Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ Online Test

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Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ Online Test MCQs for Students

The theory of ionisation of substances was proposed by

1. Arrhenius

2. Sorenson

3. Debye

4. Huckel

Option 1 – Arrhenius

HCI in water is ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Acidic

2. Basic

3. Amphoteric

4. None

Option 1 – Acidic

HCI in Benzene is

1. Acidic

2. Basic

3. Amphoteric

4. None

Option 4 – None

When non metal oxides are dissolved in water are formed ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Acids

2. Bases

3. Salts

4. None

Option 1 – Acids

Sulphar dioxide is

1. Acidic

2. Basic

3. Amphoteric

4. Neutral

Option 1 – Acidic

Acids are ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Volatile

2. None Volatile

3. (1) and (2)

4. None

Option 1 – Volatile

Acids turn blue litmus to

1. Red

2. Orange

3. Yellow

4. Violet

Option 1 – Red

Bases turn Red litmus to ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Orange

2. Voilet

3. Blue

4. Green

Option 3 – Blue

An acid and a base react to form

1. Soap

2. Proteins

3. Precipitate

4. Salt

Option 4 – Salt

Substances that are sour to taste ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Acids

2. Bases

3. Salts

4. All the above

Option 1 – Acids

Substances that are soapy to touch

1. Acids

2. Bases

3. Salts

4. None

Option 2 – Bases

When metallic oxides are dissolved in water …. are formed ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Acids

2. Bases

3. Salts

4. None

Option 2 – Bases

Nitrogen pentoxide is

1. Acidic

2. Basic

3. Ampoteric

4. Neutral

Option 1 – Acidic

Sodium oxide is ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Acidic

2. Basic

3. Ampoteric

4. Neutral

Option 2 – Basic

Which of the following has basic in nature

1. MgO

2. ZnO

3. CaO

4. All the above

Option 4 – All the above

The colour of methyl orange indicator in acidic medium is ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Yellow

2. Green

3. Orange

4. Red

Option 4 – Red

Acids react with bases to form

1. Salt

2. Water

3. (1) and (2)

4. None of these

Option 3 – (1) and (2)

Acids react with metallic oxides to form water and ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Base

2. Salt

3. Another acid

4. Non Metallic Oxide

Option 2 – Salt

Acids liberate carbon dioxide by reacting with

1. Carbonates

2. Bicarbonates

3. (1) and (2)

4. Carbonic acid

Option 3 – (1) and (2)

Which of the following show electrical conductivity ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Aqueous solutions of acids

2. Aqueous solutions of bases

3. Aqueous solutions of salts

4. All the above

Option 4 – All the above

The colour of methyl orange indicator in basic medium is

1. Green

2. Orange

3. Yellow

4. Red

Option 3 – Yellow

On heating bases decompose into water and ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Metal oxides

2. Metal Carbonates

3. Metal Hydrides

4. Metal Hydroxides

Option 1 – Metal oxides

Bases react with acids to form

1. Salt

2. water

3. (1) and (2)

4. None

Option 3 – (1) and (2)

Which of the following are Electric conductors ( Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts MCQ )

1. Aqueous solutions of acids

2. Aqueous solutions of bases

3. Aqueous solutions of salts

4. All the above

Option 4 – All the above

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Which one of the following salt is predominant in the ocean?

(A) Calcium Carbonate

(B) Sodium Chloride

(C) Potassium Chloride

(D) Magnesium Sulphate

Option b – Sodium Chloride

Table salt (NaCl) is a product of

(A) Weak acid and weak base

(B) Strong acid and strong base

(C) Weak acid and strong base

(D) Strong acid and weak basic

Option b – Strong acid and strong base

Which one of the following is viscous?

(A) Alcohol

(B) Water

(C) Honey

(D) Gasoline

Option c – Honey

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

(A) The presence of NaCl increases the rate of setting of Plaster of Paris

(B) Gypsum is added to the cement to slow down its rate of setting

(C) All alkaline earth metals form hydrated salts

(D) Barium and Strontium are found free in nature

Option d – Barium and Strontium are found free in nature

What is for bleaching untrue powder?

