Computer Proficiency Test Question Paper

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Computer Proficiency Test Question Paper MCQs for Students

Which type of database organization allows a child record to have more than one parent record?

1. Network

2. Hierarchical

3. Object-oriented

4. Relational

5. None of these

Option 1 – Network

In a …….. network, the ends of the network wires are attached to terminators.

1. star

2. bus

3. hybrid

4. mesh

5. None of these

Option 2 – bus

A condition that occurs when two transactions wait for each other to unlock data is known as a (n)

1. shared lock

2. exclusive lock

3. binary lock

4. two-phase lock

5. deadlocks

Option 5 – deadlocks

The ….. protects your system from hackers.

1. Snort

2. Backup

3. Hard disk

4. Anti-virus

5. Firewall

Option 5 – Firewall

A program currently loaded in the system but not active is said to be running in the …..

1. user session

2. background

3. foreground

4. kernel

5. backup

Option 5 – backup

XML is which of the following?

1. A scripting language that states the rules for tagging elements

2. A programming language that states the rules for tagging elements

3. A programming language that allows the creation of customized tags

4. A scripting language that allows the creation of customized tags

5. None of these

Option 4 – A scripting language that allows the creation of customized tags

Saving a file from the Internet onto your computer is called …..

1. download

2. uploading

3. transferring

4. storing

5. modifying

Option 1 – download

Two principal architectures for microprocessors are ………





5. None of these

Option 3 – DEC/IBM

Infosys Company belongs to

1. Narayana Murthy

2. Azim Premje

3. Rama Linga Raja

4. Sivanadav

5. None of these

Option 1 – Narayana Murthy

The motherboard is the ……..

(a) the circuit board that houses peripheral devices

(b) the same as the CPU chip

(c) the first chip that is accessed when the computer is turned on

(d) a circuit board that contains a CPU and other chips

Option c – the first chip that is accessed when the computer is turned on

Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?

(a) Function

(b) Control

(c) Arrow

(d) Space bar

Option d – Space bar

What is usually used for displaying information in public places?

(a) Monitors

(b) Overhead Projections

(c) Monitors and Overhead Projection

(d) Touch Screen Kiosks

Option b – Overhead Projections

Editing a document consists of reading through the document you’ve created, then

(a) correcting your errors

(b) printing it

(c) saving it

(d) deleting it

Option b – printing it

To navigate to a new Web page for which you know the URL, type that URL in the browser’s and press Enter

(a) Address bar

(b) Domain bar

(c) Address button

(d) Name button

Option a – Address bar

The taskbar is located ……..

(a) on the Start menu

(b) at the bottom of the screen

(c) on the Quick Launch toolbar

(d) at the top of the screen

Option a – on the Start menu

Which of the following are computers that can be carried around easily?

(a) Minicomputers

(b) Supercomputers

(c) PCs

(d) Laptops

Option b – Supercomputers

The basic goal of the computer process is to convert data into

(a) files

(b) tables

(c) information

(d) graphs

Option c – information

Which of the following refers to the fastest, biggest, and most expensive computers?

(a) Personal Computers

(b) Supercomputers

(c) Laptops

(d) Notebooks

Option b – Supercomputers

What is called the main folder on a storage device?

(a) Platform

(b) Interface

(c) Root Directory

(d) Home Page

Option c – Root Directory

The box that contains the central electronic components of the computer is the ……….

(a) motherboard

(b) system unit

(c) peripheral

(d) input device

Option a – motherboard

If you are going to a site you use often, instead of having to type in the address every time, you should …………..

(a) save it as a file

(b) make a copy of it

(c) bookmark it

(d) delete it

Option c – bookmark it

For creating a document, you use the………. command at File Menu.

(a) Open

(b) Close

(c) New

(d) Save

Option c – New

A(n) …………….. is created by an application.

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(a) executable file

(b) software program

(c) document

(d) operating system

Option d – operating system

When you cut or copy information it gets placed in the ………

(a) Clipart

(b) Clipboard

(c) Internet

(d) Motherboard

Option a – Clipart

To restart the computer …………. key is used.

