Chemistry and Industry MCQ Questions

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MCQ on Industrial Chemistry for Students

Glass-blowing is possible with

1. flint glass

2. pyrex glass

3. soda glass

4. hard glass

Option 2 – pyrex glass

Gas used in glass – blowing

1. Hydrogen

2. Oxygen

3. Oxy-acetylene

4. LPG

Option 3 – Oxy-acetylene

Ceramics are articles made from

1. cement

2. plaster of paris

3. clay

4. soda ash

Option 3 – clay

The chief raw materials required for the manufacture of ceramic are

1. clay

2. felspar

3. sand

4. all the above

Option 4 – all the above

Blue dye can be obtained from

1. Snail

2. Maddar roots

3. Indigo leaves

4. All the above

Option 3 – Indigo leaves

Turkey red dye can be obtained from

1. Snail

2. Maddar roots

3. Indigo leaves

4. None of these

Option 2 – Maddar roots

Dye that can be obtained from snail

1. Blue

2. Turkey red

3. Tyrian purple

4. Olive green

Option 3 – Tyrian purple

First synthetic dye was prepared by

1. Henry perkin

2. Jhon perkin

3. Lues perkin

4. Wilson perkin

Option 1 – Henry perkin

First synthetic dye

1. Methyl orange

2. Aniline yellow

3. Perkin voilet dye

4. Perkin blue dye

Option 3 – Perkin voilet dye

Perkin voilet dye commonly known as

1. Mauve

2. Martius yellow

3. Methyl orange

4. Aniline yellow

Option 1 – Mauve


1. soaks the fibre

2. binds the dye to fibre

3. impart colour to the fibre

4. intensifies the colour of the dye

Option 3 – impart colour to the fibre

Pyroxylin is used in Nail polish as

1. polymeric resin

2. plasticizer

3. colour pigment

4. perfume

Option 1 – polymeric resin

Which of the following is used as plasticizer in Nail polish

1. coconut-oil

2. ground nut-oil

3. castor-oil

4. alcohol

Option 3 – castor-oil

Low boiling solvents consist

1. Alcohols

2. Aliphatic hydrocarbons

3. Alcohol and Aliphatic hydrocurbons

4. Alcohol and alipatic and aromatic hydrocarbons

Option 4 – Alcohol and alipatic and aromatic hydrocarbons

The largest selling cosmetic item is

1. cold-cream

2. nail polish

3. face-powder

4. all of these

Option 3 – face-powder

Which of the following makes powder “opacitic”?

1. Red clay

2. Calcium carbonate

3. Magnesium

4. Titanium dioxide

Option 4 – Titanium dioxide

Which of the following is used in face-powder for slip

1. Magnesium oxide

2. Magnesium silicate

3. Lakes

4. Calcium stearate

Option 2 – Magnesium silicate

Which of the following substance is used for absorbency in face-powder

1. Zinc oxide

2. Calcium carbonate

3. Calcium stearate

4. Zinc stearate

Option 2 – Calcium carbonate

The compound used in face-powder for adherence

1. Calcium stearate

2. Zinc stearate

3. Magnesium stearate

4. All the above

Option 4 – All the above

Dyes or dyestuffs are coloured substances capable of imparting their colours to

1. Fibres

2. Papers

3. Poly ethylene bags

4. Walls

Option 1 – Fibres

In DNA, the complementary base pairs are

(A) A – G and T – C

(B) A-T and G – U

(C) U- A and C – G

(D) A-T and C – G

Option d – A-T and C – G

Purine derivative among the following bases is

(A) Uracil

(B) Cytosine

(C) Adenine

(D) Thymine

Option c – Adenine

Pyrimidine bases present in DNA are

(A) Uracil and cytosine

(B) Uracil and adenine

(C) Uracil and guanine

(D) Uracil and pyridine

Option a – Uracil and cytosine

A nucleoside on hydrolysis gives

(A) An aldopentose and heterocyclic base

(B) An aldopentose and orthophosphoric acid

(C) An aldopentose, heterocyclic base, and phosphoric acid

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(D) A heterocyclic base and orthophosphoric acid

