Biodiversity and Conservation NEET Question

Biodiversity and Conservation NEET Question. We covered all the Biodiversity and Conservation NEET Question in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Biodiversity and Conservation for NEET Students

Sporophylls form distinct compact structures called strobili in

(A) Palms

(B) Sunflower

(C) Hibiscus

(D) Selaginella

Option d – Selaginella

Identify the correct match.

(A) Flagellated protozoan – Paramoecium

(B) Sporozoan – Plasmodium

(C) Ciliated protozoan – Entamoeba

(D) Amoeboid protozoans – Euglena

Option b – Sporozoan – Plasmodium

An example of filamentous algae is

(A) Ulothrix and Spirogyra

(B) Volvox and Ulothrix

(C) Polytrichum and Spirogyra

(D) Volvox and Polytrichum

Option a – Ulothrix and Spirogyra

Identify the correct match.

(A) Radial symmetry – Coelenterates

(B) Triploblastic – Sponges

(C) Metameric segmentation – Molluscs

(D) Coelomates – Aschelminthes

Option a – Radial symmetry – Coelenterates

Which of the following statement is TRUE about Euglenoids?

(A) They have a protein-rich layer called a pellicle, which makes their body flexible.

(B) The cell walls have stiff cellular plates on the outer surface.

(C) Their wall is indestructible as they are embedded with silica.

(D) They have chitinous cell walls.

Option a – They have a protein-rich layer called a pellicle, which makes their body flexible.

Which of the following statement IS INCORRECT?

(A) Many species of Porphyra, Laminaria, and Sargassum are marine algae.

(B) The plant body of bryophytes is not as differentiated from algae.

(C) Red algae produce large amounts of hydrocolloids.

(D) Chlorella is a unicellular alga.

Option b – The plant body of bryophytes is not as differentiated from algae

Reproduction in fungi can take place by vegetative means by

(A) fragmentation

(B) fission

(C) budding

(D) all of these

Option d – all of these

Pteridophytes include

(A) horsetails and ferns

(B) liverworts and mosses

(C) gymnosperms and angiosperms

(D) monocots and dicots

Option a – horsetails and ferns

Animals belonging to which of the following phyla possess a skeleton made up of spicules?

(A) Annelida

(B) Mollusca

(C) Porifera

(D) Platyhelminthes

Option c – Porifera

Which of the following has coenocytic and aseptate mycelium?

(A) Mucor

(B) Claviceps

(C) Ustilago

(D) Puccinia

Option a – Mucor

Triploblastic, acoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical hermaphrodites belong to the phylum

(A) Platyhelminthes

(B) Cnidaria

(C) Porifera

(D) Annelida

Option a – Platyhelminthes

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is caused by

(A) Viroids

(B) Bacteria

(C) Virus

(D) Prions

Option d – Prions

Sporophytes produced in bryophytes are differentiated into

(A) rhizoid and seta

(B) root, stem, and leaves

(C) rhizoid and capsule

(D) foot, seta, and capsule

Option d – foot, seta, and capsule

Identify the CORRECT statement.

(A) Mammals are poikilotherms.

(B) Fertilisation is internal in reptiles.

(C) Circulation is open type in Chondrichthyes.

(D) Notochord persists throughout life in Urochordates.

Option b – Fertilisation is internal in reptiles.

Identify the correct match.

(A) Saccharomyces – Unicellular Phycomycete

(B) Rhizopus – Parasitic fungi on mustard

(C) Puccinia – Imperfect fungi

(D) Neurospora – Ascomycete extensively used in genetic work

Option d – Neurospora – Ascomycete extensively used in genetic work

Sea anemone belongs to which phylum?

(A) Ctenophora

(B) Porifera

(C) Coelenterata

(D) Mollusca

Option c – Coelenterata

Identify the correct statement with respect to reproduction in fungi.

(A) Aplanospores are non-motile spores involved in asexual reproduction in Phycomycetes.

(B) Zygospore formed by the fusion of two similar gametes is known as anisogamy.

(C) Members of Ascomycetes can reproduce by asexual spores called ascospores.

(D) Deuteromycetes reproduce by either asexual or sexual spores.

Option a – Aplanospores are non-motile spores involved in asexual reproduction in Phycomycetes.

Bilateral symmetry, true coelom and open circulatory system are the characters of

(A) annelids

(B) arthropods

(C) echinoderms

(D) chordates

Option b – arthropods

Identify the genera of green algae from the following.

(A) Sargassum

(B) Dictyota

(C) Porphyra

(D) Volvox

Option d – Volvox

Identify the CORRECT match.

(A) Echinodermata – Radial symmetry, spiny bodies, internal fertilization

(B) Mollusca Diploblastic pseudocoelomate, bilateral symmetry

(C) Arthropoda Bilateral symmetry, a segmented body, chitinous exoskeleton

(D) Chordata Dorsal heart, ventral nerve cord, post-anal tail absent

Option c – Arthropoda Bilateral symmetry, a segmented body, chitinous exoskeleton

Identify the protist that is aquatic and has thousands of cilia on its body surface.

(A) Euglena

(B) Paramoecium

(C) Trypanosoma

(D) Dinoflagellate

Option b – Paramoecium

Complete the analogy. Gymnosperms : Pinus :: Angiosperms : ……….

(A) Eucalyptus

(B) Sphagnum

(C) Cycas

(D) Cedrus

Option a – Eucalyptus

We covered all the biodiversity and conservation neet question above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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