Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 MCQ

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Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 MCQ for Students

Identify the organisms that lack a cell wall, can survive without oxygen, and can be pathogenic in some animals and plants.

(A) Fungi

(B) Dinoflagellates

(C) Mycoplasma

(D) Archaebacteria

Option c – Mycoplasma

Prions are responsible for causing which of the following disease in humans?

(A) Cr-Jacob disease


(C) Herpes

(D) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy

Option a – Cr-Jacob disease

The plant Triticum aestivum belongs to

(A) Phylum Angiospermae

(B) Order Sapindales

(C) Class Dicotyledonae

(D) Both (A) and (C)

Option a – Phylum Angiospermae

Complete the analogy given below. Man : Hominidae :: Tiger :

(A) Canidae

(B) Carnivora

(C) Panthera

(D) Felidae

Option d – Felidae

……. have collections of living plants for reference.

(A) Museums

(B) Herbariums

(C) Botanical Gardens

(D) All of these

Option c – Botanical Gardens

Dogs and cats belong to the same

(A) Family

(B) Genus

(C) Order

(D) Species

Option c – Order

Identify which of the following statements is TRUE.

(A) Viruses can infect but viroids are noninfectious agents.

(B) Viruses have only RNA whereas viroids have DNA.

(C) Viruses have a protein coat, whereas viroids lack a protein coat.

(D) Potato spindle tuber disease is caused by viruses, whereas mosaic formation in plants occurs due to viroids.

Option c – Viruses have a protein coat, whereas viroids lack a protein coat

Identify the odd one out.

(A) Poales

(B) Felidae

(C) Sapindales

(D) Carnivora

Option b – Felidae

Which of the following is considered a defining property of living organisms?

(A) Increase in mass

(B) Growth

(C) Cellular organization

(D) Reproduction.

Option c – Cellular organization

Family is a taxonomic category comprising related

(A) Order

(B) Genera

(C) Class

(D) Division

Option b – Genera

Housefly belongs to the family

(A) Muscidae

(B) Hominidae

(C) Convolvulaceae

(D) Felidae

Option a – Muscidae

Identify the odd one out.

(A) Homo sapiens – Primata

(B) Musca domestica – Diptera

(C) Mangifera indica – Anacardiaceae

(D) Triticum aestivum – Poales

Option c – Mangifera indica – Anacardiaceae

Consciousness is a defining property of living organisms. Which of the following statements best explains this fact?

(A) All organisms are aware of themselves and are self-conscious.

(B) All organisms respond to environmental cues.

(C) We are unsure if brain-dead organisms are living or not.

(D) This feature can be demonstrated in vitro in cell-free systems.

Option b – All organisms respond to environmental cues.

According to binomial nomenclature, the scientific name of potato is printed as

(A) Solanum tuberosum

(B) Solanum tuberosum

(C) Solanum Tuberosum

(D) Solanum tuberosum

Option b – Solanum tuberosum

Which of the following statement is INCORRECT with respect to Deuteromycetes?

(A) Only the asexual or vegetative phases of these fungi are known.

(B) mycelium is aseptate and coenocytic.

(C) They reproduce only by asexual spores known as conidia.

(D) They are commonly known as imperfect fungi.

Option b – mycelium is aseptate and coenocytic.

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding heterotrophic bacteria?

(A) Curdling of milk is carried out by these bacteria.

(B) They fix nitrogen in leguminous plant roots.

(C) They are capable of causing diseases like cholera, typhoid, and tetanus.

(D) They belong to the kingdom Protista.

Option d – They belong to the kingdom Protista.

Which of the following is referred to as true bacteria?

(A) Archaebacteria

(B) Chrysophytes

(C) Eubacteria

(D) Euglenoids

Option c – Eubacteria

Complete the following analogy. Trypanosoma: Flagellated Protozoa Paramoecium: ……….

(A) Sporozoa

(B) Ciliated protozoa

(C) Amoeboid protozoa

(D) Slime mould

Option b – Ciliated protozoa

…….. are known as the chief producers in the oceans.

