Continuous And Comprehensive Evaluation Pedagogy CTET MCQ

Continuous And Comprehensive Evaluation Pedagogy CTET MCQ ( CCE MCQ )

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01 Among the following statements which statement is incorrect?

  1. In essays student need to organise, analyse, interpret facts and other information to draw inferences
  2. short answer questions are detrimental to validity of question paper
  3. short answer questions check the content taught on more objective basis
  4. observation can be used as a tool of assessment in variety of different situation, like debate , practicals etc

Option 2 – short answer questions are detrimental to validity of question paper

02 At the primary stage, assessment should consist of

  1. half-yearly and annual examinations at the end of the year
  2. home assignments and class assignments every week to rate young learners under the categories of pass or fail
  3. continuous and unstructured teacher observations to be shared with learners and parents
  4. formal tests and games done every week and recorded in the report card

Option 3 – continuous and unstructured teacher observations to be shared with learners and parents

03 Which of the following statements about assignments is correct?

  1. assignments provide learners an opportunity to search for information, construct their own ideas and articulate them
  2. assignments can be done by parents, brothers or sisters depending on the talent that they possess
  3. assignments need to be given as classwork followed by homework every day to provide variety and practice
  4. assignment should be the only method of assessment

Option 1 – assignments provide learners an opportunity to search for information, construct their own ideas and articulate them

04 Samir of class V usually does not submit his assignments to the EVS teacher in time. The best corrective measure could be to

  1. bring it to the notice of the principal
  2. stop him from going to the games class
  3. find out the reasons for irregularity and counsel samir
  4. write a note to parents about his irregularity

Option 3 – find out the reasons for irregularity and counsel samir

05 Which one of the following sequences of steps is the correct way of preparing a balanced question paper?

  1. preparing a design, preparing a blueprint, writing and editing the questions, writing the marking scheme
  2. preparing the design, writing the questions, preparing the marking scheme, matching with the blueprint
  3. writing and editing the questions, matching with the design, preparing the blueprint, writing the marking scheme
  4. writing the questions, preparing the blueprint, matching with the design, writing the marking scheme

Option 1 – preparing a design, preparing a blueprint, writing and editing the questions, writing the marking scheme

06 The best way to assess a child at primary level it to use

  1. home assignments
  2. summative assignments
  3. portfolios
  4. periodic tests

Option 3 – portfolios

07 Exercises and activities in an EVS text book should be provided

  1. in built in the topics
  2. at different places in the book
  3. at the end of the unit
  4. at the end of the chapter

Option 1 – in built in the topics

08 Formative assessment in EVS at primary stage does not include

  1. grading and ranking of students
  2. identification of learning gaps of students
  3. identification of deficiencies in teaching
  4. enhancement of students learning

Option 1 – grading and ranking of students

09 A good assignment in EVS should primarily aim at

  1. provide extended learning opportunities
  2. revise lesson for effective learning
  3. ensure better utilization of time
  4. keep the student engaged and disciplined

Option 1 – provide extended learning opportunities

10 Class V NCERT EVS textbook include a section ‘ what we have learnt at the end of every chapter. ‘ It is suggested that answer to the question included in this section should not be assessed in terms of right or wrong. This shift has been done because

  1. it reduces subjectivity in assessment
  2. children cannot write correct answer at this stage
  3. it chances convenience to teachers in assessment
  4. it helps the teacher to know how children are learning

Option 4 – it helps the teacher to know how children are learning

11 A good home assignment in EVS should primarily focus on

  1. revision and reinforcement
  2. mastery learning
  3. challenge and excitement for extended learning
  4. better utilization of time

Option 3 – challenge and excitement for extended learning

12 Which one of the following is not a suitable Formative Assessment take in EVS?

  1. explain the definitions of important terms given in the lesson
  2. perform the given practical activity and record your observations
  3. draw labelled diagram of given experimental set-up
  4. discuss disadvantages of water pollution

Option 4 – discuss disadvantages of water pollution

13 Which of the following should not be an appropriate indicator for assessment in EVS at primary level?

  1. remembering
  2. questioning
  3. concern for justice and equality
  4. cooperation

Option 1 – remembering

14 How would a primary teacher effectively assess her students of class IV on the topic of ‘ Scarcity of water ‘?

  1. asking children to write slogans on saving water
  2. conducting a written test on the above topic
  3. by finding out how they have started saving water in their day-to-day life
  4. organizing a poster making activity on water conservation

Option 3 – by finding out how they have started saving water in their day-to-day life

15 A teacher of class VII asks students to put their worksheets, observation reports, and material collected during a term in a folder. These folders can be called

  1. portfolios
  2. assignments
  3. projects
  4. anecdotal records

Option 1 – portfolios

16 Which one of the following should not be done by the EVS teacher while assessing students?

  1. compare with previous assessment record to students
  2. record information in the light of the students learning potential
  3. focus only on a few aspects of students work
  4. write qualitative statements about students work

Option 3 – focus only on a few aspects of students work

17 Which one of the following statements about assessment procedures is least appropriate?

  1. giving personal details and individual feedback to a child is a desirable practice
  2. preparing a list of learning indicators and sub-indicators makes the reporting more detailed
  3. remarks like ‘fair’, ‘good’ and ‘very good’ give an understanding about a child’s learning
  4. portfolios of children should not contain only their best work but all kinds of work

Option 1 – giving personal details and individual feedback to a child is a desirable practice

18 Which f the following tools will be appropriate for assessing social personal qualities of children engaged in learning EVS through group work?

