BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam Model Question Papers

BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam Model Question Papers. We covered all the BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam Model Question Papers in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam Model Question Papers for Students

The cultivation of hybrid rice is most popular in

(A) Japan

(B) China

(C) Korea

(D) India

Option b – China

The ‘Rice Gene Bank’ of the World is situated in ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) China

(B) the Philippines

(C) Japan

(D) India

Option b – the Philippines

The World’s largest producer of sugar cane is

(A) Brazil

(B) China

(C) India

(D) Indonesia

Option a – Brazil

Which one of the following countries is the second largest producer of sugarcane in the world? ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Brazil

(B) Cuba

(C) India

(D) China

Option c – India

The two largest producers of beets in the world are

(A) Belgium and China

(B) France and Russia

(C) Germany and the U.S.A.

(D) Turkey and Ukraine

Option b – France and Russia

Which of the countries one following produce from sugar-beets sugar only? ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) France

(B) Ukraine

(C) Germany

(D) Italy

Option b – Ukraine

Which of the following countries has the largest area under rice cultivation?

(A) China

(B) India

(C) Japan

(D) Philippines

Option b – India

The largest wheat-producing country in the world is ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) the United States of America

(B) India

(C) China

(D) Canada

Option c – China

The leading producer of both wheat and rice in the world is

(A) China

(B) India

(C) the U.S.A.

(D) France

Option a – China

India’s rank in rice production in the world is ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) First

(B) Second

(C) Third

(D) Fourth

Option b – Second

Which of the following countries has the highest productivity of rice?

(A) China

(B) India

(C) Japan

(D) Germany

Option a – China

Under the international agreement on agriculture, the Green Box includes economic assistance for 1. Agricultural Research 2. Fertilizer 3. Irrigation 4. Plant Protection Select the correct answer from the code given below. Code ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Only 1 and 2

(B) Only 2 and 3

(C) Only 3 and 4

(D) Only 1 and 4

Option d – Only 1 and 4

Which of the following countries are included in the ‘Golden Crescent’? 1. Afghanistan 2. Iran 3. Iraq 4. Pakistan Select the correct answer from the code given below.

(A) Only 1 and 2

(B) Only 3 and 4

(C) Only 1, 2 and 3

(D) Only 1, 2 and 4

Option d – Only 1, 2 and 4

Assertion (A): Commercial Viticulture is specific to the Mediterranean Region of Europe. Reason (R): 85% of its grapes go to winemaking. Select the correct answer from the code given below. Code ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

Option a – Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

Assertion (A): In Australia, cattle rearing is done more for meat than for milk. Reason (R): Australians are traditionally non-vegetarians. Code

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

Option a – Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

Assertion (A): There are no tea plantations in any African country. Reason (R): Tea plants need fertile soil with high humus. Code ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct. explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

Option d – (A) is false, but (R) is true

Which one of the following is not found in Tea?

(A) Theanine

(B) Caffeine

(C) Tannin

(D) Morphine

Option d – Morphine

Which one of the following is not a correct statement? ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Cocoa cultivation is popular in Ghana

(B) Coffee is an important plantation crop in Brazil

(C) Sri Lanka is famous for the production of tea

(D) Sugarcane is the major plantation crop in Malaysia

Option d – Sugarcane is the major plantation crop of Malaysia

Heroin is obtained from

(A) Hemp

(B) Opium

(C) Tobacco

(D) Betel nut

Option b – Opium

In which of the following group of countries maize is used as staple food? ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Western Europe

(B) Russia

(C) Middle Africa

(D) South-East Asia

Option c – Middle Africa

‘Taungya’ agriculture is practiced in

(A) Myanmar

(B) Japan

(C) New Zealand

(D) the Philippines

Option a – Myanmar

Azolla-Anabaena Bio-fertilizer is used for crops ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Wheat

(B) Rice

(C) Mustard

(D) Cotton

Option b – Rice

Which one of the following is used as a bio-fertilizer?

