Concept Of Environmental Studies MCQ

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Concept Of Environmental Studies MCQ for Students

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01 Which one of the following can be objective of teaching EVS at primary stage i.e at class I or II

  1. Providing basic knowledge of different numerals and letters
  2. Giving knowledge about scientific theories and invention
  3. Giving detailed knowledge about nature of the society
  4. Knowledge about interaction between different aspect of science and social studies

Option 1 – Providing basic knowledge of different numerals and letters

02 Among the following which is not a learning outcome of EVS at primary level?

  1. Calculating impact of population explosion on resource consumption
  2. Using water judiciously
  3. Appreciating the use of technology in every day life
  4. To conserve and protect the national resource

Option 1 – Calculating impact of population explosion on resource consumption

03 A good EVS curriculum should not

  1. set cognitive level of learners
  2. aware the learners about values of environment
  3. enquip the learners with abilities to generate new knowledge based on previous one
  4. enquip the learners with knowledge and skills to help in earning their livelihood

Option 4 – enquip the learners with knowledge and skills to help in earning their livelihood

04 Which one of the following statements is not an objective of teaching EVS at the primary level?

  1. To load learners with terms and definitions for assessment
  2. To internalise the values of concern for life and environment
  3. Arouse curiosity about the natural and social environment
  4. Engage in exploratory and hands-on activities that lead to the development of cognitive and psychomotor skills

Option 1 – To load learners with terms and definitions for assessment

05 Which one of the following represents one of the objectives of teaching EVS at primary school?

  1. To inform the learners about the books they should lead to expand their knowledge
  2. To connect the experiences of the learners in schools with the outside world
  3. To make learners aware of technical terms and definitions
  4. To assess technical terms related to EVS

Option 2 – To connect the experiences of the learners in schools with the outside world

06 Which one of the following is not an objective of including riddles and puzzles in the EVS textbook?

  1. To confuse the mind of the students and let them enjoy the confusion
  2. To develop curiosity and ability to think creatively
  3. To develop critical thinking ability in students
  4. To develop reasoning ability in students

Option 1 – To confuse the mind of the students and let them enjoy the confusion

07 The use of poems and story telling to explain concepts in an EVS class helps to

  1. take care of the language and cultural diversity among learners
  2. channelise the energies of the students in the right direction
  3. make the lesson enjoyable and interesting
  4. promote the ability to imagine and explore the nature of the world at the local and global level

Option 4 – promote the ability to imagine and explore the nature of the world at the local and global level

08 A public school has about two to three children with special needs in every class. Some children are physically or mentally challenged. These children study with other children while sitting in the same class. The public school mentioned above follows which of the following?

  1. Peer education
  2. Compensatory learning
  3. CCE
  4. Inclusive education

Option 4 – Inclusive education

09 The section on ‘Do this and find out’ included in different topics in EVS text books aim at

  1. keeping the students engaged at home
  2. providing direct hands on experiences
  3. improving performance in examination
  4. learning definitions of scientific terms

Option 2 – providing direct hands on experiences

10 Which one of the following is not an objective of study of EVS in relation to Social Sciences?

  1. It should enable children to learn correct definition of key terms
  2. It should enable children to question the existing ideas and practices
  3. It should enable children to grow up as responsible member of society
  4. It should enable children to respect differences of cultural practices

Option 1 – It should enable children to learn correct definition of key terms

11 National Curriculum Framework, 2005 strongly recommends that teaching of EVS at primary stage should primarily aim at

  1. acquiring skills to carry out experiments independently
  2. developing understanding of basic concepts of the subject
  3. memorising basic principles of the subject
  4. linking classroom learning to life outside the school

Option 4 – linking classroom learning to life outside the school

12 Which one of the following is not consistent with the requirements of EVS curriculum at primary stage? ( Concept of environmental studies MCQ )

  1. It should suit cognitive level of the learners
  2. It should equip the learners with knowledge and skills to enter the world to work
  3. It should inculcate in learners a concern for environment
  4. It should engage learners in acquiring methods and processes leading to generation of new knowledge

Option 2 – It should equip the learners with knowledge and skills to enter the world to work

13 Higher priority and space has been given in NCERT textbooks on EVS to

  1. include large number of practice questions
  2. explain basic concepts of the subject
  3. provide opportunities to learners for contemplation and wondering
  4. provide exact definitions of technical terms

Option 3 – provide opportunities to learners for contemplation and wondering

14 Which one of the following is not an objective of including poems and stories in EVS textbooks?

  1. To promote imaginative and creative ability in the learners
  2. To develop interest in the subject
  3. To have a change in routine and monotonous content
  4. To provide fun and enjoyment for learners

Option 3 – To have a change in routine and monotonous content

15 Class V NCERT EVS textbooks include a section ‘What we have learnt’ in the end of every chapter. It is suggested that answer to questions included in this section should not be assessed in terms of right or wrong this shift has been done because

  1. it reduces subjectivity in assessment
  2. children cannot write correct answers at this stage
  3. it enhances convenience to teachers in assessment
  4. it helps the teacher to know how children are learning

Option 4 – it helps the teacher to know how children are learning

16 Good EVS curriculum should be ‘true to the child, true to life and true to the subject.’ Which of the following characteristics of the curriculum does not meet the above requirements?