(A) Dinoflagellates

(B) Diatoms

(C) Euglenoids

(D) Slime molds

Option b – Diatoms

The phenomenon of red tides in the ocean occurs due to

(A) diatoms

(B) dinoflagellates

(C) desmids

(D) mycoplasma

Option b – dinoflagellates

The population of fish in a pond is 200 and 100 of them died in a week due to the release of toxicants in the pond. Calculate the death rate of fish.

(A) 20 fish/week

(B) 0.5 fishes/week

(C) 50 fish/week

(D) 5.1 fishes/week

Option b – 0.5 fishes/week

Which of the following statement/s is/are CORRECT? i. Alexander Von Humboldt observed that species richness in a region increases up to a limit with increasing explored area. ii. The rivet popper hypothesis was put forth by David Tilman. iii. Robert May gave a more realistic estimate of the number of global species.

(A) i and iii are correct

(B) i, ii and iii are incorrect

(C) only ii and iii are correct

(D) i, ii and iii are correct

Option a – i and iii are correct

The pyramid of energy is

(A) always upright

(B) always inverted

(C) mostly upright but sometimes inverted

(D) never upright

Option a – always upright

Identify the INCORRECT statement.

(A) In Opuntia, photosynthesis is performed by a flattened stem.

(B) Seals possess blubber below the skin as an adaptation to minimize heat loss.

(C) According to Allen’s rule, mammals found in desert regions have shorter ears and limbs.

(D) Kangaroo rats have the ability to concentrate their urine and minimize water loss.

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Option c – According to Allen’s rule, mammals found in desert regions have shorter ears and limbs.

……… is NOT an invasive weed species.

(A) Water hyacinth

(B) Lantana camara

(C) Parthenium

(D) Clarius gariepinus

Option d – Clarius gariepinus

The natural reservoir of sulfur is

(A) seawater

(B) rock

(C) fossil fuels

(D) atmosphere

Option b – rock

In primary succession in water, the small phytoplanktons are replaced with time by

(A) marsh meadow

(B) sedges

(C) rooted submerged plants

(D) grasses

Option c – rooted submerged plants

Complete the analogy with respect to population interactions. Orchid Ophrys : Bees:: Whale: ………..

(A) Calotropis

(B) Cattle egrets

(C) Sea anemone

(D) Barnacles

Option d – Barnacles

Assertion: Sparrow occupies more than one trophic level in an ecosystem. Reason: Sparrow is a primary consumer when it eats fruits, seeds, and peas and a secondary consumer when it eats insects and worms.

(A) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

(B) Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(C) The assertion is true but the reason is false.

(D) Both assertion and reason are false.

Option a – Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

Which of the following includes extinct species?

(A) Dodo, Stellar’s sea cow, Clouded leopard

(B) Great Indian Bustard, Dodo, Quagga

(C) Tasmanian tiger, Stellar’s COW. sea Quagga

(D) Asiatic lion, Great Indian Bustard. Clouded leopard

Option c – Tasmanian tiger, Stellar’s COW. sea Quagga

The principle two closely related species competing for the same resources cannot co-exist indefinitely and the competitively inferior one will be eliminated eventually’ was given by

(A) G.F. Gause

(B) Herbert Boyer

(C) Stanley Cohen

(D) Charles Darwin

Option a – G.F. Gause

The World Summit on sustainable development in Johannesburg, South Africa was held in the year

(A) 1965

(B) 1972

(C) 1992

(D) 2002

Option d – 2002

Read the following statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Fine particulates of size 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter can cause breathing and respiratory symptoms. Statement II: Automobiles with catalytic converters emit large amounts of poisonous gases.

(A) Statement I is correct, and Statement II is incorrect.

(B) Statement I is incorrect, and Statement II is correct.

(C) Both Statements I and II are correct.

(D) Both Statements I and II are incorrect.

Option a – Statement I is correct, and Statement II is incorrect.

If + indicates beneficial interaction and ‘-‘ detrimentation, then identify the INCORRECT match with respect to population interactions and signs assigned to them.

(A) Competition: ‘-‘ and ‘-‘

(B) Mutualism: +’ and ‘+’

(C) Amensalism: ‘+’and ‘-‘

(D) Parasitism: “+’ and ‘-‘

Option c – Amensalism: ‘+’and ‘-‘

Identify the INCORRECT match.