(A) It is more soluble than water

(B) It is a powder of light yellow colour

(C) It is the oxidant

(D) It releases chlorine after reaction with dilute acid

Option a – It is more soluble than water

A solution turns red litmus blue. The pH of the solution is

(A) 7

(B) 1

(C) 5

(D) None of these

Option d – None of these

Which acid is considered a basic chemical in Industry?

(A) H₂CO3

(B) HNO3

(C) H₂SO4


Option c – H₂SO4

Goldsmiths use aqua regia, which is prepared by mixing

(A) Nitric acid and Sulphuric acid

(B) Nitric acid and Hydrochloric acid

(C) Sulphuric acid and Hydrochloric acid

(D) Citric acid and Benzoic acid

Option b – Nitric acid and Hydrochloric acid

pH value shows the Numeric value of

(A) the Quality of the chemical used for developing photographic negatives

(B) Analysing the nature of the solution acidic or basic

(C) Analysing the intensity of an earthquake

(D) Analysing for checking the purity of milk

Option b – Analysing the nature of the solution acidic or basic

Which of the following is present in the maximum amount of acid rain?


(B) HNO3

(C) H₂SO4

(D) H₂CO3

Option c – H₂SO4

An aqueous solution of copper sulphate is acidic in nature because the salt undergoes.

(A) Dialysis

(B) Electrolysis

(C) Hydrolysis

(D) Photolysis

Option c – Hydrolysis

Which is not a Lewis acid?


(B) BF3

(C) NH3

(D) FeCl3

Option c – NH3

Sodawater obtained by passing carbon dioxide in water is

(A) An oxidising agent

(B) Basic in nature

(C) Acidic in nature

(D) A reducing agent

Option c – Acidic in nature

Which of the following acid do not contain Oxygen?

(A) Nitric Acid

(B) Sulphuric Acid

(C) Hydrochloric Acid

(D) All of the above

Option c – Hydrochloric Acid

What is Neela Thotha?

(A) Copper Sulphate

(B) Calcium Sulphate

(C) Iron Sulphate

(D) Sodium Sulphate

Option a – Copper Sulphate

An unknown gas quickly dissolves in water. This gaseous aqueous solution turns red litmus into blue. This gas produces hydrogen chloride with a white flame. This unknown gas is

(A) Sulphur dioxide

(B) Nitric hydroxide

(C) Ammonia

(D) Carbon monoxide

Option c – Ammonia

Baking soda is

(A) Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

(B) Sodium Dihydrogen Carbonate

(C) Disodium Hydrogen Carbonate

(D) Sodium Carbonate

Option a – Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

The chemical formula of baking soda is

(A) Ca(OH)₂

(B) NaHCO3

(C) CaCO3

(D) Na₂CO3

Option b – NaHCO3

The chemical formula of washing soda is

(A) NaOH

(B) Na₂CO3

(C) NaHCO3

(D) Ca(OH)2

Option b – Na₂CO3

Antacids are

(A) Base

(B) Acid

(C) Salt

(D) Buffer

Option a – Base

The Carboxyl group is made up of from

(A) >C=O group

(B) -OH group

(C) Carbonyl and hydroxyl groups

(D) Ester group

Option c – Carbonyl and hydroxyl groups

Formic acid is prepared from red ants in Latin which is called

(A) Formo

(B) Formate

(C) Formica

(D) Silica

Option c – Formica

Acetic acid is initially obtained from

(A) Butter

(B) Vinegar

(C) First fat

(D) Red ants

Option b – Vinegar

The dicarboxylic acid among the following is

(A) Palmitic acid

(B) Oleic acid

(C) Oxalic acid

(D) Acetic acid

Option c – Oxalic acid

What is the percentage of acetic acid present in vinegar?

