BSF Seniority List of Head Constable

BSF Seniority List of Head Constable. We covered all the BSF Seniority List of Head Constable in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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BSF Seniority List of Head Constable MCQs for Students

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor is.

a) Imipramine

b) Iproniazide

c) Fluoxetin

d) Naphazoline

Option c – Fluoxetin

Proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole and lansoprazole contain the following ring system ( BSF Seniority List of Head Constable MCQ )

a) Pyrimidine

b) Benzimidazole

c) Benzothiazole

d) Oxindole

Option b – Benzimidazole

Cyclophosphamide as an anticancer agent acts as.

a) Alkylating agent before metabolism

b) Alkylating agent after metabolism

c) Phosphorylating agent after metabolism

d) DNA intercalating agent

Option b – Alkylating agent after metabolism

Artemisinin contains the following group in its structure ( BSF Seniority List of Head Constable MCQ )

a) An endoperoxide

b) An exoperoxide

c) An epoxide

d) An acid hydrazide

Option a – An endoperoxide

Which of the following respective Phase-I and Phase-II reactions is the most common drug in biotransformation reactions?

a) Oxidation and Glucuronidation

b) Reduction and Acetylation

c) Hydrolysis and Glucuronidation

d) Oxidation and Glutathione conjugation

Option b – Reduction and Acetylation

Which one of the following drugs has positive inotropic and negative chronotropic action? ( BSF Seniority List of Head Constable MCQ )

a) Dopamine

b) Epinephrine

c) Digoxin

d) Isoprenaline

Option c – Digoxin

Which of the following are the critical neurotransmitters playing a major role in depression?

a) Acetylcholine, Norepinephrine, and Dopamine

b) Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Serotonin

c) Serotonin, Dopamine, and y-Amino butyric acid

d) Acetylcholine, Serotonin, and y-Amino butyric acid

Option b – Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Serotonin

Which one of the following anti-asthmatic drugs can cause convulsions arrhythmia? ( BSF Seniority List of Head Constable MCQ )

a) Prednisolone

b) Salmeterol

c) Zafirlukast

d) Theophylline

Option d – Theophylline

Which one of the following anti-arrhythmic drugs acts by inhibiting potassium, sodium, and calcium channels?

a) Quinidine

b) Lignocaine

c) Amiodarone

d) Flecainide

Option c – Amiodarone

IP 2007 and USP 2006 use nitrite titration for those drugs ( BSF Seniority List of Head Constable MCQ )

a) Phenolic structure

b) 1° Aromatic amine

c) Unsaturation

d) 3°Nitrogen

Option b – 1° Aromatic amine

A non-hazardous substitute for RIA is

a) Flame Photometry


c) Fluorometry


Option c – Fluorometry

LCMS is widely used in ( BSF Seniority List of Head Constable MCQ )

a) Multielectrolyte assay

b) Drug metabolite study

c) Complex mixture assay

d) Plant biosynthesis

Option b – Drug metabolite study

Pantothenic acid is a part of this.

a) Renin

b) Carboxypeptidase

c) Co-enzyme A

d) NAD

Option c – Co-enzyme A

The international name for small box vaccine is ( BSF Seniority List of Head Constable MCQ )

a) BCG

b) DTP

c) Viriola

d) Vibrio

Option c – Viriola

Blood flow through a capillary is described by the equation known as.

a) Langmuir

b) Noyes Whitney

c) Stokes

d) Hilderbrand

Option d – Hilderbrand

Compact size and low-weight mass instrument ( BSF Seniority List of Head Constable MCQ )


b) Maldi-Quadrupole

c) Maldi-TOF

d) Lon trap

Option d – Lon trap

In polarography…… current must be blocked.

a) Residual 10

b) Migration

c) Diffusion

d) None

Option d – None

Express the ratio of 550g to 5 kg ( BSF Seniority List of Head Constable MCQ )

a) 11 : 1

b) 55:50

c) 11 : 5

d) 11 : 100

Option d – 11 : 100

If the arithmetice man of 18, 15, 16, 10, and x is 14, find the value of x.

