Computer MCQ for JKSSB with Answers

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Computer MCQ for JKSSB with Answers for Students

Which of these protocols is considered the effective predecessor of the World Wide Web?


B. Gopher



Option b – Gopher

What is the length of addresses used by IPv4?

A. 16-bit

B. 32-bit

C. 64-bit

D. 8-bit

Option b – 32-bit

Which of these was the first browser for the classic Mac operating system?

A. Samba

B. Pumba

C. Timothy

D. Tyson

Option a – Samba

When was the Start button first released in Windows?

A. Windows 95

B. Windows 98

C. Windows Vista

D. Windows 2000

Option a – Windows 95

Which key combination is used to select the entire document?

A. Ctrl + A

B. Ctrl + S

C. Ctrl + W

D. Ctrl + E

Option a – Ctrl + A

What is the name given to companies providing internet services?





Option a – ISP

Which among the following are database languages?

A. Data Definition Language

B. Data Manipulation Language

C. Data Control Language

D. All of the Above

Option d – All of the Above

Which language is used to make changes with DML statements?

A. Data Definition Language

B. Data Control Language

C. Transaction Control Language

D. Structured Query Language

Option c – Transaction Control Language

Which of the following is the name given to computers on a network?

A. Point

B. Server

C. Nodes

D. Connection

Option c – Nodes

What is the length of each character in ASCII code?

A. 2-bit

B. 8-bit

C. 4-bit

D. 7-bit

Option d – 7-bit

UMTS is a standard for which of the following networks?

A. 2G

B. 3G

C. 4G

D. 5G

Option b – 3G

In which of the following industries are touchscreens used?

A. Heavy Industry

B. Automated Teller Machines

C. Medical Field

D. All of the above

Option d – All of the above

Which of the following is generally marketed as a companion device?

A. Laptop

B. Desktop

C. Netbook


Option c – Netbook

Which of the following define the information that comes from an external source and is fed into computer software?

A. Input

B. Output

C. Throughput

D. Reports

Option a – Input

Which of the following devices is used for video games, flight simulators, training simulators, and for controlling industrial robots?

A. Mouse

B. Light pen

C. Joystick

D. Keyboards

Option c – Joystick

What does the amplitude of an analog wave measure?

A. Frequency

B. Intensity

C. Wavelength

D. All of the above

Option b – Intensity

What kind of data is processed by an analog computer?

A. Discrete Data

B. Intermittent Data

C. Discretely varying Data

D. Continuously varying Data

Option d – Continuously varying Data

Who among the following is most likely to operate a personal computer?

A. End-user

B. Technician

C. Software Engineer

D. All of the above

Option a – End-user

Personal computers in the 2010s have access to which of the following kinds of software?

A. Freeware

B. Free & Open Source Software

C. Commercial Software

D. All of the above

Option d – All of the above

What can possibly be contained in an Integrated Circuit chip?


B. Memory

C. Peripheral Devices

D. All of the above

Option d – All of the above

In the history of computing, which computer fits the designation as the first personal computer?

A. Bendix G15

B. LGP-30


D. Programma 101

Option c – ENIAC

Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?

A. Control

B. Arrow

C. Function

D. Spacebar

Option a – Control

Which of the following refers to a small, single-site network?





Option a – LAN

The first computer was programmed using:

A. Machine Language

B. Source Code

C. Assembly Language

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D. Spaghetti Code

Option a – Machine Language

_______ is the process of dividing the disk into tracks & sectors.

A. Formatting

B. Alloting

C. Tracking

D. Crashing

Option a – Formatting

An email account includes a storage area, often called:

A. Hyperlink

B. Mailbox

C. IP address

D. None of these

Option b – Mailbox

The merge cells option can be applied from:

A. Both of above

B. Formatting toolbar

C. None of above

D. Format Cells dialog box alignment tab

Option d – Format Cells dialog box alignment tab

Which of the following is a popular programming language for developing multimedia web pages?