(A) 5-10%

(B) 6-10 %

(C) 10-15 %

(D) 60-70 %

Option b – 6-10 %

The ketone containing two different alkyl groups bonded to a carbonyl carbon atom is called

(A) Simple ketones

(B) Symmetrical ketones

(C) Unsymmetrical ketones

(D) Acetone

Option c – Unsymmetrical ketones

Glutaric acid is

(A) Aliphatic dicarboxylic acid

(B) Aromatic dicarboxylic acid

(C) Aliphatic monocarboxylic acid

(D) Aromatic tricarboxylic acid

Option a – Aliphatic dicarboxylic acid

Butanal is used in margarine and food for its

(A) Buttery odour

(B) Camphor odour

(C) Pungent odour

(D) Musky aroma odour

Option a – Buttery odour

The O-C-H bond angle in propionaldehyde is

(A) 60°

(B) 90°

(C) 120°

(D) 180°

Option c – 120°

Formaldehyde is the dehydrogenation product of

(A) Ethanol

(B) Ethanal

(C) Methanol

(D) Propanol

Option c – Methanol

Which of the carbonyl compound present in pistachio odour?

(A) Camphor

(B) Benzaldehyde

(C) Methyl phenyl ketone

(D) Diphenyl ketone

Option c – Methyl phenyl ketone

Popcorn has butter flavour which contains

(A) Cinnamaldehyde

(B) Vanillin

(C) Butan-2-one

(D) Butane-2,3-dione

Option d – Butane-2,3-dione

Hybridisation of carbonyl carbon atom is

(A) sp³d

(B) sp

(C) sp³

(D) sp2

Option d – sp2

In ketones, the carbonyl group is arranged

(A) Anywhere in the carbon chain

(B) In the middle of the carbon chain

(C) At the end of the carbon chain

(D) At the beginning of the carbon chain.

Option b – In the middle of the carbon chain

Ketones are the first oxidation products of

(A) Primary alcohol

(B) Secondary alcohol

(C) Tertiary alcohol

(D) Alkanoic acid

Option b – Secondary alcohol

Which of the following is not correct about baking soda?

(a) It is used in the soda-acid fire extinguisher.

(b) It is added for faster cooking.

(c) It is a corrosive base.

(d) It neutralises excess acid in the stomach.

Option c – It is a corrosive base

Which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) All bases are alkali.

(b) None of the bases is alkali.

(c) There are no more bases except the alkalis.

(d) All alkalis are bases but all bases are not alkalis.

Option d – All alkalis are bases but all bases are not alkalis

Which of the following solutions will not change the colour of blue litmus paper to red? I. Acid solution II. Base solution III. Common salt solution Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) I and III

(b) II and III

(c) Only I

(d) Only II

Option b – II and III

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? I. Metallic oxides are said to be basic oxides. II. Non-metallic oxides are basic in nature. III. All acids have similar chemical properties. Codes

(a) Only I and III

(b) Only II and III

(c) Only II

(d) All statements are correct

Option a – Only I and III

Which one among the following is not a property of salt?

(a) Salts have ordered packing arrangements called lattices.

(b) Salts have low melting points but high boiling points.

(c) Salts are brittle.

(d) Salts conduct electricity when dissolved in water or even in a motion state.

Option b – Salts have low melting points but high boiling points

An acid turns blue litmus red and the base turns red litmus blue. A group of students in a laboratory testing a solution with a red litmus paper which remained red with no change. This result shows that the solution is

(a) not a base.

(b) not an acid.

(c) Neither acid nor a base

(d) Both acid and base

Option a – not a base

Which compound, when dissolved in water, conducts electricity and forms a basic solution?

(a) HCI


(c) CH3OH

(d) NaOH

Option d – NaOH

The indicator used in the titration of a strong acid and a strong basis

(a) Phenolphthalein

(b) Methyl orange

(c) Alizarin yellow

(d) Red litmus

Option a – Phenolphthalein

Which one among the following stages are suitable indicator when a solution of sodium carbonate is mixed with sulphuric acid?

(a) Methylene blue

(b) Methyl red

(c) Phenolphthalein

(d) Methyl orange

Option c – Phenolphthalein

Suppose you have four test tubes labelled as ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’. ‘A’ contains plain water, ‘B’ contains the solution of an alkali, ‘C’ contains the solution of an acid, and ‘D’ contains the solution of sodium chloride. Which one of these solutions will turn the phenolphthalein solution pink?

(a) Solution ‘A’

(b) Solution ‘B’

(c) Solution ‘C’

(d) Solution ‘D’

Option b – Solution ‘B’

Consider the following statements. I. Acids are sour in taste and change the colour of blue litmus to red. II. Bases are bitter and change the colour of red litmus to blue. III. Litmus is a natural indicator. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) I and I

(b) I and III

(c) II and III

(d) I, II and III

Option d – I, II and III

Which of the following is correct regarding buffer solution?