Option a – An aldopentose and heterocyclic base

In nucleic acid, sugar units are joined to phosphate through

(A) C₁ and C2 hydroxyl group

(B) C2 and C4 hydroxyl group

(C) C3 and C5 hydroxyl group

(D) C3 and C5 hydroxyl group

Option d – C3 and C5 hydroxyl group

Nucleotides are joined together through

(A) Phosphate halide linkage

(B) Phosphate amine linkage

(C) Phosphate ketone linkage

(D) Phosphate ester linkage

Option d – Phosphate ester linkage

The sugar present in DNA is ………….. and in RNA is

(A) 2-deoxy-D-ribose, D-ribose

(B) D-ribose, 2-deoxy-D-ribose

(C) D-glucose, L-fructose

(D) L-fructose, D-glucose

Option a – 2-deoxy-D-ribose, D-ribose

Fructose and glucose can be distinguished by

(A) Fehling’s test

(B) Seliwanoff’s test

(C) Barfoed’s test

(D) Benedicts’ test

Option b – Seliwanoff’s test

Which of the following compounds can form a Zwitterion?

(A) Benzoic acid

(B) Acetanilide

(C) Aniline

(D) Glycine

Option d – Glycine

Which of the following is a sink for CO?

(A) Haemoglobin

(B) Microorganisms present in the soil

(C) Oceans

(D) Plants

Option b – Microorganisms present in the soil

Which of the following is a basic amino acid?

(A) Lysine

(B) Serine

(C) Alanine

(D) Tyrosine

Option a – Lysine

The non-essential amino acids among the following

(A) Leucine

(B) Alanine

(C) Lysine

(D) Valine

Option b – Alanine

Enzyme-catalyzed reactions proceed in

(A) Five steps

(B) Six steps

(C) Three steps

(D) Four steps

Option c – Three steps

The enzyme is used for the digestion of food present in

(A) Blood

(B) Intestine

(C) Adrenal gland

(D) Saliva

Option d – Saliva

Some enzymes are so efficient that one enzyme molecule can catalyze the reaction of ……….. substrate molecules in ……. second

(A) 9000, one

(B) 10,000, one

(C) 10,000, one

(D) 20,000, one

Option c – 10,000, one

Enzymes are made up of

(A) Carbohydrates

(B) Edible proteins

(C) Proteins with a specific structure

(D) Nitrogen-containing carbohydrates.

Option c – Proteins with a specific structure

Identify the correct statements regarding enzymes

(A) Enzymes are specific biological catalysts that possess well-defined active sites.

(B) Enzymes are specific biological catalysts that can normally function at very high temperatures.

(C) Enzymes are heterogeneous catalysts that are very specific in their action.

(D) Enzymes are biological catalysts that cannot be poisoned.

Option a – Enzymes are specific biological catalysts that possess well-defined active sites

Which of the following statements is not correct?

(A) Insulin maintains sugar levels in the blood of the human body

(B) Ovalbumin is a simple food reserve in egg white

(C) Blood proteins thrombin and fibrinogen are involved in blood clotting

(D) Denaturation makes the proteins more active

Option d – Denaturation makes the proteins more active

The correct statement regarding RNA and DNA, respectively, is

(A) The sugar component in RNA is ribose, and the sugar component in DNA is 2-deoxyribose

(B) The sugar component in RNA is arabinose, and the sugar component in DNA is ribose

(C) The sugar component in RNA is 2′-deoxyribose, and the sugar component in DNA is arabinose

(D) The sugar component in RNA is arabinose, and the sugar component in DNA is 2′-deoxyribose

Option d – The sugar component in RNA is arabinose, and the sugar component in DNA is 2′-deoxyribose

Which one of the following is a non-reducing sugar?

(A) Lactose

(B) Glucose

(C) Sucrose

(D) Maltose

Option c – Sucrose

The central dogma of molecular genetics states that genetic information flows

(A) Amino acids → proteins → DNA

(B) DNA → carbohydrates → proteins

(C) DNA → RNA → proteins

(D) DNA → RNA → carbohydrates

Option c – DNA → RNA → proteins

Which of the following hormones is produced under conditions of stress that stimulate glycogenolysis in the liver of human beings?

