Chemical Control and Coordination MCQ. We covered all the Chemical Control and Coordination MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.
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MCQ on Chemical Control and Coordination for Students
The substance which Co-ordinate growth process in plants are
1. Pheromones
2. Phytothormones
3. Inhibitors
4. Neurohormone
Option 2 – Phytothormones
The idea that plant growth is controlled by some substances was first proposed by
1. F.W. Went
2. Drawin
3. Frances
4. Lamarck
Option 1 – F.W. Went
Botanical name of oat
1. Cajanus
2. Avena
3. Brassia
4. Datura
Option 2 – Avena
Movement of shoots towards sunlight is called
1. Phototropism
2. Photoperiodism
3. Geotropism
4. Photo dominism
Option 1 – Phototropism
Endocrine glands are present in :
1. amoeba
2. earthworm
3. euglena
4. man
Option 4 – man
Endocrine glands secrete :
1. blood
2. lymph
3. enzymes
4. hormones
Option 4 – hormones
Master gland in the body :
1. thyroid
2. adrenal
3. islets of langerhans
4. pitutary
Option 4 – pitutary
Gland that acts as a bridge between nervous and Endocrine systems?
1. adrenal
2. thyroid
3. testes
4. pitutary
Option 4 – pitutary
Oxytocin and vasopressin are secreted by
1. ovary
2. parathyroid
3. adrenal
4. pitutary
Option 4 – pitutary
The following symptoms are noticed during diabetes mellitus :
1. more glucose in liver
2. less glucose in blood
3. glucose in urine
4. no glucose in urine
Option 3 – glucose in urine
The gland that is present close to trachea :
1. pancreas
2. liver
3. adrenal
4. thyroid
Option 4 – thyroid
Calcium and phosphates levels in bones are regulated by :
1. thyroxine
2. prolactin
3. parathormone
4. progesterone
Option 3 – parathormone
Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in body is regulated by :
1. cortisol
2. insulin
3. progesterone
4. vasopressin
Option 1 – cortisol
Islets of Langerhans are present in :
1. kidney
2. liver
3. pancreas
4. trachea
Option 3 – pancreas
Conversion of glycogen to glucose is stimulated by :
1. insulin
2. cortisol
3. glucagon
4. progesterone
Option 3 – glucagon
Diabetes mellitus is caused due to the deficiency of :
1. testosterone
2. oestrogen
3. glucagon
4. insulin
Option 4 – insulin
The system that can sense the changes both inside and out side the body :
1. digestive system
2. endocrine system
3. nervous system
4. circulatory system
Option 3 – nervous system
The major center to receive, analyze and inte grate information in the body is :
1. heart
2. synapse
3. pituitary
4. brain
Option 4 – brain
The structures in the body that act as wires of a telephone :
1. veins
2. arteries
3. muscles
4. nerves
Option 4 – nerves
Neurons receive nutrients from :
1. erythrocytes
2. glial cells
3. monocytes
4. blood platelets
Option 2 – glial cells
Nissil granules occur in :
1. eosinophil
2. glial cell
3. neuron
4. lymphocytes
Option 3 – neuron
We covered all the chemical control and coordination mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.
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