Black Body Radiation in Quantum Mechanics

Black Body Radiation in Quantum Mechanics. We covered all the Black Body Radiation in Quantum Mechanics in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Black Body Radiation in Quantum Mechanics for Students

The velocity of thermal radiation (V) is related to the velocity of light (C) is

1. V = C/2

2. V > C

3. V < C

4. V = C

Option 4 – V = C

Einstein assumed that each atom of a solid has …….. degrees of freedom like a molecule of a monoatomic gas

1. atom has 3 degrees of freedom

2. atom has 2-degree freedom

3. atom has only one degree

4. None of above

Option 1 – atom has 3 degrees of freedom

Debye’s theory of the atomic heat capacity of solids at high temperatures is

1. = 5R

2. = 3R

3. = R

4. None of above

Option 2 – = 3R

A perfect black body emits radiation at temperature T1 K. If it is to radiate 16 times this power, its temperature T₂ will be

1. T₁ = 8T₂

2. T₂ = 16T₁

3. T₂ = 4T₁

4. T₂ = T₁

Option 2 – T₂ = 16T₁

When radiation emitted by a black body has a maximum of 1.2 microns. If Wein’s constant is 0.3 cm degree. What is the temperature of this black body?

1. 2000 °K

2. 4000 °K

3. 2500 °K

4. 6000 °K

Option 3 – 2500 °K

We covered all the black body radiation in quantum mechanics above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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