a) 10

b) 13

c) 12

d) 11

Option d – 11

An express train runs 900 km at an average speed of 90 km/hour, stopping for 3 minutes at stations after every 100 km. How long it would take to reach its destination?

a) 10 Hr. 30 Min

b) 10 Hr. 24Min

c) 10 Hr. 27 Min

d) 10 Hr

Option b – 10 Hr. 24Min

Madhuri took a loan of 70000 rupees at the rate of 5% from a bank and bought a scooter. After two years she cleared the loan. How much money she would have paid in all?

a) Rs.75000/

b) Rs.35000/

c) Rs.77000/

d) Rs.7000/

Option c – Rs.77000/

The sum of the two numbers is 40. If one number is 1/7 of the larger number, the number is and ……..

a) 33.7

b) 28.7

c) 40.0

d) 35.5

Option d – 35.5

Choose the correct answer and fill up the blanks. -1 × -97321

a) 97321

b) -97321

c) -1

d) 1

Option a – 97321

What is the range of the data given below? 20, 35, 70, 65, 45, 95, 15, 80

a) 15

b) 80

c) 45

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d) 95

Option b – 80

Gourav bought a scooter for 45000 rupees. If the shopkeeper has given him a discount of 10%. What was the marked price of the scooter?

a) Rs. 50000/

b) Rs. 55000/

c) Rs. 65000/

d) Rs. 60000/

Option b – Rs. 55000/

What is the measure of the base angle of an isosceles triangle, if its vertical angle is 70°

a) 100°

b) 55°

c) 90°

d) 70°

Option b – 55°

The ratio of areas of squares A and B is 4:25. If the side of square A is 6m. Then, what is the measure of the side of square B?

a) 256m

b) 15m

c) 12m

d) 32 m²

Option b – 15m

Who is known as the father of Geometry?

a) Aristotle

b) Euclid

c) Pythagoras

d) Kepler

Option b – Euclid

In which of the following techniques the sample is kept below the triple point?

a) Lyophilization

b) Spray drying

c) Spray congealing

d) Centrifugation

Option a – Lyophilization

Which state hosted the 2017 South Asian Speaker’s Summit?

a) Madhya Pradesh

b) Maharashtra

c) Gujarat

d) Bihar

Option a – Madhya Pradesh

The following protein/polypeptide has a quaternary structure.

a) cc-Chymotrypsin

b) Hemoglobin

c) Insulin

d) Myoglobin

Option b – Hemoglobin

Drugs in suspensions and semi-solid formulations always degrade.

a) First-order kinetics

b) Second-order kinetics

c) Zero-order kinetics

d) Non-linear kinetics

Option c – Zero-order kinetics

In nail polish, the following polymer is used as a film former.

a) Nitrocellulose

b) Polylactic acid

c) Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

d) Cellulose acetate phthalate

Option a – Nitrocellulose

Rabies vaccine (living) is prepared using.

a) Sheep blood

b) Mice lymphoid

c) Horse plasma

d) Fertile eggs

Option d – Fertile eggs

The geriatric population should be included in the following Phase of clinical trials.

a) Phase I

b) Phase II

c) Phase III

d) Phase IV

Option c – Phase III

Class 100 area is referred to.

a) Manufacturing area

b) Aseptic area

c) Cleanroom

d) Warehouse

Option b – Aseptic area

Which one of the following is NOT an ex-officio member of the Pharmacy Council of India?

a) The Director General of Health Services

b) The Director of the Central Drugs Laboratory

c) The Drugs Controller General of India

d) The Director of Pharmacopoeia Laboratory

Option d – The Director of Pharmacopoeia Laboratory

Coulter counter is used in the determination of.

a) Particle surface area

b) Particle size

c) Particle volume

d) All of A, B, C

Option d – All of A, B, C

The temperature condition for storage of drug products under cold temperature is given as.

