BPSC AE Previous Year Paper

BPSC AE Previous Year Paper. We covered all the BPSC AE Previous Year Paper in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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    BPSC AE Previous Year Objective Paper for Students

    The city is ancient mentioned in the Mahabharata and Mahabhashya.

    (A) Madhyamika (Nagari)

    (B) Karkot

    (C) Viratnagar (Bairath)

    (D) Raidh

    Option c – Viratnagar (Bairath)

    Who founded Pataliputra?

    (A) Udayin

    (B) Ashoka

    (C) Bimbisara

    (D) Mahapadmanada

    Option a – Udayin

    Which ruler had made Pataliputra the capital of his empire for the first time?

    (A) Chandragupta Maurya

    (B) Ashoka the Great

    (C) Chandragupta Vikramaditya

    (D) Kanishka

    Option a – Chandragupta Maurya

    Who among the following kings had founded Pataliputra?

    (A) Sisunaga

    (B) Bimbisar

    (C) Ajatashatru

    (D) Udayin

    Option d – Udayin

    By which ruler Pataliputra was chosen as the capital for the first time?

    (A) Ajatashatru

    (B) Kalashoka

    (C) Udayin

    (D) Kanishka

    Option c – Udayin

    The Legend of Udayin-Vasavadatta is related to

    (A) Ujjain

    (B) Mathura

    (C) Mahishmati

    (D) Kaushambi

    Option a – Ujjain

    In which century did the first Magadhan Empire rise?

    (A) Fourth Century B.C.

    (B) Sixth Century B.C.

    (C) Second Century B.C.

    (D) First Century B.C.

    Option b – Sixth Century B.C.

    Which one of the following was initially the most powerful city-state in India in the 6th century B.C.?

    (A) Gandhar

    (B) Kamboj

    (C) Kashi

    (D) Magadha

    Option c – Kashi

    Which one was not in the earlier Republic?

    (A) Shakya

    (B) Lichchhavi

    (C) Yauddheya

    (D) All of these

    Option c – Yauddheya

    By whom the first republic of the world was established in Vaishali?

    (A) Maurya

    (B) Nanda

    (C) Gupta

    (D) Lichchhavi

    Option d – Lichchhavi

    Matsya Mahajanapada of 6th century B.C. was located in

    (A) Western Uttar Pradesh

    (B) Rajasthan

    (C) Bundelkhand

    (D) Rohilkhand

    Option b – Rajasthan

    The earliest extant coins of India were of

    (A) Copper

    (B) Gold

    (C) Lead

    (D) Silver

    Option d – Silver

    The epigraphical evidence reveals that under the instructions of a Nanda king, a canal was dug in

    (A) Anga

    (B) Vanga

    (C) Kalinga

    (D) Magadha

    Option c – Kalinga

    What was the ancient name of Ujjain?

    (A) Taxila

    (B) Indraprastha

    (C) Avantika

    (D) None of the above

    Option c – Avantika

    We covered all the bpsc ae previous year paper above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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