Chemical Control and Coordination MCQ Questions

Chemical Control and Coordination MCQ Questions. We covered all the Chemical Control and Coordination MCQ Questions along with answers in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Chemical Control and Coordination for Students

Prominent action of Gibberellin is to :

1. increase the number of buds

2. increase the size of leaves

3. make dwarf plants tall

4. making tall plants taller

Option 3 – make dwarf plants tall

Cytokinins have special function of promoting :

1. the number of flowers

2. the amount of auxins

3. cell division

4. cell destructions

Option 3 – cell division

Shedding of the leaves and fruits is due to the hormone :

1. Indole acetic acid

2. Naphthalene acetic acid

3. Gibberellins

4. Abscisic acid

Option 4 – Abscisic acid

Dicotyledonous weeds are destroyed by a chemical called :

1. Indole acetie acid

2. 2,4-D

3. Abscisic acid

4. Naphthalene acetic acid

Option 2 – 2,4-D

Water loss from plants is prevented by ……hormone :

1. Gibberellins

2. NAA

3. Indole acetic acid

4. ABA

Option 4 – ABA

If apex of a coleoptile is removed and replaced change you observe is :

1. it will not further grow

2. it gives new branches

3. it grows normally

4. it does not show any changes

Option 2 – it gives new branches

The property of responding to changes in the environment is called

1. Growth

2. Germination

3. Co-ordination

4. Irritability

Option 4 – Irritability

Brain and spinal cord are parts of :

1. sympathetic nervous system

2. para sympathetic nervous system

3. Peripheral nervous system

4. Central nervous system

Option 4 – Central nervous system

The part of the brain that has glial cells :

1. Pia matter

2. Dura matter

3. arachnoid membrane

4. grey matter

Option 4 – grey matter

The outer membrane that covers the brain is :

1. myelin sheath

2. dura matter

3. arachnoid membrane

4. Grey matter

Option 4 – grey matter

The fluid that flows between the outer and middle membranes covering brain is :

1. Lymph

2. plasma

3. Cerebro – spinal fluid

4. Serum

Option 3 – Cerebro – spinal fluid

The brain and spinal cord are covered by 3 membranes. The middle one is :

1. dura matter

2. pia matter

3. arachnoid membrane

4. pleura

Option 3 – arachnoid membrane

The inner most membrane that covers the brain is :

1. pleura

2. dura matter

3. pia matter

4. arachnoid membrane

Option 2 – dura matter

The part neuron which is generally called as nerve :

1. dendrites

2. myelin sheath

3. axon

4. cyton

Option 3 – axon

The structures of neuron that are arranged in the form of a tree with branches :

1. axon

2. cyton

3. dendrites

4. myelin sheath

Option 3 – dendrites

Nerves that carry impulses from brain or spinal cord to effector organs are :

1. sensory nerves

2. afferent nerves

3. dendrites

4. efferent nerves

Option 4 – efferent nerves

Nerves that carry impulses from sense organs to brain or spinal cord are :

1. dendrites

2. motor nerves

3. efferent nerves

4. afferent nerves

Option 4 – afferent nerves

In diseases like polio, the cells that get destroyed by virus are :

1. monocytes

2. erythrocytes

3. motor neurons

4. sensory neurons

Option 3 – motor neurons

Cranial nerve that controls heart beat :

1. Precaval

2. Post caval

3. aorta

4. vagus

Option 4 – vagus

The growing region of root is :

1. tip

2. below the tip

3. in between nodes

4. lower part of stem

Option 2 – below the tip

Auxins in plants are synthesized at :

1. nodes

2. petiole

3. meristems

4. internodes

Option 3 – meristems

If a terminal bud of a plant is removed :

1. plants grow to normal height

2. lateral branches grow

3. plant increases in height

4. roots do not develop

Option 2 – lateral branches grow

Apical dominance means :

1. terminal bud growing nonstop

2. terminal bud suppressing growth of lateral buds

3. removal of the apex of the stem

4. terminal and lateral branches grow equally

Option 2 – terminal bud suppressing growth of lateral buds

We covered all the chemical control and coordination MCQ questions above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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