a) Temperature between 8°C and 25°C

b) Temperature below 20°C

c) Temperature at 0°C

d) Temperature between 2cC and S : C

Option d – Temperature between 2cC and S : C

If cyanocobalamine is imported under the name of tetracycline, it will be called an adulterated drug.

a) Spurious drug

b) Misbranded drug

c) Substitute drug

d) None of the above

Option b – Misbranded drug

Ergot powder gives blue color.

a) P-dimethylamino benzaldehyde

b) o-dimethylamino benzaldehyde

c) All of the above

d) None of the above

Option a – P-dimethylamino benzaldehyde

Neomycin is obtained from.

a) E.Coli

b) B.Subtilis

c) S.aeruginosa

d) S.Fradiae

Option d – S.Fradiae

Biological and biotechnological products are listed in the Schedule.

a) A

b) B

c) C and C₁

d) X

Option c – C and C₁

Carbopols are polymerized from.

a) Methacrylate esters

b) Acrylic acid

c) Ethylene glycols

d) Bis-phenol + phosgene

Option b – Acrylic acid

A hard gelatin capsule of size 3 will accommodate approximately ……. volume in ml.

a) 0.1

b) 0.2

c) 0.3

d) 0.75

Option c – 0.3

Chotta chand is synonym for.

a) Rauwolfia Serpentina

b) Reuwolfia Densiflora

c) Reuwolfia Perakensis

d) Reauwolfia Tetraphylla

Option a – Rauwolfia Serpentina

How can we detect the rhizomes from the root of the Rauwolfia?

a) By the presence of a small central pith

b) By the absence of a small central pith

c) By the presence of a vascular bundle

d) None of the above

Option a – By the presence of a small central pith

Ergotoxine group of alkaloids is/are a mixture of. 1) Ergocristine 2) Ergocornine 3) Ergocryptine 4) Ergometine

a) 1, 2 and 3

b) 2, 3, and 4

c) 1, 2, and 4

d) None of the above

Option a – 1, 2 and 3

A disease called ‘strip canker’ is connected with which of the following drug?

a) Nux vomica

b) Rauwolfia

c) Ashwagandha

d) Cinchona

Option d – Cinchona

Which type of trichome is present in ashwagandha?

a) Branched

b) Lignified

c) Glandular

d) None of the above

Option a – Branched

The record for the drugs having a date of expiry should be preserved for a period of at least.

a) 05 – Years

b) 02 – Years

c) 01 – Years

d) 03-Years

Option a – 05 – Years

Licenses for the wholesale of drugs specified in Schedule C and C1 are issued in the forms.

a) 20 A

b) 20 B

c) 21 B

d) 22 A

Option c – 21 B

On cancellation of the manufacturing license, the loan license is.

a) Cancelled

b) Suspended

c) Temporarily suspended

d) None of the above

Option d – None of the above

Drug retail sale licenses are issued by.

a) Drug controller of India

b) Union health minister

c) Drug controller authority of the states

d) Director of Health Services

Option a – Drug controller of India

The glass used for the preparation of vials ampoules and transfusion bottles is.

a) Type – II sodalime glass

b) Type – III sodalilme glass

c) Borosilicate glass

d) Neutral glass

Option a – Type – II sodalime glass

Which tissue has the greatest capacity for the biotransformation of drugs?

a) Brain

b) Kidney

c) Liver

d) Lung

Option c – Liver

Clinical trials are performed on.

a) Animals

b) Humans

c) Both

d) None of these

Option b – Humans

Which of the following beta-blockers produces nitric oxide?

a) Atenolol

b) Pindolol

c) Metoprolol

d) Betaxolol

Option d – Betaxolol

As per ICH guidelines, the lower limit of quantification is the S/N ratio.

a) 02

b) 03

c) 05

d) 10

Option d – 10

0.9% w/v NaCl solution is euqal to.

