. bathyal zone
  3. abyssal zone
  4. both 2 and 3

Option 1 – euphoric zone

38 Animals with tubular bodies and whales are prominent in ……..

  1. euphoric zone
  2. bathyal zone
  3. abyssal zone
  4. none

Option 2 – bathyal zone

We covered all the Bio Diversity Different Ecosystems MCQ above in this post. It helps you to prepare for any competitive exam online that covers the general science subject.

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