Class 9 Geo Ch 2 MCQ

Class 9 Geo Ch 2 MCQ. We covered all the Class 9 Geo Ch 2 MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in the PCS exams like GPSC, TPPSC, TNPSC, APPSC, HPPSC, HPSC, SPSC, TPSC, PPSC, KPSC, State PCS, UPSC, IAS, IPS, BPSC, JPSC, UPPCS, MPPSC, CGPSC, RAS, RTS, OPSC, WBPSC, MPSC, UKPSC, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

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Class 9 Geo Ch 2 Objective MCQ for Students

In which part of India, Dandakaranya is situated?

A) Northern

B) Eastern

C) Central

D) Western

Option c – Central

Which plateau lies between the Aravalli and the Vindhya ranges?

A) Malwa Plateau

B) Chhotanagpur Plateau

C) Deccan Plateau

D) Peninsular Plateau

Option a – Malwa Plateau

Dandakaranya lies in:

A) Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh

B) Chhattisgarh and Orissa

C) Jharkhand and Orissa

D) Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand

Option b – Chhattisgarh and Orissa

Additional peninsular mountains of India were formed during:

A) Eozoic Era

B) Palaeozoic Era

C) Mesozoic Era

D) Cenozoic Era

Option a – Eozoic Era

Why is Dhanbad and inhabited densely district of Chhotanagpur plateau?

A) Fertile soil and irrigational facilities by canals from the Damodar

B) Availability of coal, iron ore, mica, copper, etc.

C) Development of mining industries and industrialization

D) All of the above

Option c – Development of mining industries and industrialization

Basaltic Lava rocks over the Indian Deccan Plateau were formed in which of the following periods?

A) Cretaceous period

B) Pleistocene period

C) Carboniferous period

D) Miocene period

Option a – Cretaceous period

Meghalaya plateau is part of:

A) Himalayan Range

B) Peninsular Plateau

C) Mountains of Eastern Ghats

D) Satpura Range

Option b – Peninsular Plateau

Chhotanagpur Plateau is:

A) a front sloping

B) a pitfall

C) a foothill

D) a plain subland

Option a – a front sloping

We covered all the class 9 geo ch 2 mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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