Biology MCQ Question in Hindi

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Biology MCQ Question in Hindi for Students

Consider the following statements. I. Pasteurized milk is sterile and will not turn sour. II. Pasteurized milk is free from pathogenic bacteria. III. Milk is pasteurized by heating to 150-160°F and then rapidly chilled. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

(a) I, II and III

(b) I and II

(c) II and III

(d) Only III

Option a - I, II and III

The Kingdom-Protista which consists of simple unicellular organisms was first enacted by

(a) Ernst Haeckel

(b) Charles Darwin

(c) Engler and Pranti

(d) Eichier

Option a - Ernst Haeckel

Which of the following is not a character of Protista?

(a) Protista is prokaryotic.

(b) Some protists have cell walls.

(c) The mode of nutrition is both autotrophic and heterotrophic.

(d) Body organization is cellular.

Option a - Protista is prokaryotic

Which of the following kingdoms does have not well-defined boundaries?

(a) Plantae

(b) Protista

(c) Monera

(d) Algae

Option b - Protista

Chrysophytes, euglenoids, dinoflagellates, and slime molds are included in the kingdom

(a) Protista

(b) Fungi

(c) Animalia

(d) Monera

Option a - Protista

Which of the following is not a multicellular organism?

(a) Fungi

(b) Spirogyra

(c) Hydra

(d) Paramecium

Option d - Paramecium

Which of the following is not unicellular?

(a) Euglena

(b) Amoeba

(c) Paramecium

(d) Hydra

Option d - Hydra

Amoeba belongs to which of the following kingdom?

(a) Monera

(b) Fungi

(c) Protista

(d) Animalla

Option c - Protista

Where does Amoeba digest its food?

(a) Pseudopodia

(b) Nucleus

(c) Food Vacuole

(d) Cell membrane

Option c - Food Vacuole

Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) Slime molds are haploid

(b) Protozoans lack a cell wall.

(c) Dinoflagellates are immotile

(d) Pellicle is absent in Euglena

Option b - Protozoans lack a cell wall

Flagellate protozoans are

(a) free-living only

(b) parasites only

(c) either free-living or parasites

(d) saprophytes

Option c - either free-living or parasites

Which among the following is a protist?

(a) Entamoeba

(b) Rhizopus

(c) Chlorella

(d) All of the above

Option a - Entamoeba

Plasmodium is a

(a) ciliated protozoan

(b) sporozoan

(c) flagellated protozoan

(d) amoeboid protozoan

Option b - sporozoan

Mycoplasmas are classified under which of the following kingdoms?

(a) Animalia

(b) Protista

(c) Monera

(d) Fungi

Option c - Monera

Which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) Bacteria contain cytoplasm, but viruses do not.

(b) Bacteria contain mitochondria, but viruses do not.

(c) Viruses contain mitochondria, but bacteria do not.

(d) Viruses have a cell membrane, but bacteria do not.

Option a - Bacteria contain cytoplasm, but viruses do not

Which of the following is in the monera group?

(a) Mushrooms

(b) Yeast

(c) Bacteria

(d) Moss

Option c - Bacteria

Eubacteria include

(a) blue-green algae and bacteria.

(b) archaebacteria and blue-green algae.

(c) cyanobacteria and eukaryotes.

(d) bacteria and eukaryotes.

Option a - blue-green algae and bacteria

Methanogens belong to

(a) eubacteria

(b) archaebacteria

(c) dinoflagellates

(d) slime molds

Option b - archaebacteria

Refrigeration is a process in which due to low temperatures

(a) bacteria are destroyed.

(b) growth of bacteria reduced.

(c) bacteria become inactive.

(d) the cytoplasm of bacteria contract.

Option b - growth of bacteria reduced

Which one of the following is not an example of a eukaryotic organism?

(a) Yeast

(b) Bacteria

(c) Plant

(d) Human being

Option b - Bacteria

Which one of the following types of micro-organisms is most widely used in industries?

(a) Bacteria

(b) Bacteria and fungi

(c) Bacteria and algae

(d) Bacteria, microalgae, and fungi

Option d - Bacteria, microalgae, and fungi

Which bacteria is helpful in making curd from milk?

(a) Mycobacterium

(b) E. Coli

(c) Lactobacillus

(d) Yeast

Option c - Lactobacillus

Which of the following statements is/are correct? I. Viruses lack enzymes necessary the generation for of energy. II. Viruses can be cultured in any synthetic medium. III. Viruses are transmitted from one organism to another by biological vectors only. Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) I and III

(d) I, II, and III

Option a - Only I

Which among the following contains mucopeptides?

(a) Bacteria

(b) Fungus

(c) Virus

(d) All of these

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Option a - Bacteria

Which of the following is made up of dead cells?