  1. It emphasises more on terms and definitions
  2. It promotes the value of freedom from fear and prejudice
  3. It requires the learner to view the subject as a social enterprise
  4. It emphasises more on processes of teaching and learning

Option 1 – It emphasises more on terms and definitions

17 Good EVS curriculum at primary stage should

  1. include more practice questions in end exercises
  2. provide opportunities to explore surroundings
  3. focus more on detailed explanation of concepts
  4. emphasise more on exact definition of terms

Option 2 – provide opportunities to explore surroundings

18 Poems and stories have been included in EVS textbooks for primary stage in order to

  1. develop literary skills in students
  2. provide fun and enjoyment in learning to the subject
  3. enhance understanding to fundamental concepts
  4. have a change in routine and monotony of presentation of content

Option 2 – provide fun and enjoyment in learning to the subject

19 One of the major objectives of teaching of EVS at primary stage is to

  1. develop in-depth understanding to basic concepts of the subject
  2. prepare students for studies at the next stage
  3. help the learners link classroom learning to life outside the school
  4. acquire skills to carry out hands-on activities independently

Option 3 – help the learners link classroom learning to life outside the school

20 The abbreviation EVS stands for

  1. Environmental Skills
  2. Environmental Science
  3. Environmental sources
  4. Environmental Studies

Option 4 – Environmental Studies

21 Which one of the following is not an objective teaching of EVS at primary stage

  1. Learning in the classroom must be linked to the life outside the school
  2. Teachers must ensure perfect discipline in the classroom
  3. Children must be encouraged to ask questions
  4. Children must be encouraged to explore their immediate environment

Option 2 – Teachers must ensure perfect discipline in the classroom

22 Which one of the following should be the most important aspect of EVS teaching at the primary level? ( Concept of environmental studies MCQ )

  1. Conducting activities and developing skills
  2. Achieving success in assessment
  3. Understanding the basic concepts of science
  4. Connecting learners to the natural and socio-cultural environment

Option 4 – Connecting learners to the natural and socio-cultural environment

23 Stories and poems can be effectively used in teaching EVS at the primary level. The main purpose of using them in EVS is to

  1. cater to diversity in classroom
  2. providing contextual learning environment
  3. make lessons enjoyable
  4. promote linguistic skills

Option 2 – providing contextual learning environment

24 NCF 2005 has not recommended any prescribed curriculum and textbooks for EVS for classes I and II. The most appropriate reason for this

  1. to reduce the load of curriculum
  2. EVS is only for class III onwards
  3. Learners in class I and II cannot read and write
  4. to provide contextual learning environment

Option 4 – to provide contextual learning environment

25 The nature of environment studies does not advocate that

  1. children make fewer mistakes
  2. children get space to learn by doing
  3. children ask a lot of questions
  4. children get a lot of space to explore

Option 1 – children make fewer mistakes

26 Which one of the following characteristics an EVS textbook at primary level should not have?

  1. It caters to diverse backgrounds of the students
  2. It includes true stories and incidents
  3. It focuses on definitions and explanations of abstract concepts
  4. It presents natural and socio-cultural environment in an integrated manner

Option 3 – It focuses on definitions and explanations of abstract concepts

27 Which one of the following the National Curriculum Framework (NCF, 2005) does not propose in the context of EVS teaching?

  1. Linkages with children’s experience and context
  2. Hands on activities
  3. Familiarity with technical terms
  4. Thematic approach

Option 3 – Familiarity with technical terms

28 Which of the following objectives is not related to EVS teaching in primary classes? ( Concept of environmental studies MCQ )

  1. To memorise basic scientific concept and principles
  2. To provide opportunities to explore the environment
  3. To develop skills like observation measurement, prediction and classification
  4. To develop sensitivity towards the physical and social environment

Option 1 – To memorise basic scientific concept and principles

29 In the context of EVS pedagogy, all of the following are desirable practices, except

  1. building capacity for critical thinking and problem-solving
  2. nurturing the identify of the child
  3. acknowledging the superiority of textbook knowledge over actual observation
  4. promoting plurality of text and contexts