(a) Del + Ctrl

(b) Backspace + Ctrl

(c) Ctrl + Alt + Del

(d) Reset

Option b – Backspace + Ctrl

The software that allows users to surf the Internet is called al an …………

(a) Search engine

(b) Internet Service Provider (ISP)

(c) Multimedia application

(d) Browser

Option c – Multimedia application

A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document ………….

(a) anchor

(b) URL

(c) hyperlink

(d) reference

Option d – reference

The acronym HTML stands for ………..

(a) High Transfer Machine Language

(b) High Transmission Markup Language

(c) Hypertext Markup Language

(d) Hypermedia Markup Language

Option c – Hypertext Markup Language

A ………. is an electronic device that processes data, converting it into information.

(a) computer

(b) processor

(c) case

(d) stylus

Option b – processor

A central computer that holds collections programs for many PCs, and workstations computers is a(n)

(a) supercomputer

(b) minicomputer

(c) laptop

(d) server

Option d – server

Personal computers can be connected together to form an

(a) server

(b) supercomputer

(c) network

(d) enterprise

Option c – network

A portable computer, also known as a laptop computer, weighing between 4 and 10 pounds is called

(a) a general-purpose application

(b) an Internet

(c) a scanner

(d) a notebook computer

Option d – a notebook computer

Which of the following is the fastest type of computer?

(a) Laptop

(b) Notebook

(c) Workstation

(d) Supercomputer

Option d – Supercomputer

A central computer that holds collections of data and programs for many PCs, workstations, and other computers is a(n) ……….

(a) supercomputer

(b) minicomputer

(c) laptop

(d) server

Option b – minicomputer

To change selected text to all capital letters, click click the change case button, then

(a) Uppercase

(b) Upper all

(c) Capslock

(d) Lock Upper

Option a – Uppercase

You can keep your personal files/folders in

(a) My folder

(b) My Documents

(c) My Files

(d) My Text

Option b – My Documents

To restart the computer the following combination of keys is used

(a) Del + Ctrl

(b) Backspace + Ctrl

(c) Esc + Ctrl

(d) Ctrl + Alt + Del

Option d – Ctrl + Alt + Del

Which part of the computer helps to store information?

(a) Monitor

(b) Keyboard

(c) Disk drive

(d) Printer

Option c – Disk drive

Which key is used to delete one character to the left of the current position of the cursor?

(a) Backspace

(b) Delete

(c) Insert

(d) Esc

(e) Ctrl

Option a – Backspace

If you change Windows 98 to Windows XP, you are actually performing

(a) upstart

(b) upgrade

(c) update

(d) patch

Option b – upgrade

An essential ingredient for effective multimedia presentations incorporates user participation or ……….

(a) links

(b) buttons

(c) interactivity

(d) integration

Option c – interactivity

Excel, contains one or more worksheets.

(a) Template

(b) Workbook

(c) Active cell

(d) Label

Option b – Workbook

By default, your documents print in ……….. mode.

(a) Landscape

(b) Portrait

(c) Page Setup

(d) Print View

Option c – Page Setup

In Word, which menu would the user select to print a document?

(a) Tools

(b) File

(c) View

(d) Window

Option b – File

Which of the following identifies a cell in Excel?

(a) formula

(b) name

(c) label

(d) address

Option b – name

What is the package called which helps create, manipulate and analyze data arranged in rows and columns?

(a) Application Package

(b) Word processing package

(c) Outlining package

(d) Spreadsheet package

Option d – Spreadsheet package

A computer virus is a

(a) fungus

(b) bacgterium

(c) IC 7344

(d) software program

Option d – software program

Help Menu is available at which button?

(a) End

(b) Start

(c) Turnoff

(d) Restart

Option b – Start

SQL stands for ………

(a) Semi-questioning language

(b) Structured query language

(c) Structured question language

(d) Sequential question language

(e) Sequential query language

Option b – Structured query language

VIRUS stands for ……….

(a) Vital Information Resource Under Seizure

(b) Vital Information Resource Under Siege

(c) Vital Information Reason Under Siege

(d) Vital Information Under System

(e) Virus Information Recourse Under Siege

Option b – Vital Information Resource Under Siege

In binary code, the number 7 is written as

(a) 110

(b) 111

(c) 101

(d) 100

Option b – 111

Who among the following gave the term ‘Nanotechnology’ and when?