(a) It contains a weak acid and its conjugate base.

(b) It contains a weak base and its conjugate acid.

(c) It shows little change in pH on adding a small amount of acid or base.

(d) None of the above

Option c – It shows little change in pH on adding a small amount of acid or base

Which of the following has a pH value of 7?

(a) Pure Water

(b) Neutral solution

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Acidic solution

Option c – Both (a) and (b)

The pH of water at 25° C is 7. When it is heated to 100° C, the pH of the water

(a) increases

(b) decreases

(c) remains the same

(d) decreases up to 50° C and then increases

Option b – decreases

The pH of fresh groundwater slightly decreases upon exposure to air because

(a) carbon dioxide from air is dissolved in the water.

(b) oxygen from the air is dissolved in the water.

(c) the dissolved carbon dioxide of the groundwater escapes into the air.

(d) the dissolved oxygen of the groundwater escapes into the air.

Option a – carbon dioxide from air is dissolved in the water

The pH value of water is

(a) 4

(b) 7

(c) 12

(d) 18

Option b – 7

Statement I Addition of water to an aqueous solution of HCI decreases the pH. Statement II Addition of water suppresses the ionisation of HCI. Codes

(a) Both the statements are individually true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I.

(b) Both the statements are individually true but statement II is not the correct explanation of statement I

(c) Statement I is true, but statement II is false.

(d) Statement I is false, but statement II is true.

Option c – Statement I is true, but statement II is false

Consider the following statements. I. Limestone, chalk and marble are different forms of calcium carbonate. II. When the pH of rainwater is less than 5.6, it is called acid rain. III. The human body works within the pH range of 7.0 to 7.8. Which of the statements given above is correct?

(a) I and II

(b) I and Ill

(c) II and III

(d) I, II and III

Option d – I, II and III

Antacids are

(a) base

(b) acid

(c) salt

(d) buffer

Option a – base

Which one of the following salts when dissolved in water makes the solution basic?

(a) Sodium chloride

(b) Copper sulphate

(c) Ferric chloride

(d) Sodium acetate

Option d – Sodium acetate

Which of the following properties is true for toothpaste?

(a) It is acidic.

(b) It is neutral.

(c) It is basic.

(d) It is made up of Calcium phosphate, the material of tooth enamel.

Option c – It is basic

When hard water is evaporated completely the white solid remains in the container. It may be due to the presence of I. Carbonates of Ca and Mg. II. Sulphates of Ca and Mg. III. Chlorides of Ca and Mg. Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) I and II

(b) I, II and III

(c) Only III

(d) I and III

Option d – I and III

The desirable range of pH for drinking water is

(a) 6.5 to 8.5

(b) 5.0 to 6.5

(c) 6.5 to 7.0

(d) 7.0 to 8.5

Option c – 6.5 to 7.0

Which one of the following is correct? Due to the continuous use of calcium superphosphate as fertiliser in the soil, the pH of the soil increases or decreases.

(a) More than 7

(b) Less than 7

(c) Equal 7

(d) Cannot be predicted

Option a – More than 7

The pH of milk is 6. When it turns sour, the pH

(a) becomes < 6

(b) remains the same, i.e., 6

(c) becomes > 6

(d) becomes neutral, i.e., 7

Option d – becomes neutral, i.e., 7

Which of the following may be a possible pH value of an acidic solution?

(a) 6

(b) 7

(c) 8

(d) 9

Option a – 6

The solution of which one of the following will have a pH of less than 7?

(a) NaOH

(b) KCI

(c) FeCl3

(d) NaCl

Option c – FeCl3

On the labels of the bottles, some soft drinks are claimed to be acidity regulators. They regulate acidity using

(a) carbon dioxide

(b) bicarbonate salts

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) carbon dioxide and lime

Option b – bicarbonate salts

Which chemical was an important symbol in our struggle fo for freedom? ( Acids Bases and Salts Class 10 MCQ Online Test )

(a) Glucose

(b) Fertiliser

(c) Medicine

(d) Sodium chloride

Option d – Sodium chloride

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