Option 3 – acknowledging the superiority of textbook knowledge over actual observation

30 As per the NCF, 2005, which one among the following is the theme of EVS? ( Concept of environmental studies MCQ )

  1. Food
  2. Solar system
  3. Weather
  4. Energy

Option 1 – Food

31 Which one among the following is the strongest argument in favour of adopting a theme-based approach in EVS?

  1. It helps in giving a structure to lesson plans and makes teaching more effective
  2. It helps in making teaching more interesting and activity based
  3. It helps in covering a wide range of concepts issues and skills
  4. It helps in softening subject boundaries and accessing knowledge holistically

Option 4 – It helps in softening subject boundaries and accessing knowledge holistically

32 The language used in a EVS textbook ( Concept of environmental studies MCQ )

  1. should be formalised with emphasis on definitions
  2. should be technical and formal
  3. should be related to everyday language of the child
  4. should be terse and difficult for children to comprehend

Option 3 – should be related to everyday language of the child

33 In the EVS syllabus, structured around six themes, ‘plants and animals’ have consciously been included in the theme: ‘Family and Friends’. All of the following could be cited as reasons for this inclusion, except one. Which one is that?

  1. To enable students to understand plants and animals from a science perspective
  2. To help students to locate plants and animals in a social and cultural context
  3. To highlight how humans share a close relationship with each other
  4. The highlight how lives and livelihoods of some communities are closely connected with specific animals or plants

Option 2 – To help students to locate plants and animals in a social and cultural context

34 Which is most relevant to the mid-day meal time in school?

  1. It wastes a lot of precious time of teaching-learning
  2. It has nothing to do with teaching-learning
  3. It is a good teaching-learning opportunity for EVS teaching-learning
  4. It is for children who come empty stomach to school

Option 4 – It is for children who come empty stomach to school

35 What does ‘Learning without Burden’ in the context of Environmental Studies imply?

  1. The EVS curriculum needs to be reduced to half
  2. Less weight of schoolbag
  3. Less number of chapters in EVS textbooks
  4. Load of incomprehension needs to be reduced

Option 2 – Less weight of schoolbag

36 What purpose does group learning serve in an EVS classroom?

  1. To manage students easily and reduce workload
  2. Boys and girls can learn separately
  3. To segregate high performers and low achieving students and to do remedial teaching
  4. To inculcate values of cooperation and working together to enable each child participate actively and learn

Option 4 – To inculcate values of cooperation and working together to enable each child participate actively and learn

37 What is the full form of ‘BALA’?

  1. Braille Aided Learning Assessment
  2. Brain Aided Learning Assignment
  3. Braille as Learning Aid
  4. Building as Learning Aid

Option 4 – Building as Learning Aid

38 What do ‘alternative frameworks’ mean?

  1. All ideas that are finely held by children
  2. Textbook explanations of various physical phenomena
  3. Ideas that differ from the formally accepted explanations of the concepts
  4. Ideas presently held by scientists and social scientists

Option 3 – Ideas that differ from the formally accepted explanations of the concepts

39 Women are weaker than men. It is a

  1. superstition
  2. myth
  3. scientific fact
  4. stereotype

Option 4 – stereotype

40 What is the location of Jammu and Kashmir and Goa with respect to Bihar in India?

  1. South-West and North-East
  2. East and West
  3. West and East
  4. North-West and South-West

Option 4 – North-West and South-West

41 Under which of the following conditions will the process of evaporation be slowest?

  1. Both surface area and temperature decrease
  2. Both surface area and temperature increase
  3. Surface area increases but temperature decreases
  4. Surface area decreases but temperature increases

Option 1 – Both surface area and temperature decrease

42 The ability to understand relative position of places, distances and directions is

  1. graphic skill
  2. directional skill
  3. mapping skill
  4. positional skill

Option 3 – mapping skill

43 Which National Curriculum Framework (NCF) recommended Environmental Studies to be taught as an integrated curricular area at the primary level?

  1. NCF-1975
  2. NCF-2005
  3. NCF-1988
  4. NCF-2000

Option 4 – NCF-2000

44 Which region has the practice of shifting cultivation in India?

  1. South-Eastern region
  2. North-Eastern region
  3. Southern region
  4. North-Western region

Option 2 – North-Eastern region

45 Which one of the following statements is not true for hydropower generated from river dams?

  1. Dams displace indigenous people from their river lifelines
  2. Dams encourage sustainable growth
  3. It does not pollute water or air
  4. Hydropower facilities can have large environmental impacts