(a) Richard Feynman, 1959

(b) Noria Taniguchi, 1974

(c) Eric Drexler, 1986

(d) Sumiolima, 1991

Option b – Noria Taniguchi, 1974

Supercomputers ………

(a) are smaller in size and processing capability than mainframe computers

(b) are common in the majority of households

(c) contain thousands of microprocessors

(d) are rarely used by researchers due to their lack of computing capacity

Option c – contain thousands of microprocessors

A computer system

(a) hardware

(b) software

(c) peripheral devices

(d) All of these

Option d – All of these

A ……….. is a large and expensive computer capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users.

(a) handheld computer

(b) mainframe computer

(c) personal computer

(d) tablet computer

Option b – mainframe computer

A personal computer is designed to meet the computing needs of a(n)

(a) individual

(b) department

(c) company

(d) City

Option a – individual

Ctrl, shift, and alt are called ……… keys.

(a) adjustment

(b) function

(c) modifier

(d) alphanumeric

Option b – function

A supercomputer developed by Indian scientists

(a) Param

(b) Super301

(c) Compaq Presario

(d) Cray YMP

Option a – Param

A computer used at supermarkets, departmental stores, restaurants, etc is called ……… terminal

(a) P-O-S

(b) Dumb

(c) Intelligent

(d) Smart

Option a – P-O-S

With reference to ‘Geospatial Technology’, which of the following statements is/are correct? 1. Geospatial Technology relating to the collection or processing of data that is associated with location”. 2. Geospatial Technology involves GPS (global positioning systems), GIS (geographical information systems), and RS (remote sensing). Select the correct option from the codes given below :

(a) Only 1

(b) Only 2

(c) 1 and 2

(d) None of the above

Option c – 1 and 2

With reference to IT Jargon ‘Daemon’, which of the following statements is/are correct? 1. In multitasking computer operating systems. 2. A daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. 3. The term was coined by the programmers of MIT’s Project MAC. Which of the above sentence (s) is/are true?

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 3 Only

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Option d – 1, 2 and 3

Consider the following sentences regarding modern Radio-frequency identification (RFID) Access Control systems. 1. Mumbai Port is the first among all Major Ports to have successfully implemented the RFID Access Control System. 2. The new RFID system is inherently accompanied by enhanced Maritime Security features. 3. The implementation of the RFID system was done as per the directives of the Ministry of Shipping. Which of the above sentences(s) is/are true?

(a) Only 1

(b) 2 and 3

(c) 1 and 2

(d) All of the above

Option b – 2 and 3

The set of protocols, which defines all transmission exchanges across the internet is called


(b) TCP/IP

(c) FDDI

(d) None of the above

Option b – TCP/IP

Which of the following is not offered as an independent service layer in Cloud Computing?

(a) Hardware as a service

(b) Platform as a service

(c) Software as a service

(d) Infrastructure as a service

Option a – Hardware as a service

Indian government’s target for power production from small hydro projects by the year 2022 is

(a) 1 Giga-Watt

(b) 5 Giga-Watt

(c) 10 Giga-Watt

(d) 15 Giga-Watt

Option b – 5 Giga-Watt

The ability to perform ‘what if?’ analysis is a key feature of which type of software?

(a) Desktop publishing program

(b) Spreadsheet

(c) Presentation

(d) Word processor

(e) Email program

Option b – Spreadsheet

Which of the following best describes a private, company-wide network, closed to public access?

(a) Intranet

(b) Internet

(c) Virtual Private Network

(d) Cloud Computing

(e) Extranet

Option c – Virtual Private Network

Which of the following space agencies has launched the LISA Pathfinder?

(a) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

(b) NASA

(c) European Space Agency

(d) China National Space Administration

Option c – European Space Agency

The service of the Internet that provides ‘audio’ and ‘video’ conversation, is called

(a) chat

(b) e-mail

(c) video conferencing

(d) video chat

Option c – video conferencing

Which of the following is an extremely fast, small memory between CPU and main memory?