(A) Thyroxin

(B) Insulin

(C) Adrenaline

(D) Estradiol

Option c – Adrenaline

Enzymes are made up of

(A) Edible proteins

(B) Proteins with a specific structure

(C) Nitrogen-containing carbohydrates

(D) Carbohydrates

Option b – Proteins with a specific structure

Which functional group participates in disulfide bond formation in proteins?

(A) Thiolactone

(B) Thiol

(C) Thioether

(D) Thioester

Option b – Thiol

The cell membranes are mainly composed of

(A) Carbohydrates

(B) Proteins

(C) Phospholipids

(D) Fats

Option c – Phospholipids

The helical structure of a protein is stabilized by

(A) Dipeptide bonds

(B) Hydrogen bonds

(C) Either bonds

(D) Peptide bonds

Option b – Hydrogen bonds

The correct statement with respect to the protein hemoglobin is that it

(A) Functions as a catalyst for biological reactions

(B) Maintains blood sugar levels

(C) Acts as an oxygen carrier in the blood

(D) Forms antibodies and offers resistance to disease

Option c – Acts as an oxygen carrier in the blood

The hormone that helps in the conversion of glucose to glycogen is

(A) Cortisone

(B) Bile acids

(C) Adrenaline

(D) Insulin

Option d – Insulin

A sequence of how many nucleotides in messenger RNA makes a codon for an amino acid?

(A) Three

(B) Four

(C) One

(D) Two

Option b – Four

The electrolytic reduction of nitrobenzene in a strong medium produces

(A) Azobenzene

(B) Aniline

(C) p-aminophenol

(D) Azoxybenzene

Option c – p-aminophenol

Melting points are normally the highest for

(A) Tertiary amides

(B) Secondary amides

(C) Primary amides

(D) Amines

Option c – Primary amides

Electrolytic reduction of nitrobenzene in a weakly acidic medium gives

(A) Aniline

(B) p-Hydroxy aniline

(C) N-Phenyl hydroxyl amine

(D) Nitroso benzene

Option a – Aniline

Which of the following statements about primary amines is ‘False’?

(A) Alkyl amines are stronger bases than ammonia

(B) Alkyl amines are stronger bases than aryl amines

(C) Alkyl amines react with nitrous acid to produce alcohol

(D) Aryl amines react with nitrous acid to produce phenols

Option d – Aryl amines react with nitrous acid to produce phenols

Hinsberg reagent is used to distinguish between ( chemistry and industry mcq questions )

(A) 1° amine & 2° amine

(B) 2° amine & 3° amine

(C) 1° amine & 3° amine

(D) All above

Option d – All above

By heating which mixture, of propane nitrile will be obtained?

(A) Ethyl alcohol + KCN

(B) Propyl alcohol + KCN

(C) Ethyl chloride + KCN

(D) Propyl chloride + KCN

Option c – Ethyl chloride + KCN

Nitration of aniline in a strongly acidic medium also gives m-nitroaniline because

(A) In spite of substituents, nitro groups always go to only m-position.

(B) In electrophilic substitution reactions, the amino group is meta directive.

(C) In the absence of substituents, nitro groups always go to m-position.

(D) In acidic (strong) medium, aniline is present as anilinium ion.

Option d – In acidic (strong) medium, aniline is present as anilinium ion.

Which of the following reactions is appropriate for converting acetamide to methenamine?

(A) Hoffman hyprobromamide reaction

(B) Sttephens reaction

(C) Gabriels phthalimide synthesis

(D) Carbylamine reaction.

Option a – Hoffman hyprobromamide reaction

The correct statement regarding the basicity of arylamines is

(A) Arylamines are generally more basic than alkyl amines because the nitrogen atom in arylamines is sp-hybridized.

(B) Arylamine is generally less basic than alkyl amine because the nitrogen lone pair electrons are delocalized by interaction with the aromatic ring p-electron system.

(C) Arylamines are generally more basic than alkyl amines because the nitrogen lone-pair electrons are not delocalized by interaction with the aromatic ring p-electron system.

(D) Arylamines are generally more basic than alkyl amines because of the aryl group.