A. Java

B. Assembler



Option a – Java

The box that contains the central electronic components of the computer is the:


B. Motherboard

C. System Unit

D. Peripheral

Option c – System Unit

Microcomputer hardware consists of three basic categories of physical equipment:

A. System unit, input/output, secondary storage

B. System unit, input/output, memory

C. Keyboard, monitor, hard drive

D. System unit, primary storage, secondary storage

Option a – System unit, input/output, secondary storage

The component that controls communications for the entire computer system is the:

A. Coprocessor

B. Motherboard

C. Arithmetic-logic unit

D. Semiconductor

Option b – Motherboard

The smallest unit in a digital system is a:

A. Byte

B. Bit

C. Character

D. Kilobyte

Option b – Bit

A computer consists of:

A. Central Processing Unit

B. All of the above

C. Motherboard

D. Hard Disk Drive

Option b – All of the above

To make the number pad act as a directional arrow, we press:

A. Num Lock

B. Caps Lock

C. Arrow Lock

D. Shift

Option d – Shift

The first mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage was called:

A. Supercomputer

B. Analytical Engine

C. Calculator

D. Abacus

Option b – Analytical Engine

_______ are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity.

A. Computer Viruses

B. Phishing trips

C. Phishing scams

D. Spyware scams

Option b – Phishing trips

What does WLAN stand for?

A. Wireless Local Area Network

B. Wind Light Atmospheric Nature

C. Wireless Local Area Node

D. Wide Local Area Network

Option a – Wireless Local Area Network

Storage which stores or retains data after power off is called:

A. Direct Storage

B. Volatile Storage

C. Sequential Storage

D. Non-Volatile Storage

Option d – Non-Volatile Storage

Which of the following is the correct abbreviation of COMPUTER?

A. Commonly Operated Machines Used in Technical & Environmental Research

B. Commonly Occupied Machines Used in Technical & Educational Research

C. Commonly Oriented Machines Used in Technical & Educational Research

D. Commonly Operated Machines Used in Technical & Educational Research

Option d – Commonly Operated Machines Used in Technical & Educational Research

USB is which type of storage device?

A. Auxiliary

B. Secondary

C. Tertiary

D. Primary

Option b – Secondary

One Gigabyte = ? (in decimal value)

A. 10004 bytes

B. 1000 bytes

C. 10002 bytes

D. 10003 bytes

Option d – 10003 bytes

Which motherboard form factor uses one 20-pin connector?

A. Baby AT

B. All of the above



Option c – ATX

The operating system called UNIX is typically used for:

A. All of these

B. Laptop computers

C. Desktop Computers

D. Super Computer

Option a – All of these

C, BASIC, COBOL & Java are examples of ______ language.

A. Programming

B. Computer

C. Low-Level

D. High-level

Option d – High-level

An Excel Workbook is a collection of:

A. None of the Above

B. Worksheets

C. Both A and B

D. Charts

Option c – Both A and B

______ converts & executes one statement at a time.

A. Converter

B. Instructions

C. Compiler

D. Interpreter

Option d – Interpreter

Which of the following is a correct sequence of an email address?

1. User name @ Domain name

2. @ Domain name, User name

3. Domain name, @, User name

4. @, User name, Domain name

Option 1 – User name @ Domain name

The Internet is a group of interconnected computers across the globe. The Internet itself is a type of:

1. WAN

2. MAN

3. LAN

4. VPN

Option 1 – WAN

Which of the following operations adds to your document in MS-Word 2010?

1. Hyphenation

2. Paste

3. Copy

4. Format painter

Option 2 – Paste

Which shortcut key is used in MS-Excel 2010 for renaming the table?

1. Ctrl + I

2. Alt + I

3. Alt + R

4. Ctrl + R

Option 4 – Ctrl + R

Which shortcut key is used in MS-Excel 2010 to go to the insert tab?

1. ALT + T

2. ALT + I

3. ALT + F

4. ALT + N

Option 4 – ALT + N

State whether the following statements related to MS-Word 2010 are True or False?

i) In Landscape orientation, the height of the page is larger than its width.
ii) In Portrait orientation, the width of a page is larger than its height.