(a) Main RAM and ROM

(b) Cache memory

(c) Secondary memory

(d) None of the above

Option b – Cache memory

Which of the following memories has the shortest access time?

(a) Cache Memory

(b) Magnetic Bubble Memory

(c) Magnetic Cone Memory

(d) RAM

(e) None of the above

Option a – Cache memory

What is the portion of RAM that a computer microprocessor can access more quickly than it can access regular RAM?

(a) Cache

(b) Processor

(c) Memory Pool

(d) Data Pool

(e) Processor Pool

Option a – Cache

In the context of wearable technology, which of the following tasks is/are accomplished by wearable devices? 1. Location identification of a person 2. Sleep monitoring of a person 3. Assisting the hearing-impaired person Select the correct answer using the code given below.

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Option d – 1, 2 and 3

With reference to visible light communication (VLC) technology, which of the following statements is correct? 1. VLC uses electromagnetic spectrum wavelengths 375 to 780nm 2. VLC is known as long-range optical wireless communication 3. VLC can transmit large amounts of data faster than Bluetooth 4. VLC has no electromagnetic interference Select the correct answer using the code given below

(a) 1, 2, and 3 only

(b) 1, 2, and 4 only

(c) 1, 3, and 4 only

(d) 2, 3, and 4 only

Option c – 1, 3, and 4 only

With the present state of development, Artificial Intelligence can effectively do which of the following? 1. Bring down electricity consumption in industrial units 2. Create meaningful short stories and songs 3. Disease diagnosis 4. Text-to-speech conversion 5. Wireless transmission of electrical energy Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1, 2, 3, and 5 only

(b) 1, 3, and 4 only

(c) 2, 4, and 5 only

(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Option d – 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

In The context of digital technologies for entertainment, consider the following statements: 1. In Augmented Reality (AR), a simulated environment is created and the physical world is completely shut out. 2. In Virtual Reality (VR), images generated from the computer are projected onto real-life objects or surroundings. 3. AR allows individuals to be present in the world and improves the experience using the camera of a smartphone or PC. 4. VR closes the world, and transposes an individual, providing a complete immersion experience. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 3 and 4

(c) 1,2 and 3

(d) 4 only

Option b – 3 and 4

Consider the following statements about a digital signature: 1. An electronic record that identifies the certifying authority issuing it. 2. Used to serve as a proof of identity of an individual to access information of server on the Internet. 3. an electronic method of signing an electronic document and ensuring that the original content is unchanged. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1,2 and 3

Option c – 3 only

One who gains unauthorized access destroys vital data, denies legitimate user’s service, or causes problems for their targets is called

(a) White Hat Hacker

(b) Cracker

(c) Programmer

(d) Database Administrator

Option b – Cracker

Which one of the following is a computer high-level programming language?




(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

Bing is a web search engine owned and operated by

(a) Microsoft

(b) Yahoo

(c) Alphabet Inc.

(d) Amazon

Option a – Microsoft

Web Crawler is also known as ( Computer Science MCQs Online Test )

(a) Link Directory

(b) Search Optimizer

(c) Web Spider

(d) Web Manager

Option c – Web Spider

With reference to communication technologies, what are the difference/differences between LTE (Long is/are Evolution) and VoLTE (Voice over Long-Term Term Evolution)? 1. LTE is commonly marketed as 3G and is commonly marketed as advanced 3G. technology and VoLTE 2. LTE is data-only technology and VoLTE is voice-only technology. Select the correct answer using the code given below

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Option d – Neither 1 nor 2

Which of the following statements is correct about the ‘shanghai technique’? I. Shanghai Technique is to shape lessons so that it concentrates on a single concept. II. The UK has experimentally adopted this system. III. It involves interactive teaching to an all-ability group in the classroom. IV. The subject is covered in depth. Class does not move on till every student has performed well in the lesson.

(a) II and IV are correct

(b) Only IV is correct

(c) Only I is correct

(d) All are correct

Option d – All are correct

In computers, what do Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion, Snow Leopard, Leopard, Tiger, Panther, Jaguar, Puma, and Cheetahs stand for?

(a) Versions of Mac OS X

(b) Types of Storage Servers

(c) Macintosh Clones

(d) Power Books

Option a – Versions of Mac OS X

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