Option b – Arylamine is generally less basic than alkyl amine because the nitrogen lone pair electrons are delocalized by interaction with the aromatic ring p-electron system

Aniline on direct nitration produces

(A) o-Nitroaniline

(B) m-Nitroaniline

(C) p-Nitroaniline

(D) 1 & 3 are correct

Option b – m-Nitroaniline

Nitration of acetanilide followed by hydrolysis gives ( chemistry and industry mcq questions )

(A) o-Nitroaniline

(B) p-Nitroaniline

(C) o- & p-Nitroaniline

(D) o-Nitroanilinium ion

Option c – o- & p-Nitroaniline

Toluene is nitrated and the resulting product is reduced with tin and hydrochloric acid. The product so obtained is diazotized and then heated with cuprous bromide. The reaction mixture so formed contains

(A) mixture of o- and m-bromotoluenes

(B) mixture of o- and p-bromotoluenes

(C) mixture of o- and p-dibromobenzenes

(D) mixture of o- and p-bromoanilines

Option b – mixture of o- and p-bromotoluenes

Oxidation of aniline with manganese dioxide and sulfuric acid produces

(A) phenylhydroxylamine

(B) nitrobenzene

(C) p-benzoquinone

(D) phenol

Option c – p-benzoquinone

Which compound does not show a diazo reaction

(A) Aniline

(B) p-Toluidine

(C) p-Nitroaniline

(D) Benzylamine

Option d – Benzylamine

Reagent capable of converting benzene diazonium chloride to benzene is

(A) Water

(B) Acid

(C) Hypophosphorus acid

(D) HCl

Option c – Hypophosphorus acid

Acetanilide when treated with bromine in acetic acid gives

(A) o-Bromoacetanilide

(B) N-Bromoacetanilide

(C) p-Bromoacetanilide

(D) m-Bromoacetanilide

Option c – p-Bromoacetanilide

The correct order of base strength of substituted aniline is

(A) p-Methylaniline > p-chloroaniline > p-Aminoaceto phenone

(B) p-Methylaniline > p-aminoacetophenone > o-chloro aniline

(C) p-Aminoacetophenone > p-methylaniline > p-chloroaniline

(D) p-Aminoacetophenone > p-chloroaniline > p-methylaniline

Option a – p-Methylaniline > p-chloroaniline > p-Aminoaceto phenone

A positive carbylamine test is given by ( chemistry and industry mcq questions )

(A) N, N-Dimethylaniline

(B) 2,4 -Dimethylaniline

(C) N-Methyl-o-methylaniline

(D) o-Methylbenzylamine

Option d – o-Methylbenzylamine

A primary nitroalkane is treated with nitrous acid, which of the following will be the main product

(A) Pseudonitrol

(B) Nitrolic acid

(C) A primary amine

(D) A primary alcohol

Option b – Nitrolic acid

Nitration of nitrobenzene in the presence of fuming nitric acid will generate a

(A) Solid product

(B) Gaseous product

(C) Semi-solid product

(D) Liquid product

Option a – Solid product

Which one of the following methods is neither meant for the synthesis nor for the separation of amines?

(A) Hofmann method

(B) Hinsberg method

(C) Curtius reaction

(D) Wurtz reaction

Option d – Wurtz reaction

The reaction of cyclohexanone with dimethylamine in the presence of a catalytic amount of an acid forms a compound, with water continuously removed during the reaction. The compound formed is generally known as

(A) An enamine

(B) A Schiff’s base

(C) An amine

(D) An imine

Option a – An enamine

Grignard reagent reacts with cyanogen chloride to form

(A) Alkane nitrile

(B) Alkyl halide

(C) Amine

(D) None

Option a – Alkane nitrile

The alkane nitriles are isomeric with ( chemistry and industry mcq questions )

(A) Primary alkanamines

(B) Secondary alkanamines

(C) Alkyl isocyanides

(D) Nitroalkanes

Option c – Alkyl isocyanides

Which of the following involves nitrene as an intermediate?

(A) Carbylamine reaction

(B) Hofmann bromamide reaction

(C) Reimer Tiemann reaction

(D) Friedel-Crafts reaction

Option b – Hofmann bromamide reaction

The compound obtained by the reaction between a primary amine and aldehyde is

(A) An amide

(B) Imine

(C) Nitrite

(D) Nitro

Option b – Imine

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