Centre State Relations MCQs UPSC

Centre State Relations MCQs UPSC. We covered all the Centre State Relations MCQs UPSC in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Centre State Relations UPSC for Students

The term of office of the legislative Assembly is

1. 3 years

2. 5 years

3. 4 years

4. 6 years

Option 2 – 5 years

The Chief Minister

1. is the leader of the majority, party in the Assembly

2. is the member of Lok Sabha

3. should have experience. as Chief Minister

4. is appointed by the President

Option 1 – is the leader of the majority, party in the Assembly

The Legisl auture of a State consists of

1. the Legislative Assembly only

2. the Legislative Council only

3. the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council

4. the Governor, the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council

Option 4 – the Governor, the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council

He summons or Pr-orogues the State Legislature

1. the Governor

2. the Speaker

3. the Chief Minister

4. the President

Option 1 – the Governor

The person who can Assembly is

1. the Chief Minister

2. the Governor

3. the Prime Minister

4. the President

Option 2 – the Governor

When the State Legislature is not in sessions, ordinances are issued by

1. the Chief Minister

2. the State Law Minister

3. the Prime Minister

4. the Governor

Option 4 – the Governor

The Advocate General is appointed by :

1. the President

2. the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

3. the Governor

4. the Chief Minister

Option 3 – the Governor

The Governor acts as the real executive head

1. when the Legislature is not in sessions

2. when emergency is declared in the State

3. when the Legislature is prorogued

4. when there is war with neighbouring States

Option 2 – when emergency is declared in the State

With whose assent the bills passed by the Legislature become acts?

1. the Chief Minister

2. the Speaker

3. the Prime Minister

4. the Governor

Option 4 – the Governor

Usually the President before appointing the Governor consults

1. the Chief Justice of the High Court of that State

2. the Chief Minister of that State

3. the outgoing Governor of that State

4. the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of that State

Option 2 – the Chief Minister of that State

The budget is presented in the Legislative Assembly with the consent of

1. the Chief Minister

2. the President

3. the Governor

4. the Chairman of the council

Option 3 – the Governor

The person who can remit or pardon the sentences awarded by the Courts in the State is

1. the Law Minister

2. the Inspector General of Prisons

3. the Inspector General of Police

4. the Governor

Option 4 – the Governor

Single Legislature is in

1. Andhra Pradesh

2. Tamilnadu

3. Maharastra

4. Uttara Pradesh

Option 1 – Andhra Pradesh

The maximum number of the Legislative Assembly is

1. 350

2. 400

3. 450

4. 500

Option 4 – 500

At present in our Legislative Assembly the members are

1. 294

2. 295

3. 296

4. 297

Option 2 – 295

The tenure of the member Legislative Assembly is

1. 5 years

2. 4 years

3. 3 years

4. 6 years

Option 1 – 5 years

The tenure of the member of the Legislative Council is

1. 4 years

2. 5 years

3. 6 years

4. 3 years

Option 3 – 6 years

The salaries of the Ministers are fixed by

1. the Parliament

2. the Constitution

3. the President

4. the Legislative Assembly

Option 4 – the Legislative Assembly

Rajyapal means

1. the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly

2. the Chief Minister

3. the Governor

4. the Prime Minister

Option 3 – the Governor

The main function of the State Legislature Is

1. to execute laws

2. to make laws

3. to offer justice

4. to rule the State

Option 2 – to make laws

In the Legislative Council the graduates elect.

1. 1/10 th

2. 1/4 th

3. 1/6 th

4. 1/12 th

Option 4 – 1/12 th

The High Court of Andhra Pradesh is in

1. Hyderabad

2. Anantapur

3. Guntur

4. Visakhapatnam

Option 1 – Hyderabad

The Chief Justice of the High Court is appointed by

1. the Prime Minister

2. the Chief Minister

3. the Governor

4. the President

Option 4 – the President

This Is not a qualification to become a member of the Legislative Assembly

1. He should be a citizen of India

2. He should have completed 25 years of age

3. He should be a graduate

4. He should not be an insolvent

Option 3 – He should be a graduate

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We covered all the centre state relations MCQs upsc above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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