Class 9th Science Chapter 8 MCQ

Class 9th Science Chapter 8 MCQ. We covered all the Class 9th Science Chapter 8 MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in the PCS exams like GPSC, TPPSC, TNPSC, APPSC, HPPSC, HPSC, SPSC, TPSC, PPSC, KPSC, State PCS, UPSC, IAS, IPS, BPSC, JPSC, UPPCS, MPPSC, CGPSC, RAS, RTS, OPSC, WBPSC, MPSC, UKPSC, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

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Class 9th Science Chapter 8 Objective MCQ for Students

The Sun appears red during Sunset

(A) Reflection of light

(B) Scattering of light

(C) Refraction of light

(D) Diffraction of light

Option b – Scattering of light

The red color of the Sun at Sunset and Sunrise is due to

(A) Scattering of light

(B) Refraction of light

(C) Total internal reflection of light

(D) Dispersion of light

Option a – Scattering of light

An astronaut sees the color of the sky as

(A) Blue

(B) White

(C) Black

(D) Red

Option c – Black

When we see the sky from a plane at a high altitude, then it seems

(A) Blue

(B) Black

(C) White

(D) Red

Option b – Black

The sea seems blue due to

(A) Excess deepness

(B) Reflection of the sky and scattering of light by the drops of water

(C) Blue color of water

(D) Upper layer of water

Option b – Reflection of the sky and scattering of light by the drops of water

The concept of expanding universe is based on

(A) Doppler effect

(B) Stark effect

(C) Zeeman effect

(D) Raman effect

Option a – Doppler effect

Suppose a rocketship is proceeding from the Earth at a speed of 2/10th the velocity of light. A light in the rocketship appears blue to the passengers on the ship. What color would it appear to an observer on the Earth?

(A) Blue

(B) Orange

(C) Yellow

(D) Yellow-Orange

Option c – Yellow

The red light signal is used as a danger signal because

(A) Red light is scattered least

(B) This is comfortable for the eyes

(C) It produces the least chemical reaction

(D) It is least absorbed in air

Option a – Red light is scattered least

The blue color of the sky is due to

(A) Scattering of light

(B) Dispersion of light

(C) Interference of light

(D) Emission of more blue light as compared to other colors by the Sun

Option a – Scattering of light

We covered all the class 9th science chapter 8 mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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