(A) Increased biological oxygen demand – Less polluted water bodies

(B) Algal bloom – Deterioration of water quality and fish mortality

(C) High concentrations of DDT – Decline in bird population due to biomagnification.

(D) Increased level of greenhouse gases – Global warming

Option a – Increased biological oxygen demand – Less polluted water bodies

The phenomenon of the natural aging of a lake by biological enrichment of its water is

(A) biomagnification

(B) eutrophication

(C) bioremediation

(D) biofortification

Option b – eutrophication

The National Forest Policy (1988) of India has recommended ………% forest cover for the plains.

(A) 10

(B) 21

(C) 33

(D) 67

Option c – 33

Polyblend is

(A) fine powder of recycled modified plastic

(B) a mixture of biodegradable wastes and vermicompost

(C) a mixture of non-biodegradable waste and bitumen

(D) fine powder of non-recyclable plastic

Option a – fine powder of recycled modified plastic

Read the following statements and select the correct option. i. Ozone in the lower atmosphere is known as good ozone. ii. Montreal Protocol, an international treaty was signed to control the emission of ozone-depleting substances. iii. The thickness of ozone is measured in the terms of Dobson units. iv. Ozone depletion can cause a decreased amount of UV radiation to reach the Earth.

(A) i and ii are correct

(B) ii and iii are incorrect

(C) iii and iv are correct

(D) i and iv are incorrect

Option d – i and iv are incorrect

IUCN maintains a Red Data Book which contains information about

(A) exotic plant species

(B) endangered plant and animal species

(C) extinct animal species

(D) economically important animal species

Option b – endangered plant and animal species

The most widely used device to remove particulate matter present in the exhaust from a thermal power plant is

(A) lime spray

(B) electrostatic precipitator

(C) smelter

(D) smokestacks

Option b – electrostatic precipitator

This determines structure and function of the organism

1. RNA

2. DDT

3. DNA

4. CNA

Option 3 – DNA

Tetracycline is used for the treatment of

1. Chalera

2. Typhoid

3. TB

4. Plague

Option 4 – Plague

Who produced Tetracycline?

1. Y.Naidamma

2. Y.Subba Rao

3. Pasteur

4. Aristotle

Option 2 – Y.Subba Rao

Who is considered as the “Wizard of the wonder Drugs?”

1. Ronald Ross

2. M.S. Swaminathan

3. Y. Subba Rao

4. H.C. Crick

Option 3 – Y.Subba Rao

The science of birds and their living habits is known as

1. Micro biology

2. Ornithology

3. Cryptalogy

4. Bio technology

Option 4 – Bio technology

Who is responsible for Green revolution in India?

1. Y. Subbar Rao

2. Y. Naidamma

3. M.S. Swaminathan

4. Salim Ali

Option 3 – M.S. Swaminathan

In which area of science did Har Gobind Khorana made significant contributions?