1. (i) – True (ii) – False

2. (i) – True (ii) – True

3. (i) – False (ii) – True

4. (i) – False (ii) – False

Option 4 – (i) – False (ii) – False

After finishing the table in MS-Word 2010, if you want to insert a new row at the bottom of a particular row in a table, which of the following options can be used?

1. Insert Columns to the Right

2. Insert Columns to the Left

3. Insert Rows Below

4. Insert Rows Above

Option 3 – Insert Rows Below

The ______ tab in MS-Excel 2010 ribbon bar provides tools to manage the worksheet appearance, both onscreen & printed. These tools control theme settings, gridlines, page margins, object aligning, & print area.

1. Page Layout




Option 1 – Page Layout

What will be the address of a cell which lies at the intersection of the seventh row & tenth column in an MS-Excel 2010 worksheet?

1. G10

2. SJ7$

3. J7

4. 7J

Option 3 – J7

______ offers real-time chat between individuals and groups of people.



3. Instant messenger


Option 3 – Instant messenger

Which of the following is not an example of markup language?

1. QBE

2. XML



Option 1 – QBE

Which of the following is not a component of an email address?

1. System name

2. Domain name

3. Username

4. @ (at symbol)

Option 1 – System name

Which of the following keyboard shortcut keys in MS-Word 2010 is used to move to the previous cell in a row of the table?

1. Windows + Tab

2. Alt + Tab

3. Shift + Tab

4. Ctrl + Tab

Option 3 – Shift + Tab

Vendor-created program modifications are called:

A. Fixes

B. Antiviruses

C. Patches

D. Holes

Option c – Patches

Junk e-mail is also called:

A. Spool

B. Spam

C. Sniffer Script

D. Spoof

Option b – Spam

Google Chrome is a/an

a) Browser

b) Social network site

c) Internet service provider

d) Mobile phone

Option a – Browser

To quickly zoom the document in MS-Excel 2010, use the minus & plus symbols in the

a) Formula bar

b) Status bar

c) Horizontal scroll bar

d) Title bar

Option b – Status bar

Columns in MS-Excel 2010 are identified by:

a) A, B, C

b) @, $,%

c) *, &, ^

d) 1,2,3

Option a – A, B, C

In MS-Word 2010, you can cut text from one area of a document & paste that text anywhere in that document. When you cut the text, it is stored on



c) ROW


Option b – CLIPBOARD

What is the result of the following expression in MS-Excel 2010? =8/8^2*16

a) 1.32

b) 2.0

c) 3.2

d) 16

Option c – 3.2

In MS-Excel 2010, what will be the value of the following expression? =656/4^2

a) 61

b) 21

c) 41

d) 81

Option c – 41

The tab in MS-Word 2010 is the default tab which appears when you open the document.

a) Layout

b) Review

c) Insert

d) Home

Option d – Home

The development of the World Wide Web was begun in which of the following year?

a) 1979

b) 1969

c) 1959

d) 1989

Option d – 1989

In MS-Excel 2010, which shortcut is used for hiding rows within the sheet?

a) Ctrl+9

b) Alt +9

c) Alt+0

d) Ctrl + 0

Option a – Ctrl+9

MS-Word 2010 opens a new document with the temporary name as

a) Book

b) Book 1

c) Document 1

d) Document

Option c – Document 1

Which icon is used to represent an attachment in email?

a) Emoji

b) Phone

c) Paper Clip

d) Smiley

Option c – Paper Clip

In MS-Word 2010, which of the following statements is incorrect about the Ruler?

a) It helps to change a line’s indentation.

b) It helps to set tabs.

c) It helps to control the margins of document pages.

d) It helps to change font styles.

Option d – It helps to change font styles

Which of the following is not present in the Quick Access Toolbar by default in MS-Word 2010?

a) Cut

b) Redo

c) Undo

d) Save

Option a – Cut

In MS-Excel 2010, which ribbon contains tools for inserting functions, defining names & controlling the calculation options?