a) 2 meq per 10ml

b) 1.53 meq per 10ml

c) 20 meq per 10 ml

d) None of the above

Option b – 1.53 meq per 10ml

RP-HPLC involves.

a) Less polar mobile phase less than stationary phase

b) Less polar stationary phase less than the mobile phase

c) Reverse osmosis

d) Forward osmosis

Option b – Less polar stationary phase less than the mobile phase

The statement “Store in a cool place” as per IP means

a) Store at room temperature.

b) Store between 2°C to 8°C

c) Store at any temperature between 8°C to 25°C

d) Store at 8°C

Option c – Store at any temperature between 8°C to 25°C

A retardant material that forms a hydrophilic matrix in the formulation of matrix tablet is.

a) H.P.M.C.

b) C.A.P

c) Polyethylene

d) Carnuba wax

Option a – H.P.M.C.

Tetrabromofluorecin produces ……. stains during the application on the lips.

a) Bluish Red

b) Reddish blue

c) Orange Yellowish

d) Yellowish blue

Option a – Bluish Red

If the expiry date of the tablet is not mentioned on the tablet, means that the expiry time in years is.

a) 2 Years

b) 3 Years

c) 4 Years

d) 5 Years

Option b – 3 Years

Which order of the reaction is followed by the photodecomposition of the drug?

a) First

b) Pseudo first

c) Second

d) Zero

Option a – First

…….. is potassium sparing diuretic.

a) Furosemide

b) Eplerenone

c) Ethacrynic acid

d) Hydrochlorthiazide

Option b – Eplerenone

Constituents that exhibit steroidal type of action are found in.

a) Dioscorea

b) Senega

c) Ashwagandha

d) Ajuga parviflora

Option c – Ashwagandha

Anaferine and Anahygrine alkaloids are present.

a) Hyocyomus

b) Ashwagandha

c) Vinca

d) Vasaka

Option b – Ashwagandha

Coffee Arabica contains …….. caffeine.

a) 10%

b) 1-2%

c) 20%

d) 0.5%

Option b – 1-2%

The drug of choice in prolonged febrile convulsions is.

a) Carbamazepine

b) Diazepam

c) Phenytoin

d) Paracetamol

Option b – Diazepam

Which one of the following antihistamines is least to cause sedation?

a) Diphenhydramine

b) Desloratadine

c) Chlorphenamine

d) Alimemazine

Option b – Desloratadine

The following electrolyte disturbance causes digitalis toxicity.

a) Hypocalcemia

b) Hypernatremia

c) Hypokalemia

d) Hyperkalemia

Option c – Hypokalemia

Which of the following antifungal drug causes drug interaction as it has a greater propensity to inhibit mammalian cytochrome P 450 enzymes?

a) Itraconazole

b) Fluconazole

c) Ketoconazole

d) Miconazole

Option c – Ketoconazole

Select the incorrect statement from the following.

a) Half-life of atropine is 4 hours

b) Acetylcholine and atropine show irreversible antagonism

c) Atropine is a central nervous system stimulant

d) Atropine produces cycloplegia

Option b – Acetylcholine and atropine show irreversible antagonism

The anti-inflammatory agent which selectively inhibits COX-II gene expression is.

a) Rofecoxib

b) Dexamethasone

c) Ibuprofen

d) Nimesulide

Option b – Dexamethasone

Vascular endothelial growth factor and Fibroblast growth factor are similar in all respects except.

a) Both are potent endothelial cell mitogens

b) Both are localized on cells and extracellular matrix, particularly in the lungs

c) Both stimulate endothelial cell synthesis of proteases including plasminogen activator and metalloproteinases

d) Bothe lack a Secretory signal sequence

Option b – Both are localized on cells and extracellular matrix, particularly in the lungs

Ma-huang is the synonym of which drug?

a) Belladonna

b) Opium

c) Ephedra

d) Ipecac

Option c – Ephedra

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