(A) Neem

(B) Azolla

(C) Urea

(D) Potassium

Option b – Azolla

Blue Green Algae is used as biofertilizer to induce which of the following crop production? ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Wheat

(B) Rice

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(C) Gram

(D) Mustard

Option b – Rice

‘Alfalfa’ is

(A) A kind of grass

(B) A tribe

(C) An animal

(D) A town

Option a – A kind of grass

What is Podzol? ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Soil found in Coniferous forest region

(B) Soil of arid region

(C) Very fertile alluvial soil

(D) None of the above

Option a – Soil found in Coniferous forest region

‘Mocha’ coffee is grown in

(A) Iraq

(B) Brazil

(C) Argentina

(D) Yemen

Option d – Yemen

A large amount of labor is applied to small-sized holdings under the system of ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Mediterranean Farming

(B) Oriental Farming

(C) Commercial Farming

(D) Commercial Horticulture

Option d – Commercial Horticulture

A cropping system where crops are grown in the interspaces between rows of planted trees is called

(A) Relay cropping

(B) Mixed cropping

(C) Inter-cropping

(D) Alley cropping

Option d – Alley cropping

‘Monoculture’ is a distinct characteristic of ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Commercial grain farming

(B) Shifting cultivation

(C) Subsistence farming

(D) Organic farming

Option a – Commercial grain farming

Which one of the following is not a type of shifting cultivation?

(A) Jhooming

(B) Fang

(C) Milpa

(D) Fazenda

Option d – Fazenda

Large coffee plantations in Brazil are called ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Estate

(B) Estancias

(C) Kalkhozes

(D) Fazendas

Option d – Fazendas

The two leading producers of coffee in the world are

(A) Brazil and Columbia

(B) Brazil and Vietnam

(C) Mexico and India

(D) Ethiopia and Mexico

Option b – Brazil and Vietnam

The country is at the top in terms of percentage of total coffee production. in the world is ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Columbia

(B) Brazil

(C) India

(D) Ethiopia

Option b – Brazil

Which one of the following countries is the second largest exporter of coffee in the world?

(A) Indonesia

(B) Columbia

(C) Vietnam

(D) Brazil

Option c – Vietnam

Robusta is a variety of …… produced in Africa ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Banana

(B) Coffee

(C) Tobacco

(D) Cocoa

Option b – Coffee

Which one of the following countries is the largest exporter of tea in the world?

(A) India

(B) China

(C) Kenya

(D) Sri Lanka

Option c – Kenya

Which of the following states of the U.S.A. grows coffee? ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Florida

(B) California

(C) Hawaii

(D) Arizona

Option c – Hawaii

Which fruit is not Tropical? ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) Walnut

(B) Coconut

(C) Apple

(D) Cashewnut

Option c – Apple

The largest producer of coconut in the world is

(A) Brazil

(B) India

(C) Indonesia

(D) Philistine

Option c – Indonesia

What is the rank of India in the world as a fruit producer?

(A) Third

(B) Fourth

(C) First

(D) Second

Option d – Second

Which country in the world is the largest producer of tobacco? ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) China

(B) India

(C) Pakistan

(D) Bangladesh

Option a – China

Which one of the following countries exports the highest percentage of its sugar production?

(A) India

(B) Mauritius

(C) Mexico

(D) China

Option b – Mauritius

Two major producers of natural rubber in the world are

(A) Brazil and Malaysia

(B) Vietnam and India

(C) China and the Philippines

(D) Thailand and Indonesia

Option d – Thailand and Indonesia

About one-third of the world’s production of natural rubber comes from ( BSC Agriculture Entrance Exam MCQ )

(A) India

(B) Indonesia

(C) Malaysia

(D) Thailand

Option d – Thailand

The largest rubber cultivation is done in

(A) India

(B) China

(C) Indonesia

(D) England

Option c – Indonesia

Coffee cultivation in Sri Lanka was abandoned because of the disease

(A) Leaf blight

(B) Leaf spot

(C) Leaf rust

(D) Rot

Option c – Leaf rust

Which is the largest cotton seed-producing country in the world?

(A) China

(B) Egypt


(D) Russia

Option a – China

Which of the following countries has the highest per-hectare production of cotton in the world?

(A) Israel

(B) Mexico

(C) Pakistan

(D) Australia

Option d – Australia

Which of the following countries is the largest producer and exporter of castor-oilseeds?