(A) Xylem parenchyma

(B) Collenchyma

(C) Phellem

(D) Phloem

Option c - Phellem

Select the correct statement related to mitosis.

(A) The Amount of DNA in the parent cell is first halved and then distributed into two daughter cells.

(B) The amount of DNA in the parent cell is first doubled and then distributed into two daughter cells.

(C) The amount of DNA in the parent cell is first halved and then distributed into four daughter cells.

(D) The amount of DNA in the parent cell is first doubled and then distributed into four daughter cells.

Option b - The amount of DNA in the parent cell is first doubled and then distributed into two daughter cells.

Which of the following facilitates the opening of the stomatal aperture?

(A) Contraction of the outer wall of guard cells

(B) Decrease in turgidity of guard cells

(C) Radial orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells

(D) Longitudinal orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cell

Option c - Radial orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells

In the Krebs cycle, guanosine triphosphate is formed during the conversion of

(A) Isocitrate to oxalosuccinate

(B) Oxalosuccinate to a-ketoglutarate

(C) Succinyl CoA to succinate

(D) Fumarate to malate

Option c - Succinyl CoA to succinate

Study the following statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Syncarpous condition is a characteristic feature of mustard flowers. Statement II: In syncarpous condition, stamens are united by their anthers only, and filaments remain free. The correct statement/s is/are

(A) Statement I

(B) Statement II

(C) Both Statements I and II

(D) Neither Statement I nor II

Option a - Statement I

Which is the most common type of embryo sac in angiosperms?

(A) Bisporic with two sequential mitotic divisions

(B) Tetrasporic with one mitotic stage of divisions

(C) Monosporic with three sequential mitotic divisions

(D) Monosporic with two sequential mitotic divisions

Option c - Monosporic with three sequential mitotic divisions

A population growing in a habitat with limited resources shows four phases of growth in the following sequence

(A) Acceleration → Deceleration → Lag phase → Asymptote

(B) Asymptote Acceleration - Deceleration → Lag phase

(C) Lag phase - Acceleration - Deceleration → Asymptote

(D) Acceleration → Lag phase - Deceleration → Asymptote

Option c - Lag phase - Acceleration - Deceleration → Asymptote

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

(A) Energy content gradually increases from the first to fourth trophic level

(B) Number of individuals decreases from the first trophic level to the fourth trophic level

(C) Energy content gradually decreases from the first to fourth trophic level

(D) Biomass decreases from the first to fourth trophic level

Option a - Energy content gradually increases from the first to fourth trophic level

The problem of Prickly Pear Cactus in Australia which caused havoc by spreading over millions of hectares of land was solved

(A) by removing all the Prickly Pear Cactus species from the land.

(B) by introducing another cactus species to let two species compete.

(C) by introducing their natural predator species,

(D) by applying insecticides that killed all the cactus plants.

Option c - by introducing their natural predator species

Which is the basis of genetic mapping of the human genome as well as DNA fingerprinting?

(A) Single nucleotide polymorphism

(B) Polymorphism in hnRNA sequence

(C) Polymorphism in RNA sequence

(D) Polymorphism in DNA sequence

Option d - Polymorphism in DNA sequence

IPM stands for

(A) International Population Management

(B) Integrated Pest Management

(C) International Plant Management

(D) Integrated Plant Management

Option b - Integrated Pest Management

Which of the following is CORRECT for r-selected species?

(A) A small number of progeny with a large size

(B) a Large number of progeny with small size

(C) a Large number of progeny with large size

(D) a small number of progeny with a small size

Option b - a Large number of progeny with small size

Identify the odd pair.

(A) Movement of nutrients in the ecosystem: Biogeochemical cycles

(B) Reservoir for sedimentary cycle: Atmosphere

(C) Amount of nutrients present in the soil at a given time: Standing state

(D) Reservoir of carbon: Fossil fuel

Option b - Reservoir for sedimentary cycle: Atmosphere

Which one of the following aspects is an exclusive characteristic of living things?

(A) Isolated metabolic reactions occur in vitro.

(B) Increase in mass from inside only.

(C) Perception of events happening in the environment and their memory.

(D) Increase in mass by the accumulation of material both on the surface as well as internally.