Option a – FORMULA

A collection of associated web pages is called

a) Html

b) Xml

c) Website

d) Webserver

Option c – Website

Which of the following is NOT a valid MS-Excel 2010 Math function?

a) BASE()

b) OFF()

c) MOD()

d) ODD()

Option b – OFF()

Which of the following shortcut keys is used to add an outline to selected cells in a worksheet of MS-Excel 2010?

a) Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow

b) Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

c) Ctrl + Shift + Underscore (.)

d) Ctrl + Shift + Ampersand sign (&)

Option d – Ctrl + Shift + Ampersand sign (&)

Which of the following is a global communication system that links together thousands of individual networks?

a) Topology

b) Intranet

c) ATM

d) Internet

Option d – Internet

Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to reset Google Chrome browser zoom to default?

a) CTRL + R

b) CTRL + 0

c) CTRL + 9

d) CTRL + D

Option b – CTRL + 0

Which function in MS-Excel 2010 allows you to make logical comparisons between a value & what you expect?


b) IF



Option b – IF

A is a type of malicious software, or malware, that spreads between computers and causes damage to data and software.


b) Instant Messenger


d) Email

Option c – VIRUS

The function in MS-Excel 2010 counts how many values are in the list of arguments.

a) IF




Option b – COUNTA

Which of the following shortcut keys is used to align the text to the left in MS-Word 2010?

a) Ctrl+Shift+L

b) Ctrl + Shift + M

c) Ctrl + M

d) Ctrl + L

Option d – Ctrl + L

Which of the following is not a preconfigured watermark in MS-Word 2010?

a) “CONFIDENTIAL” watermark with gray diagonal text.

b) “DO NOT COPY” watermark with gray vertical text.

c) “DO NOT COPY” watermark with gray diagonal text.

d) “CONFIDENTIAL” watermark with gray horizontal text.

Option b – “DO NOT COPY” watermark with gray vertical text

How many numbers of rows and columns are on a worksheet of MS-Excel 2010?

a) 048,576 rows by 16,384 columns.

b) 65,536 rows by 16,384 columns.

c) 65,536 rows by 812 columns.

d) 1,048,576 rows by 65,536 columns.

Option a – 048,576 rows by 16,384 columns

In MS Word, the function key F12 is used to

a) Open the Save As dialog box.

b) Open the next working window.

c) Open the File Menu.

d) Close the working window.

Option a – Open the Save As dialog box

Bing is a/an

a) Internet service provider

b) Search engine

c) Social network site

d) Browser

Option b – Search engine

Which of the following is not a word processor?

a) Microsoft Word

b) Chrome

c) Notepad

d) Libre Office Writer

Option b – Chrome

The Header and Footer option is present in which tab in the MS-Excel 2010 ribbon bar?

a) Data

b) Insert

c) File

d) View

Option b – Insert

What is the minimum Zoom Percentage in the MS-Word 2010 application?

a) 5%

b) 25%

c) 15%

d) 10%

Option d – 10%

You can choose to create a ______ that will appear at the end of every email we send.

a) Subject

b) Signature

c) Formatting options

d) Attachments

Option b – Signature

What is the value of the following expression in MS-Excel 2010? =22-12/3/2+4

a) 26

b) 8

c) 20

d) 24

Option d – 24

In MS-Excel 2010, rows are identified by:

a) A, B, C

b) 1, 2, 3

c) *, &, ^

d) @, $,%

Option b – 1, 2, 3

The command in a web browser helps to move to the next page from the current page.

a) Save

b) Forward

c) Back

d) Create

Option b – Forward

An _____ is a folder in an email application that accepts incoming messages.

a) Inbox

b) Trash

c) Outbox

d) Draft

Option a – Inbox

The _____ is used when you want a cell reference to stay fixed on a specific cell in MS-Excel 2010.

a) Specific cell reference

b) Mixed cell reference

c) Absolute cell reference

d) Automatic cell reference

Option c – Absolute cell reference

In MS-Excel 2010, _____ is used to represent data in the form of bars and lines.





Option d – CHART

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