Option 2 – Dams encourage sustainable growth

46 Which of the following is/are greenhouse gas/gases?

  1. Water vapour
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Methane
  4. All of these

Option 4 – All of these

47 Why are cold deserts in India not affected by the monsoon?

  1. Cold deserts are at a very high altitude
  2. Cold deserts have hot summers and extremely cold winters
  3. Cold deserts lie in the rain shadow of the Himalayas
  4. Air is very thin in cold deserts

Option 1 & 3 – Cold deserts are at a very high altitude, Cold deserts lie in the rain shadow of the Himalayas

48 Which one of the following is responsible for turning Taj Mahal yellow?

  1. Chlorine
  2. Nitrogen dioxide
  3. Sulphur dioxide
  4. Sulphur

Option 3 – Sulphur dioxide

49 Who built the Golconda Fort?

  1. Pallava Dynasty
  2. Chola Dynasty
  3. Chalukya Dynasty
  4. Kakatiya Dynasty

Option 4 – Kakatiya Dynasty

50 What is the mass of an object with a density of 15 g/ml and a volume of 3 ml?

  1. 12 g
  2. 18 g
  3. 45 g
  4. 5 g

Option 3 – 45 g

51 Which one of the following is a scalar quantity? ( Environmental studies MCQ online CTET )

  1. Weight
  2. Mass
  3. Gravity
  4. Momentum

Option 2 – Mass

52 An object in which no light rays can pass through is called

  1. convex
  2. opaque
  3. translucent
  4. transparent

Option 2 – opaque

53 What will be the weight of an object in the surface of the Earth whose mass is 10 kg on the Moon’s surface?

  1. 10 N
  2. 60 kg
  3. 10 kg
  4. 60 N

Option 2 – 60 kg

54 The rate of dissolution of solute depends on

  1. weight
  2. pressure
  3. temperature
  4. surface area

Option 3 – temperature

55 Sushma wants her students to be sensitised for the ‘conservation of trees’. Which one of the following is the most suitable strategy to do so?

  1. Helping children to adopt and nurture a plant
  2. Conducting a debate in classroom
  3. Group discussion
  4. Poster making

Option 1 – Helping children to adopt and nurture a plant

56 Abhay asked his students to do a survey in groups on diseases that people in their neighbourhood suffered from. The survey is not mentioned in the textbook. Which option is not relevant for this teaching-learning strategy?

  1. It helped the community understand the diseases that they suffered from
  2. It provided opportunity to interact with community
  3. It helped children connect learning with real life
  4. It enabled children understand data handling and work together

Option 4 – It enabled children understand data handling and work together

57 To talk about emergency situations, Priya asked children’s experiences when they faced any emergencies. Children narrated their experiences with fire, electric shock, and road accidents. She asked questions, assessed their existing understanding, and discussed safety aspects using resources such as road safety advertisements from newspapers and also used LPG and electric bill to discuss safety guidelines on fire and electric shock, respectively. Which is the most appropriate approach that Priya employed?

  1. Humanistic approach
  2. Cognitive approach
  3. Experimental learning approach
  4. Enquiry approach

Option 4 – Enquiry approach

58 ‘Community’ is an important teaching and learning resource because

  1. one can accept all knowledge available in the community uncritically
  2. it is inexpensive and accessible
  3. elderly people are wise and have time
  4. it provides learning opportunity in real setting

Option 4 – it provides learning opportunity in real setting

59 In EVS teaching-learning, linking classroom learning to life outside school and enriching it implies

  1. going beyond curriculum
  2. going beyond the textbooks
  3. linking textbooks to global environmental issues and concerns
  4. whole school approach

Option 2 – going beyond the textbooks

60 To class III students, Rama taught that a father, mother, and their children constitute a nuclear family and if grandparents and other relatives stay along, then it is an extended family. What do you think of this?

  1. The concept of family has to be taught like this
  2. The definition of a family is incorrect
  3. Rama is insensitive towards her students
  4. The teaching-learning approach is not inclusive

Option 4 – The teaching-learning approach is not inclusive

61 Which of the following is/are activity/activities in EVS classroom? ( Environmental studies MCQ online CTET )

  1. Use of blackboard
  2. Picture reading
  3. Field visit
  4. All of the above

Option 4 – All of the above

62 Environmental Studies curriculum may lead to holistic learning of children if it is

  1. thematic
  2. integrated
  3. inclusive
  4. All of these

Option 4 – All of these

63 The EVS textbook has a chapter on snake charmer. It is intended to make children aware and be sensitised

  1. that animal keeping is good source of livelihood
  2. that it is an illegal act
  3. for snake charmers as children do not see them often these days
  4. that snake charmers may not harm snakes and they need to be provided with alternatives before depriving them of their livelihoods

Option 4 – that snake charmers may not harm snakes and they need to be provided with alternatives before depriving them of their livelihoods

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