  1. assignments
  2. paper-pencil tests
  3. oral questions
  4. rating scales

Option 4 – rating scales

19 The term ‘ Comprehensive ‘ in continuous and comprehensive evaluation means

  1. scholastic development
  2. co-scholastic development
  3. academic skills
  4. both 1 and 2

Option 4 – both 1 and 2

20 Continuous and comprehensive evaluation should be adopted by all schools because

  1. it affords teachers opportunities to test learners frequently
  2. it is the latest development in the field of education
  3. traditional pen-paper tests do not assess and enhance all the attributes and abilities of learners
  4. it frees the learners from studies and hard work

Option 1 – it affords teachers opportunities to test learners frequently

21 To make assessment a ‘ useful and interesting ‘ process, one should be careful about

  1. using a variety of ways to collect information about the student’ learning across the scholastic and co-scholastic boundaries
  2. using technical language to give feedback
  3. making comparisons between different symbols
  4. labeling students as intelligent or average learners

Option 1 – using a variety of ways to collect information about the student’ learning across the scholastic and co-scholastic boundaries

22 School-based assessment is primarily based on the principle that

  1. teachers know their learners’ capabilities better than external examiners
  2. students should at all costs get high grades
  3. schools are more efficient than external bodies of examination
  4. assessment should be very economical

Option 1 – teachers know their learners’ capabilities better than external examiners

23 The main purpose of assessment should be

  1. to point out the errors of the learners
  2. to measure the achievement of learners
  3. to decide if a student should be promoted to the next class
  4. to diagnose and remedy gaps in learning

Option 4 – to diagnose and remedy gaps in learning

24 Among the following choices which does not support continuous development?

  1. gaining new knowledge
  2. engaging in creative ways of working
  3. participating in project and group activity
  4. study by memorizing the things and studying only by exam centric approach

Option 4 – study by memorizing the things and studying only by exam centric approach

25 Christina took her class for a field trip and after coming back, she discussed the trip with her students. It may be connotated as

  1. assessment of learning
  2. assessment for learning
  3. learning for assessment
  4. learning of assessment

Option 1 – assessment of learning

26 A teacher designs a test to find out the cause of the poor grades of her learners through a/an

  1. diagnostic test
  2. proficiency test
  3. achievement test
  4. aptitude test

Option 1 – diagnostic test

27 Which of the following is not an appropriate tool for formative assessment?

  1. assignment
  2. oral questions
  3. term test
  4. quiz and game

Option 3 – term test

28 Learners should not be encouraged to

  1. asks many questions as possible both inside and outside the class
  2. actively interact with other learners in group work
  3. participate in as many co-curricular activities as possible
  4. memorize all the answers to questions which the teacher may ask

Option 4 – memorize all the answers to questions which the teacher may ask

29 The most effective tool to assess values and attitude of learners is

  1. summative test
  2. anecdotal record
  3. portfolio
  4. unit test

Option 3 – portfolio

30 CCE emphasis on the following steps to minimise stress on the child except

  1. identify the learning progress of every child at periodic interval
  2. apply remedial approaches of teaching according to the need to students
  3. encourage learning with help of teaching aid and promote child in other activities also
  4. tell child that it will be better if he can find his passion and leave academics

Option 4 – tell child that it will be better if he can find his passion and leave academics

31 What type of questions promote thinking skills in children? ( Continuous And Comprehensive Evaluation Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. personal response questions
  2. closed-ended questions
  3. factual questions
  4. questions based purely on the reading text

Option 4 – questions based purely on the reading text

32 A teacher, after preparing a question paper, checks testing objectives. He is concerned primarily about the question paper’s

  1. content coverage
  2. typology of questions
  3. reliability
  4. validity

Option 1 – content coverage

33 Creative answers require

  1. direct teaching and direct questions
  2. content-based questions
  3. open-ended questions
  4. a highly disciplined classroom

Option 3 – open-ended questions

34 Which of the following is an objective question? ( Continuous And Comprehensive Evaluation Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. short answer question
  2. open-ended question
  3. true or false
  4. essay type question

Option 3 – true or false

35 Remedial teaching as part of formative assessment means

  1. extra coaching by parents
  2. teaching for gifted students
  3. diagnosing and addressing gaps in learning
  4. teaching beyond the textbooks

Option 3 – diagnosing and addressing gaps in learning

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