1. Bio Medicine

2. Biotechnology

3. Biometrics

4. Molecular biology

Option 4 – Molecular biology

Work is carried out on cell biology at

1. NIN


3. Both

4. None

Option 2 – CCMB

Work on nutrition is carried out at

1. Indian Agricultural Research Institute

2. National Institute of Nutrition

3. National Institute of Oceanography

4. None of the above

Option 2 – National Institute of Nutrition

Research on medical sciences is carried on at


2. NIN

3. CMR

4. All

Option 3 – CMR

ICRISAT is located at

1. Hyderabad

2. Pune

3. Delhi

4. Jaipur

Option 1 – Hyderabad

NBRI conducts research on

1. Animals

2. Plants

3. Eggs

4. Fishes

Option 2 – Plants

Interaction between biology and chemistry is studied in

1. Bio chemistry

2. Anatomy

3. Pathology

4. Ecalogy

Option 1 – Bio chemistry

Branch of biology that deals with inheritance is

1. Anatomy

2. Genetics

3. Ecology

4. Taxonomy

Option 2 – Genetics

Branch of biology dealing with fossils is

1. Ecology

2. Genetics

3. Palaeontology

4. All the above

Option 3 – Palaeontology

Branch of biology dealing with microorganisms, bacteria, and viruses is

1. Ecology

2. Genetics

3. Anatomy

4. Microbiology

Option 4 – Microbiology

Distribution of animals on earth is studied under

1. Pathology

2. Zoo geography

3. Anatomy

4. All

Option 2 – Zoo geography

Sponges belong to the phylum

1. Chordata

2. Protozoa

3. Porifera

4. Metaphyta

Option 3 – Porifera

Diatoms belong to the phylum

1. Chlorophyta

2. Metaphyta

3. Metazoa

4. Bryophyta

Option 1 – Chlorophyta

Insects belong to the phylum

1. Insecta

2. Arthropoda

3. Annelida

4. Chordata

Option 2 – Arthropoda

Amoebic dysentry is caused by

1. Bacteria

2. Protozoa

3. Virus

4. Fungi

Option 2 – Protozoa

Incubation period of whooping cough

1. 1-10 days

2. 32-64 days

3. 10-16 days

4. 16-33 days

Option 3 – 10-16 days

Which of the following is not a bacterial disease

1. Cholera

2. Mumps

3. Tetanus

4. Typhoid

Option 2 – Mumps

Tetanus is also called

1. Lockjaw

2. Diphtheria

3. Both

4. None

Option 1 – Lockjaw

Cheapest method to purify drinking water is

1. Boiling

2. Chlorination

3. Filtration

4. All

Option 3 – Filtration

Water is contaminated by

1. Bathing

2. Washing clothes

3. Washing cattle

4. All

Option 4 – All

Insectivorous plants grown to control mosquitoes are

1. Drosera

2. Nepenthes

3. Utcicularia

4. All

Option 4 – All

Fishes used in biological control of mosquitoe are

1. Gambusia

2. Labeo

3. Panchay

4. Any one

Option 4 – Any one

Transmission of diseases through animals by

1. Uncooled meat

2. Snails

3. Insects

4. Any one

Option 4 – Any one

Diseases that spreads through direct contact

1. Scabies

2. Polio

3. Cholera

4. Typhoid

Option 1 – Scabies

Amoebiasis spreads through

1. Water

2. Air

3. Animals

4. Direct contact

Option 1 – Water

Files are responsible for the transmission of diseases like

1. Cholera

2. Malaria

3. Filaria

4. Scabies

Option 1 – Cholera

Snails act as vedors for the transmission or helninth parasites called

1. Planoria

2. Blood fluke

3. Liver fluke

4. None

Option 3 – Liver fluke

How many minutes of boiling water is required to kill the disease causing germs

1. 10-15 min.

2. 9 min.

3. 5 min.

4. 7 min.

Option 1 – 10-15 min.

Vaccination was discovered in the year

1. 1786

2. 1756

3. 1776

4. 1886

Option 3 – 1776

The surface of micro organisms contain

1. Plasma

2. Antigens

3. Antibodies

4. Serum

Option 2 – Antigens

The protein released by body against antigens are

1. Antibodies

2. Antigens

3. Plasma

4. Serum

Option 1 – Antibodies

To develop antibodies against a diseases the substance injected is

1. Vaccine

2. Antigen

3. Serum

4. Antibody

Option 1 – Vaccine

Files and cockroaches can be killed by spraying chemicals like

1. Powder

2. DDT

3. Both

4. None

Option 2 – DDT

A vaccination was discovered by

1. Pasteur

2. Fenner

3. Both

4. None

Option 2 – Fenner

Chemicals that kill fungi are called

1. Fungicides

2. Rod enticides

3. Both

4. None

Option 1 – Fungicides

What is used for vaccination

1. Serum

2. Blood

3. Dead microorganisms

4. All

Option 3 – Dead microorganisms

Mosquitoes act as vectors for

1. Malaria

2. Filaria

3. Both

4. None

Option 3 – Both

These cells are useful for natural immunity

1. Digestive cells

2. RBC

3. WBC

4. Kidney cells

Option 3 – WBC

Ethylene dibromide is used for the control of

1. Insects

2. Rats

3. Cats

4. Dogs

Option 1 – Insects

Freshness in vegetables is preserved by

1. Freezing

2. Smoking

3. Fillering

4. Dehydration

Option 1 – Freezing

After pasteurisation, milk is stored at

1. 40°C

2. 30°C

3. 10°C

4. 20°C

Option 3 – 10°C

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