Option c - Perception of events happening in the environment and their memory

The embryo sac is called monosporic when it develops from

(A) all the four megaspores

(B) only from two functional megaspores

(C) three megaspores of the same size

(D) one of the functional megaspores out of the four megaspores

Option d - one of the functional megaspores out of the four megaspores

The Government of India in the 1980s introduced a concept to work closely with the local communities for protecting and managing forests. The concept is

(A) Forest Research Institutes

(B) Panel of Local Communities for Forest Management

(C) Joint Forest Management

(D) Jhum Cultivation

Option c - Joint Forest Management

The number of floating ribs in the human body is

(A) 3 pairs

(B) 2 pairs

(C) 6 pairs

(D) 5 pairs

Option b - 2 pairs

The corpus callosum interconnects

(A) cerebral hemispheres

(B) cerebellar hemispheres

(C) corpora quadrigemina

(D) crura cerebri

Option a - cerebral hemispheres

Injury localized to the hypothalamus would most likely disrupt

(A) short-term memory

(B) co-ordination during locomotion

(C) executive functions, such as decision making

(D) regulation of body temperature

Option d - regulation of body temperature

The inspiratory capacity of humans is equal to

(A) TV + ERV


(C) TV + IRV


Option c - TV + IRV

Read the following statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Electrical synapses are rare in our system. Statement II: Impulse transmission across an electrical synapse is slower than that across a chemical synapse.

(A) Both statements I and II are correct.

(B) Statement I is correct, and statement II is incorrect.

(C) Statement I is incorrect, and statement II is correct.

(D) Both statements I and II are incorrect.

Option b - Statement I is correct, and statement II is incorrect.

Fight-or-flight reaction cause activation of

(A) the parathyroid glands, leading to an increased metabolic rate.

(B) the kidney, leading to suppression of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway.

(C) the adrenal medulla, leading to increased secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine.

(D) the pancreas leading to a reduction in blood sugar levels.

Option c - the adrenal medulla, leading to increased secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Select the CORRECT statement regarding the Schwann cells.

(A) Surround axon of myelinated nerve fiber

(B) Support muscle fibers

(C) Found in the Haversian system of bones

(D) Form basement membrane of the epithelium

Option a - Surround axon of myelinated nerve fiber

The notochord is present throughout life in

(A) Amphioxus

(B) Ascidia

(C) Salpa

(D) Doliolum

Option a - Amphioxus

Which one of the following statements about all four of Spongilla, Leech, Dolphin, and Penguin is CORRECT?

(A) Penguin is homeothermic while the remaining three are poikilothermic.

(B) Leech is a freshwater form while all others are marine.

(C) Spongilla has special collared cells called choanocytes, not found in the remaining three.

(D) All are bilaterally symmetrical.

Option c - Spongilla has special collared cells called choanocytes, not found in the remaining three.

Which of the following are correctly matched with respect to their taxonomic classification?

(A) Flying fish, Cuttlefish, Silverfish - Pisces

(B) Centipede, Millipede, Spider, Scorpion - Insecta

(C) Housefly, Butterfly, Tsetse fly, Silverfish - Insecta

(D) Spiny anteater, Sea urchin, Sea cucumber - Echinodermata

Option c - Housefly, Butterfly, Tsetse fly, Silverfish - Insecta

Identify the function of protein GLUT-4.

(A) Acts as an enzyme.

(B) Enables glucose transport into cells.

(C) Fights infectious agents.

(D) Functions as intercellular ground substance.

Option b - Enables glucose transport into cells.

A baby girl aged two years is admitted to playing school and passes through a dental check-up. The dentist observed that the girl had twenty teeth. Which teeth were absent?

(A) Incisors

(B) Canines

(C) Premolars

(D) Molars

Option c - Premolars

If the pancreas is removed, the compound which remains undigested is

(A) carbohydrates

(B) fats

(C) proteins

(D) all of these

Option d - all of these

Chylomicrons are

(A) micelles covered by a protein coat

(B) droplets along with triglycerides

(C) triglycerides along with monosaccharides

(D) glycerol droplets formed in the intestine after digestion of fats

Option a - micelles covered by a protein coat

Following are various symptoms of marasmus, EXCEPT

(A) oedema and swelling of body parts

(B) dry, wrinkled skin

(C) extreme emaciation of the body

(D) the decline in the growth rate

Option a - oedema and swelling of body parts

Which of the following animal does not undergo metamorphosis?

(A) Moth

(B) Tunicate

(C) Earthworm

(D) Starfish

Option c - Earthworm

Ascaris and cockroaches resemble each other in

(A) having pseudocoelom

(B) exhibiting sexual dimorphism

(C) having nephridia

(D) exhibiting metameric segmentation

Option b - exhibiting sexual dimorphism

Which of the following are a matching set of phylum and its three examples?

(A) Cnidaria - Ctenoplana, Physalia, Aurelia

(B) Platyhelminthes - Planaria, Fasciola, Pheretima

(C) Mollusca - Loligo, Sepia, Octopus

(D) Porifera - Spongilla, Pennatula, Euspongia

Option c - Mollusca - Loligo, Sepia, Octopus

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