(A) France

(B) India

(C) Japan

(D) China

Option b – India

The largest producer of bananas in the world is

(A) Columbia

(B) Zimbabwe

(C) Malaysia

(D) India

Option d – India

Xanthomonas citri is the

1. virus

2. bacteria

3. fungi

4. all

Option 2 – bacteria

Citrus fruits contain large amount of which vitamin

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B

Option 3 – C

Operation flood is otherwise called as

1. green revolution

2. white revolution

3. black revolution

4. yellow revolution

Option 2 – white revolution

The semen from bulls is stored at a temperature of

1. 196°C


3. -80°C

4. 80°C

Option 2 – -196°C

Serum gonadotropin induces

1. hunger

2. sweating

3. ovulation

4. thirst

Option 3 – ovulation

The milk yield from other countries for day and for one animal is

1. 30 to 50 lts

2. 20 to 30 lts

3. 3.50 to 80 lts

4. 3.80 to 100 lts

Option 2 – 20 to 30 lts

Holstein breed belongs to

1. England

2. Russia

3. Denmark

4. Africa

Option 3 – Denmark

High yielding variety of England is

1. mehsana

2. jaffrabadi

3. murrah

4. jersey

Option 4 – jersey

The milk yield of hybrid cow per day is

1. 18 to 20 lts

2. 20 to 30 lts

3. 20 to 50 lts

4. 1 to 10 Its

Option 1 – 18 to 20 lts

Milk given by a murrah breed per year is

1. 100 to 1000 Its

2. 1000 to 1500 lts

3.500 to 1000 Its

4. 1800 to 2200 Its

Option 4 – 1800 to 2200 Its

The number of calves produced by a cow super ovulation method is

1. 2 to 3

2. 3 to 4

3. 4 to 5

4. 1 to 2

Option 3 – 4 to 5

At present methods are developed to store embryos obtained after artificial insemination. They are frozen at





Option 1 – -196°C

Fruits drop off before they grow fully in this diseases

1. citrus canker

2. dowry mildew

3. mosaic virus disease

4. corky vein virus

Option 3 – mosaic virus disease

Viral disease on citrus crop

1. Triesta

2. mosaic

3. yellow corky vein

4. all

Option 4 – all

Viruses depend for their transmission from one host to the other on

1. venters

2. vectors

3. host

4. none

Option 2 – vectors

Coconut wilt is caused by

1. bacteria

2. fungi

3. virus

4. all

Option 3 – virus

Cassytha is a

1. stem parasite

2. root parasite

3. autotroph

4. both

Option 1 – stem parasite

Ploughing helps to

1. distribution of nutrients

2. remove micro-organisms

3. identify weed

4. (1) and (2)

Option 4 – (1) and (2)

Sprinkler system of irrigation is more useful

1. cooling the crop

2. controlled water supply

3. sandy soils

4. all the above

Option 2 – controlled water supply

Germination percentage of seeds be tested can by keeping the seeds in water for

1. 24 hours

2. 24 seconds

3. 24 minutes

4. 24 days

Option 1 – 24 hours

One of the following is a natural manure

1. garden manure

2. green manure

3. compost

4. all

Option 4 – all

Weeds compete with crop plants for

1. water

2. nutrients

3. space

4. all

Option 4 – all

Shape of plough is

1. C shape

2. V shape

3. T shape

4. L shape

Option 3 – T shape

Essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are supplied through the application of

1. raw materials

2. salt compounds

3. chemical manures

4. none

Option 3 – chemical manures

What is another name for herbicide?

1. Insecticide

2. Weedicide

3. Fungicide

4. D.D.T.

Option 2 – Weedicide

The number of furrows made by tractor

  1. 1 to 2
  2. 3 to 5
  3. 10 to 15
  4. 20 to 25

Option 2 – 3 to 5

Throwing the seeds at random is called

1. transplantation.

2. sprinkler

3. seed drill

4. broadcasting

Option 4 – broadcasting

Viral and bacterial diseases can be controlled by

1, change in the height of crops

2. plucking the weeds

3. destruction of vectors

4. seeds treated with water

Option 3 – destruction of vectors

Xanthomonas oryzae causes diseases in

1. coconut

2. grape wine

3. paddy

4. citrus

Option 3 – paddy

These small hole in the leaves insects make a and flowers and their head

1. aphids

2. arachid insects

3. citrus insects

4. mosaic insects

Option 1 – aphids

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